24/7 Virtual Colic Clinic and Infacol’s Cosy Comforts Goody Bag

24/7 Virtual Colic Clinic and Infacol’s Cosy Comforts Goody Bag

I was once a mum of two under two, so I would regularly complain about lack of sleep, no resting time and constant noise at a higher than normal decibel. But, thankfully, I have never experienced colicky babies, and the horror stories I have heard from parents whose babies have had colic trumps everything that I have ever experienced as a mother.

What is colic?

Colic is defined in the dictionary as:

“Severe pain in the abdomen caused by wind or obstruction in the intestines and suffered especially by babies.”

NHS Choices defines colic as:

“…the medical term for excessive, frequent crying in a baby who appears to be otherwise healthy and well fed.”

Now, imagine you’ve just given birth and your baby doesn’t stop crying, no matter how much you feed, bathe, comfort and/or change them. I can only imagine parents with colicky babies are living in a constant nightmare, not to mention how their babies must be feeling, appearing frequently troubled and writhing in pain! Now, imagine you are a first-time parent, it is 3 am, and you have had no sleep because your baby has been crying for four straight hours and nothing, but NOTHING works to comfort them. Who do you call? Where do you go? What have you done wrong!?

You have done nothing wrong, actually… Colic is a common, yet poorly understood condition, affecting up to one in four babies1, usually beginning in the first few weeks of birth and often stopping by the time the baby is four months old.

Infacol’s brand new website – 24/7 Virtual Colic Clinic

Realising that a lot of parents are experiencing colicky babies, Infacol (Simethicone), Britain’s number 1 selling infant colic remedy, launched www.ColicHelp.co.uk

, an innovative website created to help desperate parents 24/7 to get to grips with the challenges of infant colic, because, let’s face it, there is no closing time, no out of office message, or holiday breaks. Babies with colic cry around the clock and these poor tired parents need to access help any time of the day or night to find solutions that can, at the very least, minimise the distress caused by their crying baby. The site has a unique virtual Q&A Colic Clinic – you ask questions about dealing with colic and you get an immediate video response from Infacol’s website, either through a smartphone, tablet or desktop.

On average, anxious first-time mothers make 16 trips to the doctor over a child’s first year2, with colic being in the top three concerns of new mums3. Midwife Nikki Khan lends a helping hand to answer parents’ questions on the subject of colic and provides extra support for parents in need. The app encourages parents to choose from 50 of the most commonly asked questions around colic from a drop-down menu or, alternatively, to type their own, and then providing them with an instant video answer from Nikki Khan.

“We know that anxious parents are turning more to online research as GP’s are unavailable late into the evening, which is when colic can hit. Infacol wants to give new mums and dads someone to turn to when in need of this extra support and guidance, at any time of the day or night.” Nikki Khan, Infacol’s Expert Midwife.

To check out the website in more detail, click here for more information.

By Leyla Preston, Motherhood Diaries


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