On the 245th Anniversary of Our Country's Independence (2021), I'm Proud to be an American & to Live in the USA, Still the Greatest Country On Earth!
Source: https://princetontx.gov/event/independence-day/

On the 245th Anniversary of Our Country's Independence (2021), I'm Proud to be an American & to Live in the USA, Still the Greatest Country On Earth!

Disclaimer: The?views and opinions?expressed?herein are my own and do not state or reflect those of where I work.

Happy 245th Independence Day America - July 4th 2021! America Strong

WE ARE AMERICA STRONG. Today, July 4 2021, we celebrate our nation's 245th birthday or Independence Day. This past year 2020 was a year like no other. Our great nation has gone through events that would've crippled any nation (but not ours) because we are America Strong:

  1. COVID-19 Pandemic: We've overcome a deadly global COVID-19 pandemic that originated elsewhere and engulfed our country and the world (33.7 M cases and 605K deaths in USA out of 184 M cases and 3.97 M deaths worldwide). 2020-2021 was also a year of unparalleled heroism/courage by our healthcare workers, first responders, care-givers, etc. We also saw countless random acts of kindness and caring that show the American character across all walks of life remains strong and steadfast. We rebounded against COVID-19 through vaccination, social distancing and other measures based on science and a historic partnership between Government and Industry. We shall never forget our fallen, we shall always remember the heroism of our healthcare workers and we shall champion the spirit of the American people.
  2. Racial and Social Injustice: We finally began to come together on racial and social injustice for minorities (Black Lives Matter/BLM), a topic of concern long overdue to be addressed in our country. This awakening was long overdue due to some law enforcement encounters and was primarily led by support for the BLM movement. It also called attention to acts of violence against Asian Americans, who were targeted indiscriminately and blamed for the Pandemic by a small section of our public.
  3. Law and Order: We addressed law enforcement on three fronts: (1) Gun violence, (2) Attack on the Capitol, (3) Restoration of general Law and Order while addressing some reform. We are still coming to grips with the increasing, senseless gun violence events across the nation that shocked us and mostly affected innocent by-standers (20K deaths in 2020 is the highest in two decades). We collectively witnessed in horror an attack on our capitol by a mob - which a majority of Americans agreed went way too far and over the line. Our law-abiding citizens wanted a restoration of law and order to stop/prevent criminal activity and domestic terrorism (on all extreme ends of the spectrum). We also agree that most Law Enforcement officers are good (i.e., a few don't tarnish the overall good), reform is needed in areas, but not extreme measures (e.g., defunding the Police).
  4. Climate Change: We've observed increasing impacts of climate change occurring across our nation causing great loss, disruption and concern. "There were 22 separate billion-dollar weather and climate disasters across the United States, shattering the previous annual record of 16 events, which occurred in 2017 and 2011....?cost the nation a combined $95 billion in damages." [https://www.climate.gov/news-features/blogs/beyond-data/2020-us-billion-dollar-weather-and-climate-disasters-historical]. Globally,?2020?was the 2nd hottest year on record and overall, the Earth's average temperature?has?risen more than 2 degrees Fahrenheit since the 1880s [https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature]. We are re-joining the world in trying to slow-down climate change because it affects us all. A strong economy and taking care of our planet can coexist!
  5. Economy Rebound: Due to COVID-19, the US economy shrank by 3.5% in 2020, despite a strong 4th Quarter [https://www.bea.gov/news/2021/gross-domestic-product-4th-quarter-and-year-2020-advance-estimate]. We are rejuvenating our economy to pre-COVID-19 levels - a strong economy lifts all boats!
  6. Belief in Democracy: Most importantly, we realized that we are a resilient people who believe in the foundational principles and ideals of our Constitution and our great country. We put Country and Democracy first.

There is plenty to be thankful for in our great country - We are America Strong.

OUR NATION IS GUIDED BY A KEY DOCUMENT: THE CONSTITUTION. We should celebrate that our great country is based on an amazing document: the U.S. Constitution! Our Independence day and every day provides an opportunity for all Americans to do the right thing and put any differences aside: let's respect each other and our myriad views, simply unite, express and show our gratitude, patriotism and love of country including honoring the sacrifices of all the patriots who secured and/or maintain our freedom. On this 245th anniversary of our great nation, we should celebrate America and help realize the promise of our founders, who created USA founded on core constitutional values and ideals as delineated in the most visionary documents for a country ever written: The United States Constitution and the Bill Of Rights.

Global economy and USA

WE ARE A COUNTRY AND PEOPLE WITH A "CAN-DO" SPIRIT! America became a leader on the world stage throughout history due to our values and "can-do spirit." After the American Revolution began nearly 245 years ago, USA emerged with a sense of a?uniquely?American ideology, that included (but not limited to): principles of liberty, individualism, republicanism (i.e. ideology based on citizenship in a state organized as a republic), egalitarianism, democracy and laissez-faire for business. While our experiment in individualism, capitalism, freedom, democracy and equality is still-ongoing and has had some setbacks at times, we still remain an aspirational benchmark and roadmap for the world. We are an economic superpower (Graphic source: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/the-86-trillion-world-economy-in-one-chart/), military superpower, and a democratic model with a cultural imprint on the world. We have helped nations re-build, been a largest provider of humanitarian aid, protected the voices of freedom, revolutionized the world with technological, economic innovations and been a beacon of hope to many. Our core values are: liberty, equality, and democracy - that's why many look to the promise of America and aspire to be here for a better way of life.

Timeline of US History

WE ARE A RESILIENT PEOPLE AND NATION! America has encountered many challenges living up to the ideals and values throughout history - but we have always overcome them and moved forward. It's time to do it again - We need to take care of America now! Of course, we are not perfect and no country has ever been perfect or even come close to this 245-year (and counting) record. Compared to all other political, societal, economic, or democratic systems through human history, USA has been an extraordinary success. Yes, there have been endemic and systemic challenges throughout our history. Yes, there's no question that there have been many "bumps, twists, turns and u-turns" along the way throughout our nation's history. But, we have always overcome all challenges and emerged better and stronger throughout our history. And, we shall do it again together. We shall overcome this pandemic, heal the nation, bridge this deep divide and stay strong and not be divided, or bullied, or undermined in against those who challenge our unity or hegemony. We shall keep our optimistic spirit alive and remember that challenges are opportunities for all of us to work together and solve the issues that confront us. A timeline of US History (Poster Source: ISBN:?978-0-9878936-7-3) illustrates development of our great nation from colonial times until today. We should always remember: "that which unites us is much better and bigger than that which divides us."

American Values

BACK TO BASICS - WE CAN ACHIEVE OUR NATION'S IDEALS. We, the People, are still working to achieve the high ideals of our founders. It's time to revisit our core beliefs/values and pioneer new frontiers of American innovation, positivity & possibility. We Americans have always been signified/symbolized by our pioneering spirit, innovative optimistic nature and a "can-do" spirit. It's time to move forward and pioneer new frontiers to reach our potential as a nation and not waste time seeking to re-litigate, relive or revise history. We should strive to work together to peacefully, lawfully and thoughtfully make our great country even better than it already is. Despite our differences and some "first-world" challenges, we should realize that the overwhelming evidence points to the fact that America leadership in the world matters. We should pioneer new frontiers of possibility and reach our ideals based on the core American values and beliefs that brought USA to its global pre-eminent status:

  • The Underlying Principles of Our Constitution: popular sovereignty; separation of powers; limited government; rule of law; checks and balances; representative government; individual rights; federalism; and civilian control of the military.
  • Some of Our American Beliefs: Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, Equality, Public/Common Good, Justice, Diversity, Truth, Popular Sovereignty, Patriotism etc.
  • Some of the Values in Our American Culture: Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness; Equality; Human Freedom; Self Help; Personal Control of Our Own Environment; Manifest Destiny of Progress/Change; Pragmatism; Practicality and Efficiency; Individualism, Independence and Privacy; Action, Work and Achievement orientation; Mobility/Change; Volunteerism/Philanthropy; Hard Work/Leisure; Competition/Free Enterprise; American Dream of Achievement; Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness; Innovative uses of Science & Technology; Informality; Directness/Honesty etc.
  • Some Common Themes that Americans Believe in & Value:?Guardians of Democracy;?Inalienable and Individual Rights of Freedom;?Adherence to the Rule of Law;?Melting Pot of Diversity and Culture; Security through Strength;?“Can-do” Spirit; Self-Reliance/Sufficiency; Goal-oriented Society; No-nonsense Approach to Work and Life; Caring/Empathy - Help People and Causes through Privately Initiated Efforts and Associations; Strong Work Ethic?and Enjoy Rewards of Hard Work; Land of Limitless Economic Opportunity and Prosperity; Innovation and Entrepreneurial Spirit;?Casual versus a formal approach to life;?Our American Way of Life;?Our Great Country (despite any shortcomings) etc.
  • Pledge of Allegiance: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Proud to An American

I AM PROUD AND THANKFUL TO BE AN AMERICAN. I am a "minority", a legal immigrant and a U.S. Citizen who has faithfully, respectfully, and successfully served for 36+ years in U.S Industry and the U.S Government (and continues to serve) after a U.S. University education. I have seen mostly good and some bad in over three and a half decades of service (so far). I am always amazed at the generosity, resilience and benevolence of the American people. It's time to remember the maxim "united we stand." Its time to go back to the basics that made us great and the envy of the world. It's time to realize that we can address all our challenges together through thoughtful dialogue, peaceful engagement, and lawful conduct. It's time to remember all the core principles and values that unite us versus a few that divide us. These divisions seem to focus on the frustrations of achieving the promise of all ideals perfectly and immediately. We should remember, that it takes a lot of hard work to achieve all the lofty goals set by our founders - it's a marathon not a sprint - and it is totally worth it. I, for one, am proud to be American. I am reminded of the lyrics "God Bless America, Land that I love, Stand beside her and guide her through the night from the light from above."

I am ready to work harder, smarter and to continue to do my part to make our country even better/greater than it is already. I hope you feel the same way about helping the USA to maintain its pre-eminence and to last forever as a beacon of hope and opportunity. Let's unite and stand together for our country and our Constitution. Let's go!


Tom Oh

Program Analyst at IntelliBridge

3 年

Amen to that!!!

Well done Sonny. This is just popping up on my posts. Truly a lot to be proud of. Thanks for your service to our great country.

Gladys Garcia

PKI Branch Chief at DHS

3 年

Great read, Happy belated 4th of July, much respect

Excellent article, what a way to salute the flag and Nation on a Happy July 4th! United we stand as one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Thank you for publishing on LN!

John Weiler, CXO, CoFounder IT-AAC

Agile Master, AI/ML/ZTA Public Private Partnership

3 年



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