24 Sales Activities For 2024
Carl Henry
The Six-Month Master Sales Class - MODERN Sales & PEOPLE Customer Service Webinars - Hiring Assessments/Debriefing
Measure The Selling Situation:
1. Adequately preparing for every sales call
2. Letting my customer talk 80% of the time
3. Quickly identifying the decision makers
4. Identifying the decision makers buying behavior styles
Organize Your Client's Needs:
5. Getting permission to ask the customer questions
6. Asking qualifying & needs and wants questions
7. Writing down customer’s answers to the questions on a clean sheet of paper
8. Reviewing the customers key needs and overall problems before moving into the demonstration
Demonstrate Your Solutions:
9. Demonstrating the best solution to my customer’s problem
10. Presenting my solutions in a way that demonstrated value
11. Adapting the demonstration based on customer’s buying behavior style
12. Articulating my competitive advantage by using proper body language
Engage The Mind & Senses:
13. Involving the customer in discovering the best solution
14. Avoiding dumping features on the customer
15. Recognizing the buying signals of the customer
16. Influencing the buying decision by engaging the client physically
Review The Selling Situation:
17. Checking the readiness of the customer by using trial closing questions
18. Recognizing closing tolerances of different buying styles
19. Communicating with confidence when faced with a sales objection
20. Checking to make sure the customer is satisfied with your solution
Negotiate And Close The Sale:
21. Recognizing real sales objections from stalls
22. Knowing how to build value when overcoming objections
23. Noticing customers various buying-negotiating tactics
24. Asking for the order at the appropriate time
Contact Carl Henry Today @ [email protected]