Delirium is a common and serious condition in critically ill patients, characterised by acute changes in mental status including inattention, disorientation, and altered levels of consciousness (1). Prevalence ranges from 20 to 81% (2-5). Despite limited evidence on efficacy, pharmacological interventions are often used to manage delirium. Non-pharmacological approaches play a crucial role in the care of these patients, and we will explore this further in this blog post. ?
Delirium in critically ill patients is a multifactorial condition that can be caused by a combination of factors such as underlying medical conditions, medications, sleep deprivation, sensory overload, and environmental factors (6). It is essential to recognise and address these contributing factors to effectively manage delirium and improve patient outcomes. Delirium is also associated with negative outcomes such as increased mortality, cognitive and functional impairments, longer ICU and hospital length of stay, length of mechanical ventilation, reduced quality of life and higher healthcare costs (7–9).?
Non-pharmacological interventions are essential in the management of delirium as they target the underlying causes and risk factors. These interventions can help reduce the incidence and duration of delirium, improve patient comfort and safety, and enhance overall recovery.??
The 2018 Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) Pain, Agitation, Delirium, Immobility and Sleep (PADIS) Guidelines (10) provide recommendations for critically ill patients to improve patient outcomes;?
Pain management. They advise use of a validated pain assessment tool and multimodal analgesia to manage pain in critically ill patients.??
Agitation/ sedation management. They advise sedation protocols and targeted sedation to maintain patient comfort while minimising sedated-related adverse effects. This can be achieved by monitoring sedation depth with tools like RASS and targeting light sedation wherever possible (11).??
Delirium management. They recommend non-pharmacological interventions such as early mobilisation, orientation and sleep promotion alongside regular assessment using validated tools.?
Immobility. They recommend prioritisation of early mobilisation and physical therapy to prevent muscle weakness, functional decline and other complications.?
Sleep management: They recommend strategies to promote a restful sleep environment in the ICU, including minimising noise and light, maintaining a consistent sleep-wake cycle, and addressing factors contributing to sleep disruption.??
The standard practice is to update these guidelines every 5 years or when important new evidence surfaces, so a revised version is likely imminent.?
- Early Mobilisation: Encouraging early mobilisation and physical activity in critically ill patients can help prevent muscle weakness, improve circulation, and promote overall well-being. Considering safety and the haemodynamic stability of the patient, individualised mobility plans should be initiated and can be beneficial in reducing the risk of delirium (12).?
- Optimising Sleep: Adequate sleep is crucial for the recovery of critically ill patients. Creating a restful environment by using a sleep protocol that minimises noise and disruptions and promotes relaxation techniques, can help improve sleep quality and reduce the risk of delirium (13).
- Orientation and Reassurance: Providing frequent orientation to time, place, and person can help reduce confusion and disorientation in delirious patients and is associated with a reduced occurrence of delirium (14).
- Cognitive Stimulation: Engaging patients in cognitive activities such as puzzles, games, and conversation are associated with reduced incidence and duration of delirium and improved functionality at discharge (15).?
- Sedation Minimisation: Using a protocol that targets light sedation can help reduce ICU, hospital and mechanical ventilation days and improve mortality (16).??
- Sensory Management: Minimising sensory overload by reducing noise, light, and other stimuli in the intensive care unit can help create a calming environment for delirious patients. Using earplugs, eye masks, and other sensory aids improves sleep and reduces delirium occurrence (17).?
- Family Involvement: Involving family members in the care of delirious patients can provide emotional support, enhance communication, and improve patient outcomes. Family visits, phone calls, and involvement in decision-making can help reduce anxiety and length of stay. (18).? A combination of some of these elements have been shown to have multiple benefits for ICU patients in terms of reducing ventilator days, use of physical restraints, ICU readmission, delirium and likelihood of being discharged to convalescence care facilities (19–21).??
Music therapy has shown benefits in pain reduction, delirium management, and psychological well-being (22). Conflicting evidence exists on ICU diaries, with a 2019 meta-analysis showing reduced anxiety and depression but no impact on PTSD, emphasising the need for larger trials (23, 24). While virtual and augmented reality in the ICU show promise for delirium management, current studies are primarily case-based. Initial findings suggest feasibility, staff training benefits, and stress reduction (25). A scoping review by Tim Walsh’s team in Edinburgh highlighted a link between higher resilience levels in ICU survivors and lower depression, anxiety, and pain so resilience building may offer a promising new area of research (26). Strategies like support from organisations like ICU steps and coping methods such as deep breathing and mindfulness are recommended.
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