24 marketing tactics that you can leverage as a form of currency

24 marketing tactics that you can leverage as a form of currency

Marketing currency

Here is a list of 24 marketing tactics that you can leverage as a form of currency, converting your message through your products and services into money and wealth:

1. Be unique, but be you

2. Encourage debate & controversy

3. Start with a deep, narrow niche & go wider later

4. Always sell something: an idea, action, email opt in or referral

5. Give value first & ask for money after

6. Become a known authority in your industry & celebrities yourself

7. Keep doing what works until it doesn’t (70% of the time), &…

8. Innovate & test new vehicles & media (30% of the time)

9. Test before you scale 

10. Test & scale pay per click advertising (facebook, google, LinkedIn, twitter, Instagram, reddit & new media with high traffic volume)

11. Have presence on all social media platforms with high traffic

12. Get your followers from one media channel to another (especially from data you don’t own to data you do)

13. Balance brand & goodwill with direct response marketing

14. News-jack media noise, energy & emotion for leverage

15. Measure LCV (Lifetime Client Value) (Total sales / total no. of clients). This is not the same as total sales / total products sold

16. Measure MAC (Maximum Acquisition Cost) per client

17. Keep reinvesting in marketing by spending a % of LCV as a MAC

18. Measure business specific KPIs like PHR (Per Head Revenue, CPC (Cost Per Click) CPL (Cost Per Lead) CBOM (Cost of ‘Bum on Seat’) PPC (Purchases Per Client) etc.

19. Repurpose your information into all formats & media for scale

20. Always ask for a referral after a sale or satisfied customer

21. If you’re not investing in marketing today, you’re not getting customers tomorrow

22. Cut marketing spend last in hard times, not first

23. Never rely on one source of marketing (better one customer from 20 media than 20 customers from one media)

24. Ask your customers & demographics what they want, what you should start, stop & keep, and give it to them

(Taken from the 2017 release of my new book 'Money')

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