The 24 Learning Codes: An Overview

The 24 Learning Codes: An Overview

How Brain Science is Fixing Outdated & Apathetic Marketing Strategies

It’s time to open our eyes.? The whole of the marketing industry is long overdue for a renaissance.? We at CoreCentrica are fanning the flames to spark this renaissance by aligning marketing strategies with the profound principles outlined in J.W. Wilson’s book, Cracking the Learning Code.

The practical application of these principles in marketing strategies can alter and enhance the way businesses engage with their audience, effectively inspiring desired consumer behavior, and ultimately leading to increased customer acquisition and retention. All it takes is a little consideration of how our brains are biologically wired to learn and adopt information. This article will explore how Wilson’s principles can be applied to marketing in practice, not just in theory.

Exploring the Intersection of Learning & Marketing

While primarily educational, the 24 Learning Codes have far-reaching implications, one such being the marketing arena. The intersection of learning and marketing lies in a shared goal of inspiring thought and behavior by being a knowledgeable guide whose job is to lead the learner on an educational journey, customer or student. A consumer is a student as much as a student is a student. By applying principles from the brain science behind learning, marketers can create more meaningful, effective, engaging, and, most importantly, memorable campaigns. This alignment enhances consumer education about products and services, leading to better-informed purchasing decisions resulting in brand loyalty built on trust.

Key Marketing ? Learning Intersection Points:

  • Implementing effective attention-grabbing tactics to engage your audience.
  • Making new information personally relevant and meaningful.
  • Ensuring the information will be memorable for the sake of enhanced recall.
  • Inspiring behavior through the art of persuasion and pre-suasion.
  • Taking an iterative approach that evolves and improves based on audience feedback and results.
  • Applying the power of storytelling.

Where Does the Art of Persuasion Fit into Science-Backed Marketing?

If the purpose of marketing had to be stripped down to one tenet, and one alone, most would probably agree it’s reception. And by reception, we mean how do we get whomever we’re talking to, to be receptive to whatever message we’re conveying? How do we artfully persuade the heart, and how do we biologically persuade the brain? The very short answer is, first impressions only matter if they’re meaningful.

Robert Cialdini, author of Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade, established seven principles of persuasion. Reciprocity, Scarcity, Authority, Consistency, Liking, Social Proof, and Unity. Think for a moment of the well-known saying, “The fastest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Now, let’s take that and put it in the context of “pre-suasion.” The reason that saying works in a practical manner too is because tasty food in the tummy is, pun-intended, easier to swallow than the complexities of love. That good food is a means of arranging an inspiring context for the man, in this example, to be more receptive to feeling love.

Now that we’ve turned the heart, we must turn the head. And that’s where brain science comes in. A reliable reinforcement to break the defensive lines surrounding the heart so we can get to the head. The Learning Code is a scientific means to that end. It is a map to guide us through the mysterious inner workings of the brain. One that helps us understand what emotional triggers set off desired neurological triggers. And it’s the neurological triggers we need to tangibly mold consumer decisions to adopt information, motivate them to take the action we’re calling them to, and, essentially, engineer processes that are likelier to convert.

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