#24 How do we learn best?
I believe it is of utmost importance to continually educate ourselves. This week’s newsletter will be all about that – how can we continue to educate ourselves at work within flexible and dispersed work environments?
Times are changing and/or advancing fast. Additionally seemingly more and more extreme sides are being taken that require an educated overall view to navigate those landscapes as best as possible. As much as we'd like to shame others sometimes, nothing will be gained by putting the other down.?
"Make the other person happy about the thing that you suggest" – Dale Carnegie Principle 9
We want to create pull effects instead of push effects. People should feel drawn to your ideas, maybe even have them themselves by learning from you instead of being frightened or made feel bad which will just leave them to close off and ignore anything you say.
Even though humans can be sometimes unreasonable from another perspective, I still am a firm believer that the best way to learn is from others.
But how do we learn best?
Research conducted by Princeton found:
?We might think that merely “reviewing” was crucial to our learning, but research tells us [...] that it is these active, often challenging mental processes that are what make reviewing beneficial“
So coming back to those potentially unreasonable views, they might in the end be helpful to get a clearer stance on what is missing. Say I share an idea with someone and the other does not like the idea at all, I will be able to gain a completely new opinion, widen my horizon, and learn how other people perceive an idea to finally draw conclusions from that.?
Strengthen existing knowledge and create stronger nodes
Increasing the difficulty of learning could be attained as easily as teaching someone else something – because it requires a ?reboot“ of our knowledge. Learning happens when we think about things. Here we elaborate on new information using our own knowledge and thus create new connections in our brain as the teacher. It all comes down to elaborating on what we know, thus creating more nodes and strengthening the knowledge (Princeton).
A way to gain new knowledge
To learn something new we need to newly construct nodes and connections – as building a new house, this of course requires time and patience.
Firstly, let’s be afraid to make mistakes. Considering the research by Princeton, it is actually great to fail and struggle. Why? Because we will experience that difficulty needed to create the stickiness and remember what we’re learning. Another great way to learn effectively is through practical experience. With it, you will be able to relate your learnings to something. Lastly, just switch your it up and learn in multiple ways: consume the new content by listening, speaking, watching, and acting.
Gain new and strengthen old knowledge, socially
?Learning happens when we want to survive and thrive amongst a group of people that have a shared collection of practices.“
That’s how we find the opportunities to learn and get inspired on what we might want to get more knowledgeable about: through other people. Motivators here could be that we would like to be able to do what they do (eg: someone’s footsteps we’d like to follow) or be accepted by people whom we feel we relate.
Learning led by others is not only a great motivator but also a great source to attain that knowledge: You can observe, imitate, and innovate by learning from others – in my opinion, the best way to learn (Forbes).
Most importantly, I find, they can be the source to show you exactly why that knowledge is needed. They can share real-life examples, give feedback and answer questions that will help you grow in an as personalized way as possible accustomed to your exact needs.
Yes to social learning!
How do you learn mainly today?
I'd be grateful for a quick answer on my LinkedIn poll here – the results will be the basis for my next newsletter.
Till then, enjoy the sun.