The 24-Hour Rule
When a leader gets stuck with a big problem sometimes the best method is to create space around it. Space is potential. Space is always available to a leader.
Creating enough space around a big problem will show it for what it is. Disconnect it from the emotions and politics of the moment. Space has potential. Space in your head to think. Space to see if the problem is real or the real size of it.
The Rule.
My wife has developed an elegant solution to problems. (Julie Saunders on LinkedIn)
She calls it the 24-Hour Rule. The 24-Hour Rule allows you to clear all the clutter around an issue in order to see what the real situation is and what a real solution might be. The idea is to stop, clear the clutter, clear your mind, spend some time thinking about why you are here and what the solution could be. Then write the email (in Word not your email program) but don’t send it. Or write the possible solution down and then wait 24 hours to review what you have written.
I love the 24-Hour Rule because it gives you and the problem time to run its course. I am always amazed how many times the “problem” ends up being nothing or solves itself.