The 24 Goons that Game to Steal Your Goals in 2023
How productive and profitable was your 2022 performance?
Where did you win BIG?
What goals did you crush, and how can you keep that momentum rocking into the new year?
Where did you fall short, and what obstacles tripped you up?
If you are the goalie type of person and ramping up with a pen, paper, and a thermos of coffee preparing your goals for 2023, there are 24 obstacles that I know (because I have experienced them) are working out to kick your fanny this next year.
Like a "goon" in hockey, whose role is to act aggressively toward the opposition's star player (you) to TAKE THEM OUT, there are goons who don't want you to be successful.?
I've worked with hundreds of people on shaping their goals, studied goals, and hustled on my own goals for over three decades, and I've watched these 24 obstacles trip leaders up over and over again.?
They've sucker-punched me before, and I bet they've also stopped you in your tracks.?
Luckily, these goons can be defeated.?
No matter how hard these challenges try to knock you down, I've got three ways you can defeat your goon(s) and see your goals accomplished in 2023.?
You may ask, "Who makes a list of 24 anything?"
I do.?
I'm a goal nerd, and I love helping others build and crush goals to help leaders win in life and at work.?
Pursuing and crushing goals have changed my life from good to great. That's not a stretch, and I can draw a line separating my accidental life and the one where I decided to live intentionally toward my preferred future.?
We are at the start of the new year—Tis' the season when many people set goals.?
This blog article will unpack all persistent and predictable goons who don't want you to succeed in 2023.
This content is part of my 12-workshop series for leadership teams called the?Lead Team Institute.
So why don't intelligent and hard-charging leaders accomplish their goals??
Are you ready?
Read my year-end Very Big Idea,?The 24 Goons that Game to Steal Your Goals in 2023.?
As you read along, see if any of these goons are tripping you up right now. And at the end of this article, I'll share with you the three things you can do to keep the goons from stealing your goals in 2023.?
The 24 Goons that Game to Steal Your Goals in 2023
1.?Lack of Clarity:?You don't know what you want to improve. "As soon as I have a clear vision, I will start progressing, but until then, I'm stuck."
2. Confusion:?You made your first step but didn't know what your next step should be. "I wrote the introduction to the book, but now what?" I signed up for the 5k, but now what?"
3.?Prioritization:?You have a dozen aspirations, but you can't pick which one is the most important to you. "It's not that I don't have goals; it's that I have too many areas I want to improve in my life."
4.?Selfish Sense:?You don't have permission to work on yourself. "Every spare minute I have should be spent serving others."
5.?Too Busy:?This can be a real or a fake reason. Sometimes you are in a season where there is NO margin. That's real. It's fake if you look up your screen time each week and find that you have a good 60 minutes (or more) scrolling social. Most of you can squeeze more time from your fake excuses for your real goals.
6.?Imposter Syndrome:?"Who am I to…." Many of you don't step into the ring to fight for yourselves because you don't feel worth it.
7.?Comparison:?Similar to Imposter Syndrome, you compare yourself to others who are often further ahead in the game of whatever you are pursuing. Refrain from comparing your beginning to somebody else's middle.?
8.?Procrastination:?You have the time but don't know how to manage it. You live in the land of "later." You will learn more about how to slay this dragon of procrastination in the?Lead Team Institute {LTI}.
9.?Fear of Failure:?The goal is crazy important, and the thought of failing to arrive here freezes you in your tracks. You feel you don't have what it takes. Guess what? You don't. I don't. We don't have what it takes…AT FIRST. The fear of failure lies you into thinking you must be an instant success, and when you are not, you quit.?
10.?Fear of Success:?The opposite of #9 is the fear that if you succeed, you will need to live up to that success as a lifestyle now that the expectations are raised. This is the cousin-fear of Imposter Syndrome. "What if this goes well, and I can't live up to the expectations for the long haul?"?
11.?Unrealistic Goal:?This is what I call the "marathon in a week" goal. You haven't laced up a pair of running shoes in three years and believe you can run a marathon in a week. Crazy big goals can cripple you before you even get started.?
12.?Broken Soundtracks:?This is when your mindset gets in the way. This comes from the reality that your thoughts become your actions, and your actions turn into results. If your thoughts are not right, your results will also be off. Your mindset is THE most significant inhibitor of your success in life and at work. Where is your mind downplaying your potential?
I invite you to read the other twelve goons that want to take you out in 2023 and the three things you can do to keep the goons from stealing your goals this year. Continue reading HERE.