This Single Rule Underpins All of Physics

This Single Rule Underpins All of Physics

Read below to understand that QLP unifies everything, including Quantum Chromodynamics, Particle Physics, Cosmology, Universe Creation, and EVERYTHING. It goes beyond Maupertuis', Euler's, Lagrange's, and Hamilton's work.

This video speaks of the importance of the Principle of Minimum Action...

It starts with the Maupertuis Half-Backed Idea, then moves into Lagrange and Lagrangian, and ends on Hamilton's Principle (a reformulation applied to Classical Mechanics.

I moved it a notch up into Quantum Mechanics when I proposed the Quantum Lagrangian Principle.

Unlike minimizing an integral of a Lagrangian Function, QLP just says:

"Wavegenerators should move into positions where they don't do any work (move to where they dilate SPACE in phase with the local metric waves)."

That is the essence of PHYSICS. The simplest and clearest statement of reality.

This is the comment I wrote at Veritassum:

hoping the host will engage me in a scientific discussion...:)


