23 Ways To Not Hit Your Goals in 2023
Clint Walling
Mattress & Sleep Accessory Executive | I help retailers achieve 28% sales growth.
This time of year is always one of my favorite times as a business professional. Christmas just passed and New Years is a few days away, so most people will take off this week to be with family and friends. It’s normally pretty slow because the owners and managers of our customers also do the same thing.
It’s a great time to review the highs and lows for the past year, analyze what was learned, and energize oneself on the goals for the upcoming year.
It can be a massively productive time, but just because I spend this week in deep reflection and thinking it does not mean the goals will be a walk in the park next year.
I can tell you through multiple experiences that is not the case. I have failed so many times in the past, but the question to ask is, “Why?”
Why did I not hit this goal versus another? Why did I not follow through on the promises I kept to myself? Why did I not make my goals a priority?
?I’ve read the books, I watched the videos, and went to the seminars on goal setting and goal achievement. The majority of them are great and insightful; however, I have found that they always tell you what to do, but rarely teach you what not to do.
So, in order to help you make 2023 a great year here are the 23 Ways Not To Hit Your Marketing and Sales Goals in ’23.
1.?????Interested In Goals, But Not Committed- I truly believe the world will give you what you want, but you must prove to it that you truly want it. That is why we have challenges. Be committed.
2.?????Not Writing the Goals Down- I don’t know all the psychology behind this, but your mind goes into overdrive when you write your goals down, especially every day.
3.?????Being Old Self- In order to do, you first must be. Become the person that does those things. I know it seems backwards, but your self-identity must shift to the new you (the person who hits that goal) before you do the consistent actions needed to reach the goals.
4.?????Not Having An Activity Plan- There’s no amount of deep thinking, mediation, hopeful wishing, dreaming, etc. that will make your goals happen. You have to have a plan of what must be accomplished to reach the goal.
5.?????Thinking I Earned a Day Off, Cheat Day, Etc.- How backwards is that? If I haven’t hit the goal how in my mind did I earn a break? In this moment go back to #1 above. It will help reinforce your commitment.
6.?????Negative Self-Talk- It doesn’t matter how awesome you are, I truly believe negative self-talk is something each human has to deal with. The key is to tell it to, “Shut up and get out of my way!”
7.?????Not Prioritizing the Goals- What gets scheduled gets done. If my calendar doesn’t reflect my goals, how are my goals supposed to happen?
8.?????Getting Frustrated When Things Don’t Go To Plan- Things happen, get in the way, things change…. that’s life. Adapt, overcome, and persist.
9.?????Not Having a Morning Routine- As a professional with a family this is the only time I have found that can be completely uninterrupted. Get up early and get the important stuff done.
10.??Caring What Other People Think- Wanting to be liked, admired, loved is a natural human desire, but when I see this getting in my way of what is most important to me I always remember Nick Saban’s quote: “If you want to make everyone happy, don’t be a leader, sell ice cream!”
11.??Having No Accountability- Set this up. Have someone who can tell you the truth, have some type of pain if you miss your goals. It will keep you focused and consistent when motivation is lacking.
12.??Not Having A Daily To Do List- Consistency is under-valued when obtaining goals. Pick 1 to 3 things to do daily that move you closer to your goals.
13.??Having Too Many Goals- Jack of all trades, master of none. Cut the fluff and get focused. Like above, pick 1 to 3 goals for the year. Any more than that and they just become a distraction.
14.??Having Weak Goals- If it takes little effort to accomplish, a human will never switch his/her identity, take consistent action, or be accountable to those goals. Make goals that make you stretch.
15.??Having Goals You Think You Should Have Instead of What You Actually Want- You are uniquely made, so your goals will be unique to you. Having someone else’s goals will only lead to stress, frustration, and resentment. Be you!
16.??Not Saying No- Have the courage to tell yourself no when temptations come. Have the courage to tell others no when they ask for things that aren’t conducive to who you want to be. Goal achievement is more about what you say no to than what you say yes to.
17.??Worrying About Things Outside of My Control- This is a big waste of time. Don’t stress or lose sleep over the things that are outside of your control. There are only 2 things you can control: your attitude and your actions. Focus on those things.
18.??Mondayitis- This is where you miss a day, make a mistake, etc. and instead of starting back over you tell yourself you’ll start back on Monday. This is a trap and excuse to make more bad decisions. You must have momentum to reach your goals. Don’t wait for Monday, get back on track and start today.
19.??Not Having A Consistent Bed Time- We believe our kids need it so they can have consistent, healthy, and productive lives. Why not us? What about being an adult changes that?
20.??Being A Hare Instead Of A Tortoise- It’s tempting to start the year and put the full throttle down towards your goals. I’m definitely in favor of massive action, but make sure that action can be sustained for a long period of time. Consistency is key.
21.??Not Making Your Goals Visible- You want your mind always focused on your desired outcomes, even if it is subconsciously. By constantly seeing your goals your mind will always be working on ways to accomplish them. If you’re interested in the science behind this, google reticular activating system.
22.??Not Having a Plan B- Mike Tyson’s famous quote comes to mind: “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth!” Know that things will not go perfectly to plan and what you will do when they don’t.
23.??Giving Up- I know this last one is self-evident, but you can’t reach your goals in 2023 if you give up. You will have challenges, you will have setbacks, and things will come up you didn’t plan on. But remember, if you don’t quit, you can’t fail.
P.S. If you've made it to the end of this list and as a way to show my appreciation, I'd like to leave you with one more way not to hit your goals in 2023. I believe I might have saved the best for last. When you begin your work towards your goals this next year do not overwhelm yourself with all the work, time, and effort ahead of you. The mountain will look impossible to climb. Focus on taking the step in front of you, and then the next, and then the next..... until eventually you're at the top of the mountain.
See you at the top.
Client Relationship Manager | Mentor, Coach & Leadership Advisor | Strategic Planning & Execution | Process Improvement & Optimization | Culture Transformation | High-Performance Team Development | Results Driven
2 年#8 is the one that I have had to learn and grow a lot in this area. Things aren't always going to go as planned and adapting and continuing to press on to accomplish what is needed verses spending too much time analyzing.