23 Things I'm Looking Forward to in My 46th Year!
This has been super fun to reflect on and I encourage you to do it on your birthday! The number is whatever - I chose 23 because my birthday is on the 23rd. You can choose your number, but I challenge you to do at least 10!
Also.... You don't have to wait until your birthday. What if you just chose 10 things you were looking forward to for the next year?
23 things I’m looking forward to in my 46th year
1. Feeling More Confident – Embracing exactly who I am and caring less about what others think.
2. Enjoying a More Stable Life – Having a solid career (that I love), financial security, a supportive partnership, and emotional maturity (except on the sidelines of my son's soccer games).
3. Stronger, Deeper Friendships – Cherishing and pouring into meaningful friendships over superficial ones.
4. Self-Acceptance – Embracing my body and personality with pride! I'm not for everyone - And that's ok!
5. Financial Freedom – Having more control over money, making smart financial choices, paying off debt, and saving for a house!
6. Time for Self-Care – Prioritizing personal wellness, relaxation, and self-love - Because I'm worth it!
7. Less Drama, More Peace – Avoiding unnecessary conflicts and people that bring it around.
8. Exploring New Hobbies – Learning new hobbies and discovering what it is that I like to do for fun!
9. Watching Tucker Grow – Watching him continue to leave his little boy phase and step into his young phase
10. Career Growth – Embracing and creating new projects and opportunities - Because DAMN and I lucky to do what I do!!!
11. Traveling More – Taking trips - both with my family and without! I need my ocean!
12. Better Understanding of Relationships – Knowing what I want and deserve in friendships, love, and family - and honoring it!
13. Becoming a Mentor – Guiding younger generations with wisdom and experience.
14. More Freedom to Say ‘No’ – Setting boundaries without guilt.
15. Greater Appreciation for Health – Valuing fitness, good nutrition, and well-being more than ever - Because I am a masterpiece and a work in progress.
16. A More Balanced Life – Finding the right mix of work, play, and rest. Definitely more play!
17. Less Pressure to ‘Prove Myself’ – I am who I am, I am where I am, and I'm proud of all of it! It's ok that Im buying my first house at 46! It's ok that I didn't step into my calling until my 40s! It's ok that my journey to get here was like a 25 damn roller coasters put together! Because I am who I am, I have the gifts that I have, and I have the heart that I have because of all of it. And there's not one person on this Earth that I get to prove myself to other than myself!
18. Elevating My Personal Style - Ever since I left my marketing position I have slid into comfy and tumbled into sloppy. So elevating my look in a way that allows me to be comfy but still feeling good and presenting in a way that I desire.
19. Forgiveness – Because forgiveness is for me, not them. Choosing forgiveness so that I can allow my own heart to heal. I don't have to walk around with those old wounds anymore.
20. More Laughter, Less Stress – Learning to take life less seriously and choose laughter more often.
21. Connected Time with My Husband – Prioritizing that 1:1 time. It’s so easy to disconnect when I’m caught up in the busyness of life.
22. Looking Forward to What's Next – I know there are still many exciting chapters ahead - and I can't wait to see what opens up!
23. Feeling Empowered by Experience – Owning my journey and embracing the wisdom that comes with age.
Just what if.... 46 was the best year yet!?!?!
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