23. The ONLY Non-contradictory Model for God
John Lenhart
Synthesis Systems Thinker: Expert in NeuroLeadership, Flow, and Problem Dissolving
The first twenty-two articles covering Dr. Ackoff’s 1993 presentation, which gives the best explanation I’ve ever heard for how we got to where we are today, can be summarized by:
The ONLY way to improve ANYTHING is to begin at the BIGGEST system and work backwards!
Dr. Ackoff had stated the biggest system was “God” (the First Cause) and his presentation showed the source of all the flaws from the Renaissance Age to our current Age are due to our inability to understand/define God.
The previous article showed that a heretic is a person whose beliefs or actions are considered wrong by most people, because they disagree with beliefs that are generally accepted. The article ended with:
The heretic Dr. Ackoff repeatedly stated during his presentation that for the last 500 years, every Age believes it is impossible to define/understand God, which means that if a person claimed to do it, they HAD to be wrong. Even though it would correct every flaw regardless of the discipline (education, government, etc.), those who were zombies following the masses would deny, attack, and negate the one thing they stated that they wanted.
This article will present the ONLY non-contradictory model for God and show I am the only person in the world who has stated this model for God.
“All models are wrong, some are useful.” -George Box
I am a modeler and the ironic thing about the statement by George Box is that EVERYONE has a model for EVERYTHING, whether they realize it or not. Does this mean EVERYONE is wrong? Do people who quote George Box EVER say they are right? Hmmm…
The reality is EVERYONE’s model can be categorized into one of four types of models. I illustrate this to people with this video covering the History of Scurvy. Please take four minutes to watch this entertaining and informative animated video: The Model for Models.
In that video, the History of Scurvy had four distinct models:
-Causeless: It is what it is. We can’t know. This is deception.
-Eat Well: Focus on effects. Platitudes. This is knowledge.
-Fresh Meat and Citrus: Focus on contextual causes. This is understanding.
-Vitamin C: This works regardless of the context. This is truth.
Which models are useful?
While causeless models are obviously wrong and destructive to the brain, Dr. Ackoff used this to explain why we can’t understand/define God! Did you accept this model from Dr. Ackoff? Do you accept this model in other areas of your life? Hmmm…
Clearly, models focused on effects are not useful. Do you think they are? “Be smart. Be kind. Don’t be racist!” Did you think that was a value to you? Would you pay me (even a penny) every time I quoted a platitude to you? How many people on LinkedIN think these models are useful? How many people “like” and “support” platitude posts?
The majority of services and products that people charge us for are focused on contextual causes. The reason WHY these work is completely due to the context. Dr. Ackoff stated there are no universal laws because every law is dependent on the context. I believe George Box was referring to these models when he made his quote. I believe this was the only one of the four models he recognized. Basically, he could find a context where the model didn’t apply, thereby declaring it to be wrong because it had a contradiction. I wonder what George Box thought of models that apply regardless of the context? He must not have been aware of them…
Dr. Ackoff covered the definitions of data, information, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Why didn’t he cover the definition of truth? I’ve written about truth and its definition. Truth is a Right WHAT (fact) with a Right WHY and Right HOW. The HOW is not how to do it; that would be WHAT to do. The HOW is the explanation for HOW it works. Notice, the Right WHY/HOW makes the fact contextless. If you want to understand this more, click this link: Got Truth?
I believe that people who quote George Box are stating, whether they know it or not, they don’t have any experience with truth. What’s an example of a contextless model?
Bohr’s model for the atom! What is the model?
The atom is made of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons, accounting for 99.99% of its weight, while being surrounded by electrons.
ALL of chemistry is based on this model for the atom!
The History of the Model for God
I wrote the following in article #3 covering Dr. Ackoff’s explanation for Determinism:
The Protestant Reformation began in 1517 with Martin Luther (1483-1546) confronting the Catholic Church with his Ninety-Five Theses. Later, John Calvin (1509-1564) and John Knox (1514-1572) brought Determinism to Christianity and the belief that man lacked a free will grew.
The Scotsman John Knox took Christianity off course to the point George MacDonald (1824-1905) recognized the damage it was doing to Scotland, let alone the world. MacDonald was determined to model God. When he was unable to come up with a non-contradictory model, he wrote stories to illustrate the effects of a non-contradictory model for God and became the greatest Scottish writer and the principle influencer of Lewis Carroll, JRR Tolkien, and CS Lewis, just to name a few.
CS Lewis wrote that he saw MacDonald as the master and never failed to reference him in some way in all of his works! CS Lewis (1898-1963) also realized the importance of having a non-contradictory model for God. When he failed to determine the model, he followed in MacDonald’s footsteps by writing stories illustrating the effects of a non-contradictory model for God.
We saw in article #7 (Modeling God) that Dr. Ackoff told a story about when he recognized the shift towards the need to determine a model for God. This happened in 1967 and I wrote this in that article:
Dr. Ackoff’s explanation was these students were the first generation born into systemic thinking and they were disturbed by the incompatibility of the concept of a First Cause distinct from the universe who created it as opposed to a First Cause that was the universe. They looked for a religion in which the conception of God is God as the universe, as the whole, and they found it in Eastern religion.
Three years before Dr. Ackoff’s realization, CS Lewis’ last book was published months after he died. CS Lewis stated we needed to come up with a Model for God. (Yes, he used a capital M!) Here is his explanation for the non-contradictory (“perfected”) Model for God:
In speaking of the perfected Model as a work to be set beside the Summa and the Comedy, I meant that it is capable of giving a similar satisfaction to the mind, and for some of the same reasons. Like them it is vast in scale, but limited and intelligible. Its sublimity is not the sort that depends on anything vague or obscure. (The Discarded Image, Page 12)
Near the end of "The Discarded Image", Lewis concluded:
An expression such as “the curvature of space” is strictly comparable to the old definition of God as “a circle whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere”. Both succeed in suggesting; each does so by offering what is, on the level of our ordinary thinking, nonsense. By accepting the “curvature of space” we are not “knowing” or enjoying “truth” in the fashion that was once thought to be possible. (Page 218)
Clearly, CS Lewis was aware of the four types of models and he was looking for the non-contradictory, contextless Model!
Dr. Ackoff, George MacDonald, and CS Lewis all stated we need a Model for God, with CS Lewis elevating the explanation to the level of the Summa Theologica (Thomas Aquinas) and The Divine Comedy (Dante Alighieri)! Do you REALLY understand the importance of a non-contradictory Model for God?
In the article “2. The Renaissance”, we saw Dr. Ackoff give the cosmological explanation for God’s EXISTENCE. I wrote the following after covering the three principles of the Renaissance:
Dr. Ackoff stated there were three key results from these three principles of the Renaissance.
First, putting this all together, in order to explain anything, I needed to find its cause. However, that cause is an effect of a previous cause. This continues until we reach the First Cause. Dr. Ackoff stated this explanation was the cosmological proof of God’s existence. However, according to the Renaissance worldview, God is the only thing in the universe that cannot be explained because the First Cause is causeless. God alone had to be accepted as an act of faith and everything else could be understood.
Notice, the model for God’s IDENTITY was causeless! This is the WORST type of model! What are the models for God according to the four types of models?
The most popular explanation for God’s Nature are the “Three Omni’s”: Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient. The issue with these words are their definitions! For example, “Omnipotent” means “All Powerful” and tends to be applied as “God can do anything”. This definition results in contradictions! First, why and how is evil allowed to be present in the world if God can initiate removing it??
However, worse than this, there are two places in the Bible where it states it is IMPOSSIBLE for God to lie! (Hebrews 6:18; Titus 1:2) God cannot do everything according to the Bible! Even worse, when a person states that God can lie, but chooses not to, I ask them, “What causes are in God that result in Him being able to lie?” Notice, not only am I using causality, I’m asking the person what evil cause they think is part of God’s Nature when the Bible says, “God is light. In Him there is no darkness at all.” (I John 1:5) People who state God can lie are saying God’s Nature contains evil, which is blasphemy, so obviously, I never get an answer to that question.
I like to ask people, “Can God grow?” If they say “no”, then that is something that God cannot do. If they say “yes”, then they are saying God is something less than perfect. Again, I never get an answer to that question.
The reality is there is NO place in the Bible where the contradictory definitions of the “Three Omni’s” is stated as God’s Nature. Philosophers created this definition of God because it is what humans consider to be the ideal strategy for happiness! Then philosophers show the definitions (they created) are contradictory and then they say it proves God doesn’t exist! For thousands of years, people have been deceived by philosophers proving they aren’t very intelligent! Not only do people today realize the “Three Omni’s” are effects, they have added a fourth Omni: Omnitemporal!?
In order to distract people from this flawed effect-based model, people have stated the model for God is “sovereign”. The definition of sovereign is “answers to no one”. While God is sovereign and initiated all His actions during the six days of Creation, this model for God does not apply from the seventh day and afterward. That answer is based on the context. When people use sovereign to mean God can do whatever He wants, we are back to the effect-based model and God being evil. After all, Hitler’s Germany was sovereign. Do you think Hitler wasn’t evil?
Model For God Summary
-Causeless: The Renaissance conclusion
-Eat Well: Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient
-Fresh Meat and Citrus: Sovereign
-Vitamin C: ?
In the mid-1990’s, there was a professor who made the claim he could prove God didn’t exist because every explanation was contradictory. One of his most famous examples was: Merciful and Just. God CANNOT be Merciful AND Just. How would He handle a criminal? If He was Just, He would punish him. If He was Merciful, He wouldn’t punish him. When people tried to rationalize that God was sometimes Merciful and sometimes Just, that only proved Merciful and Just weren’t God’s Nature. God’s Nature had to be something God could be always and completely.?
This point was further accentuated in December of 1994 when the world’s most famous atheist (Antony Flew) stated that God must exist. His reason? Causality! He said Causality proves there must have been a First Cause and that First Cause would be "God". (Ackoff stated the same thing.) He continued to say that this “God” could not be the God depicted by the Christians or the Muslims. Why? Non-contradiction. He said the believers of these religions depict a contradictory God.??
Notice, there is a difference between God’s EXISTENCE (proven by causality) and God’s IDENTITY, which would be proven by non-contradiction.
The Non-contradictory Model for God
Dr. Ackoff stated that God’s Nature must be made up of causeless causes. Why didn’t he or any of the people since the Renaissance determine the causeless causes? Apparently these people had never heard of axioms!
Axiom: a statement or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.
What are axioms??
For example, the other popular deception when determining God’s Nature is to say the First Cause is “the Big Bang”. Then once a person accepts this, the next question is, “Where did all the stuff for the Big Bang come from?” There had to be another "First Cause" and since that is a contradiction, God doesn’t exist. Stephen Hawking used this strategy for decades and no one called him on it! Clearly, the First Cause is intangible…like an axiom!
The reality is God’s Nature needs to be non-contradictory, real, intangible, and a First Cause. There is only one thing that fits this description: principles. What are the principles that make up God’s Nature?
It actually didn’t take long to determine the Model for God because I quickly learned that God’s Nature had to be made up of two principles and the only way for them to be non-contradictory was one had to be quantitative and one had to be qualitative. Notice, a third principle would either contradict or limit the corresponding (qualitative or quantitative) principle!
Model for God: Right and Just.
Here’s the funny thing, atheists knew this definition and have been arguing it for years! “If God exists then why aren’t things right and just in this world?”
Notice, everyone knows without being taught that things ought to be Right and Just! In fact, the concepts of Right and Just exist even when things aren't Right and Just. What are the Causes of the Principles of Right and Just? There aren’t any! They are Causeless Causes: the First Cause.
Look at math! All of math is built on two concepts. First, this symbol “1” represents a specific amount of "one". Why? No reason. It is the Cause. Second, the “=” sign! Everything on this side needs to equal everything on this side. Why? No reason. It is the Cause. From these two concepts ALL of math is an Effect.
Right: A is A
Just: A = A
Most importantly, which religion disagrees with this? Which religion believes their God is Wrong and/or Unjust?
An effect of this Model for God is that God doesn’t have free will. God can only do that which is Right and Just. God cannot act apart from His Nature not only in WHAT He does, but WHY He does it, and HOW He works. The Determinists essentially told us God was Right and Just in WHAT He does and their explanation for God’s WHY and HOW was that He is Wrong and Unjust…and there was nothing we could do about it. (If you want to understand this more, take a look at this entertaining and thought provoking four-minute animated video: God’s Nature.)
I wrote a book explaining this and the powerful effects of this model that is the equal of the Summa and the Comedy. “Modeling God” was introduced to the public at the International Christian Retail Show on 7-7-7.
Not only did no one in the world claim I had infringed on their work, I was singled out and mobbed to the point I declared bankruptcy. What was the reason I was wrong? There is no one else in the world who has stated this Model. Since I’m the only one, I must be wrong!
I am a heretic!
Here’s the thing: Did you notice this non-contradictory Model for God shows us that the heretic Dr. Ackoff made a huge error?
We will cover this huge error in the next article!
Link to Next Article: 24. Dr. Ackoff’s Huge Mistake
Link to Table of Contents: The Decline and Fall of the Machine Age