William Harrell
Follower of The Way. Descendant of Yashar’el and Yahudah. Youngest son of William Collins. Teacher/Coach.
I had ancestors
Who ran as royalty.
Lived a completely different
Mentality than what
I was taught in U.S. History.
I had ancestors
Who ran as slaves.
Hunted down like animals
By guns and animals.
I have old family members
Who ran to wars and
Fought for a country
That doesn't fight for them.
Fighting overseas for freedom;
Coming home to oppression.
"Go back to Africa!"
If it were only that simple...
You can't saw an arm off,
Wait 400 years,
Then reattach it, can you?
The body has to move on,
Don't it?
Even as the limb has died.
Left to be thrown in
The hospital trash...
Is that what happened?
We became unprofitable?
So now because we've
Become disconnected
We're now disposable?
So what to a #Hashtag.
So what to outrage.
We're not a majority in this country
So none of our Motions
Will get a Majority.
My identity is in Jesus,
But I'm identified as Black.
So in the United States of America
I'm the worst person you
Can possibly be:
A Black Man.
Only one's that had it worse
Is the Indigenous People.
They were beaten so bad
Their run left a trail that
Reduced their land from
A country to reservations.
So I see why Jordan stays silent;
Why others play the coon.
Why some see anyone that
They view as white
As an enemy or someone
That'll never understand.
They KNOW our Vote
Will never count,
Without some help
From other races.
No matter our money,
Degrees, awards, platforms,
Professions, possessions,
Or resources...
We will still be the Negro
In Chains that doesn't
Love our Country,
Who enjoys killing
And degrading each other,
Who is always "race-baiting"
And must be Liberal.
Being a Conservative
Doesn't make you a Christian,
Just like being a Liberal
Christ's robe wasn't
Red or Blue,
It was Purple.
Our race struggles with hate
And unforgiveness,
Built up for over 400 years
And counting.
Our entire being was stripped bare,
And now our solution
Is to clothe up and "Get over it",
Like a rapist would say
To a survivor.
Thank God that my faith
Is in Christ,
Because sin nature,
And only sin nature,
Can explain the evil that
Brown people have endured
Over this century-long
Cross-Country path.
Every day, I know I can
Be shot because I am breathing...
But Fear won't stop me
From continuing the race
My ancestors started,
Even as they watch now
From the stands in heaven,
Cheering us who won't quit, on.
So now,
-John Doe's Son