22 years of the AIRE Centre’s Legal Bulletin: A source of confident advice on human rights in Europe
The AIRE Centre Western Balkans
Committed to strengthening the rule of law in the countries of the Western Balkans.
We are happy to share the AIRE Centre’s Legal Bulletin with you. For 22 years the Bulletin has remained a helpful and valuable source on European human rights standards. Since it was first published, this publication has accompanied and guided efforts to establish the rule of law and protect human rights across the Western Balkans. It is now published twice yearly and is distributed throughout the region to judges, prosecutors, government officials, practitioners and NGOs, providing up-to-date information and expert commentary on the latest cases from the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in Strasbourg, and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in Luxembourg.
“The Bulletin also features articles that attempt to tackle the region’s ongoing challenges through the prism of international human rights law. As our regular readers know, the goal of the Bulletin is to embed the principles of human rights law in the region, and this remains as important as it has ever been. The expert contributions and the cases we choose to report are carefully selected based on our monitoring of issues which are particularly relevant to the region. Questions concerning the right to a fair trial, the right to respect for private and family life, and freedom of expression are often discussed, as well as the right to respect for property, the prohibition of discrimination, and States’ obligation to take positive measures to protect individuals from human rights abuses”, shares editor Catharina Harby.
Over the last decade the focus in the Western Balkans has turned towards compliance with European Union law, and accession negotiations and the significant practical and institutional changes to the region’s domestic legal systems that these negotiations require. The case law of the CJEU is becoming increasingly important, and this is reflected in the Bulletin as we report judgments and orders by the Luxembourg Court concerning EU law of relevance. In this Issue of the Bulletin, we are delighted to feature the article The role of the judiciary in advancing gender equality in the Western Balkans, by Hannah Smith, the lawyer at the AIRE Centre.
“Next to this,?we are particularly grateful to Ermina Dumanji?, Head of the Constitutional Case-Law Section at the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Marietta Cauchi, a London based Media Law Expert, Hannah Smith, Lawyer at the AIRE Centre, as well as Nuala Mole, Senior Lawyer and Founder of the AIRE Centre. As always, we hope that you will find this edition of the Bulletin enlightening and useful in your work and that the Bulletin will continue to contribute to the growing awareness of European human rights law and practice across the region, as well as lead to better adherence to the rule of law standards that apply across the Council of Europe and European Union. Please get in touch with us with any questions or comments about the Bulletin which you may have”, adds founder and editor of the AIRE Centre’s Legal Bulletin Biljana Braithwaite.
English version: https://bit.ly/3f9IjP9
Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian version: https://bit.ly/3D3SWuO
Head of the office Novi Sad at Judicial Academy
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