22 Smart Habits That Improve You To Success
“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”?
―?Darren Hardy
I always believe in ‘Small thing is better than nothing’.?
One easier way to be successful is to develop success habits.?
Below I share;
22 Practical and Smart Habits That Will Improve Your Life To Success.
#1: Maintain a ‘To-do’ list
It’s one of the most effective ways for you to get anything done. The main goal of the ‘to-do’ list is to provide clarity and focus. It also helps your brain relax from keep memorizing as it knows things are taken care of.?
Ways for an effective ‘To-do’ List:
·??????Write tasks very clearly what to do?eg. if you have to call someone, put the phone number in the task to save time searching.
·??????Group similar tasks together, and your productivity becomes faster.
·??????Add dates. Do tasks that must be done that day. You will be more focused on the right work.
·??????Keep the daily list short and motivating
#2: Wake up early
Statically, most millionaires and billionaires entrepreneurs wake up much earlier than everyone else, about 5 am.?
Waking up early means you are ahead of everyone, have more time for yourself, get ready for the day and be confident of your decisions no matter what.?
#3: Read 30 minutes or more each day
Knowledge is power.?
The more knowledge or skills you have, the bigger foundation you build for your career and life. Studies have shown that when you read and think, it helps to prevent mental diseases like Alzheimer’s or Dementia.
The knowledge you gain through reading will help you shape your opinion and give value to other people.?
#4: Drink a glass of plain water first thing in the morning
Ideally within 30 minutes of waking up.??
At night the body repairs itself and removes toxins. So, when you drink a glass of plain water on an empty stomach, it will help to flush those harmful toxins and make your body fresh.
#5: Take 100% Responsibility of your life
For me, this is a smart habit or principle that you should always keep in mind.
When you practice 100% responsibility, you will stop blaming other people for your problems. You stop making excuses for your failure.
You take complete charge of your life and for those who look up and depend on you.?
#6: Set a monthly budget
Having an established budget will exercise a financial discipline in you.?
Ideally, a good budget for your monthly income is as follows:
60% – Necessities ie. Food, utilities, bank loan, transport, etc
20% – Savings??ie.?emergency and long-term
20% – Lifestyle, Personal Growth, and giving
#7: Don’t skip breakfast
There are so many reasons why breakfast is important.
It’s the single most important meal of the day, providing you with essential nutrients that provide energy while also boosting your metabolism to burn more calories throughout the rest of your waking hours.?
Eating breakfast regularly will help lower blood pressure levels?and?lower your chance of heart disease.?
#8: Focus on one thing at a time (like a laser beam)
Focus equals to Power.?It gets things done.?
The time and effort you put into your work can be measured in the amount of focus that is present. You may not realize it, but most days are spent on small tasks like answering emails or surfing social media instead of focusing on what matters-your goals at work!??
But there’s a way to overcome this: taking 90 minutes out for focused time each day. Learn to stop those distractions and you will be amazed at how much more you get done.
#9: Have fun and laugh more
Find something or someone that will make you laugh.?
Humor and having fun on the job help you to be creative, make better decisions and get along better with colleagues.?
#10: Drink enough water
Keep your body hydrated.?
It makes you feel more energized, have radiant skin, and lose weight.
Quick tips to get your body hydrated:?
·??????For every cup of coffee, drink a glass of water.
·??????Drink from a large bottle. Give you obligation to finish them
·??????Drink before snack or meal
·??????Jazz up your water drinking with some fruits, slices of lemon or sparkling water
·??????Eat your water such as fruits or veggies. ie Watermelon, strawberries, cucumber, tomatoes, grapes
#11: Write down your thoughts
I found it magical.?
I write down or journal almost every day. Once I write down my thoughts, my mind calms down and be more organized.??
If you are not journaling or writing on regular basis, give it a try.
It helps to sharpen your thinking, clear your mind, and destroy negative thoughts. Eventually, you will see positive changes happen in your life.?
#12: Set goals
Having goals is like having clarity in life.??
The clearer you are about what you want, the more efficient you be. You move faster, you make better decisions, and you develop better actions and plans.
Setting goals is one of the smart habits of successful people.?
Once, you have written your goal, you should then list the activities that you need to take action. Do something every day to move you toward your goal.?
Miracles Do Happen.?
#13: Plan your purchase
Make a list of exactly what you want to buy and how much you’re going to spend.?
By having a list and sticking to it, you can avoid impulse buying or picking up items you don’t really need.
#14: Be Active or Walk 4 days (or 10 - 15 km) a week
You don’t have to spend money on a gym membership or buy fancy equipment. You can just walk for free and get the same benefits.
Regular walking decreases your risk of heart problem and protect against dementia (nyanyuk). Plus, you will sweat out toxins from your body and improves mental health as well.?
#15: Practice gratitude
Simple ways to make gratitude part of your day;
·??????Tell your hubby or kids or parents or someone, you love them
·??????Notice the beauty of nature
·??????Smile more
·??????Watch an inspiring video that reminds you of the good in the world
·??????End your nights with a word of thanks
·??????Include an act of kindness eg. hold the elevator door, give a stranger a compliment?
·??????Bake cookies for the office
·??????Tell a Boss about a good employee ie give kudos to someone who is doing great
·??????Pay for someone’s meal at a restaurant
·??????Do someone a favor
·??????Reconnect with an old friend
·??????Send some nice comments on social media
·??????Buy school supplies for a teacher
·??????Give someone a hug
·??????Take 15 minutes to really listen to someone
·??????Help someone try something new
·??????Call your parents
·??????Compliment your boss?
·??????Make someone laugh
#16: Pay yourself first
If you don’t want to get into debt, create a budget.??
However, should you want to grow your savings, pay yourself first.?
That means putting money towards emergency savings and?long-term funds.
The easiest way is to automate your savings.?
For example, you can do an auto-debit to monthly savings with ?Principal?funds or salary deduction to?PRS?fund or ASB/ Tabung Haji.
#17: Have the last meal before 7 pm
An early dinner is a great way to maintain your weight and improve overall health.?
For instance, it can help with digestion by burning fats, lowering blood sugar levels for more energy throughout the day, and giving you better sleep so that when you wake up in the morning feeling rested!
#18: Give yourself a time out
Don’t rush through life.?You deserve to be Kind to Yourself.
You’re hardworking, you’ve been a good person and the time for you is now! Go get some ice cream, walk around your neighborhood or at least go outside today.?
“You cannot have a happy ending to an unhappy journey”
Abraham Hicks
#19: Make a decision fast
Everyone today is impatient.?
When you do something quickly, your quality of work is thought to be better because it shows how competent and successful person you are-or so they say anyway!?
Speed gives an edge over the competition in most areas too. So if there’s one thing I think we can all agree on it’s that the faster someone gets things done, the more successful they’re bound for!
#20: Go minimal
Clutter or incompletes has negative effects on your mental and physical health. External clutter leads to mental clutter.
One way to free up your mental burden is to clean up your living or workspace. Potential things you can clean up:
·??????promise not kept or not acknowledged
·??????closets overflowing with clothing never worn
·??????haphazard or disorganized tax record
·??????‘junk drawers’ full of unusable items
·??????Incomplete car maintenance
·??????Filing left undone
·??????Desk surface cluttered and disorganized
#21: Be Generous
One of the most fulfilling ways to live your life is by being generous.?
In more than one way, it can make you happier and healthier!?
Generosity will give others hope in their lives as well which not only helps them but also supports relationships with other people too.
“Make a habit to give and you will be rich someday”?
#22: Good 6 – 8 hours of night sleep
Sleep is the best cure for most problems we encounter. Sleep increases your productivity and you react better and more quickly.
Hacks for good sleep:
·??????Remove technology – no handphone, tv in your room
·??????Go to sleep before 11 pm
·??????Keep your room cozy – slightly cooler temperature, dim the lights, etc.