No. 22
$275,000 enforceable undertaking for VIC based timber and building supplies company.
While forklifts are useful pieces of mobile equipment when used as designed, some workplaces unfortunately treat them as all-purpose utility tools and use them for tasks they weren't designed for. What alarmed me in this scenario were the clear warning signals that went unheeded. Though I wasn't present and lack the full context of those involved, there appear to have been multiple opportunities before the incident to pause, review, and change the approach. Remember: if something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. LINK
$180,000 fine for NSW based commercial formwork company for a ‘foreseen’ risk.
A Dogman sustained serious injuries during the cranage of rebar. No exclusion zone was established, contrary to the SWMS, and no prior warning was given to surrounding workers before activities began. LINK
$30k fine for sole director, when a worker was struck by a bobcat and suffered serious injuries.
Working around compact mobile plant still provides a significant injury risk and highlights the importance of a safe systems of work, that encompass a combination of critical controls to separate people and plant. LINK