2+2, immunological memory, and strategic petroleum reserves

2+2, immunological memory, and strategic petroleum reserves

Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:

  • 2+2 / 2+2 (meeting of the US Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense with their Japanese counterparts Minister of State for Defense and Minister of Foreign Affairs)?

Today’s quote:

- 据报道,美日在11日举行的外长防长“2+2”会谈后发布了联合声明,称中国为印太地区以及其他地区最大的战略挑战,并在涉台、涉港、涉疆、涉海等问题上指责中国。?

The US and Japan released a joint statement following the Security Consultative Committee (“2+2”) on January 11, calling China “the greatest strategic challenge in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond” and criticized China on Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang and maritime issues.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 据报道,7月29日,美国国务卿布林肯、商务部长雷蒙多同日本外务大臣林芳正、经济产业大臣萩生田光一举行“2+2”对话。?

On July 29 [2022], US Secretary Antony J. Blinken and Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo, Japanese Foreign Minister Hayashi Yoshimasa, and Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry Koichi Hagiuda held the meeting of the US-Japan Economic Consultative Committee (Economic 2+2).?

- 近日,美日外长、防长举行“2+2”线上会议并发表联合声明,恶意渲染所谓“中国威胁”,声称中国正破坏基于规则的国际秩序,给地区和世界带来挑战。?

The US and Japanese foreign and defense ministers recently held a “2+2” meeting via video link and issued a joint statement afterwards, in which they maliciously hyped up the so-called China threats, claiming that “the ongoing efforts by China to undermine the rules-based order present political, economic, military, and technological challenges to the region and the world”.?

  • 百闻不如一见 / seeing is believing?

Today’s quote:

- 百闻不如一见,公道自在人心。世界知名伊斯兰宗教人士到新疆实地参访和真实感受再次充分证明,谎言掩盖不了真相,操弄涉疆问题抹黑中国的险恶图谋不得人心,也不会得逞。中方真诚欢迎各国朋友多到新疆走一走看一看,亲身感受新疆的社会安宁、经济繁荣、民族和谐、信仰自由。?

Seeing is believing. People can tell right from wrong. The experience of the world-renowned Islamic religious figures in Xinjiang once again shows that truth will not be hidden by lies, and those who seek to smear China by manipulating Xinjiang-related issues will not have their way. China welcomes friends from all countries to visit Xinjiang and experience first-hand Xinjiang’s social stability, economic prosperity, ethnic harmony and freedom of belief.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- “百闻不如一见”,走到田间地头看一看,与当地人聊一聊,往往会有全新的感悟。?

As a Chinese saying goes, "To see something once is better than to hear about it a hundred times." Go to the field and talk to the locals, one often gets a fresh understanding.?

  • 病毒载体疫苗 / viral vector vaccine?

Today’s quote:

- 世界卫生组织有关负责人最近表示,中国的疫苗接种率非常高,无论是灭活疫苗、病毒载体疫苗还是mRNA疫苗,对预防重症和死亡的保护力相当。?

A WHO official recently said that there are very high coverage levels of vaccination in China and that inactivated vaccines, viral vector vaccines, and mRNA vaccines have all demonstrated high performance of protection against the severe end of the disease spectrum and death.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 世界卫生组织有关负责人最近也表示,中国的疫苗接种率非常高,无论是灭活疫苗、病毒载体疫苗还是mRNA疫苗,对预防重症和死亡的保护力相当。?

A WHO official has said recently that there are very high coverage levels of vaccination in China and that inactivated vaccines, viral vector vaccines, and mRNA vaccines have all demonstrated high performance of protection against the severe end of the disease spectrum and death.?

- 按照灭活疫苗、重组蛋白疫苗、减毒流感病毒载体疫苗、腺病毒载体疫苗、核酸疫苗等5条技术路线开展疫苗研发。目前,已有4种灭活疫苗和1种腺病毒载体疫苗获批开展临床试验,总体研发进度与国外持平,部分技术路线进展处于国际领先。?

Vaccines are being developed in five categories – inactivated vaccines, recombinant protein vaccines, live attenuated influenza vaccines, adenovirus vaccines, and nucleic acid-based vaccines. To date, four inactivated vaccines and one adenovirus vaccine have been approved for clinical trials. While scientists in China and abroad have kept up with mutual developments, China leads the world in the development of certain types of vaccines.?

  • 大国博弈 / major-power rivalry?

Today’s quote:

- 日前,秦刚外长在同非盟委员会主席法基共同会见记者时强调,没有非洲的和平与发展,就没有世界的稳定与繁荣。非洲需要的是团结合作,而不是阵营对抗,任何国家、任何人都没有权力强迫非洲国家选边站队。非洲应该是国际合作的大舞台,不是大国博弈的角力场。如果有竞争,那就比一比谁为非洲和平发展、谁为非洲争取国际治理议程中更大代表性和发言权做的实事更多。?

When Foreign Minister Qin Gang met the press with Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC) Moussa Faki Mahamat the other day, he stressed that the world would not be stable and prosperous without a peaceful and growing Africa. What Africa needs is solidarity and cooperation, not bloc confrontation. No country or individual has the right to force African countries to pick sides. Africa should be a stage for international cooperation, not a wrestling ground for major-power rivalry. Even if there is competition, it should be about who has done more for Africa’s peace and development and for Africa to increase representation and say in international governance.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 亚太是合作发展的热土,不是大国博弈的“棋盘”。东盟国家是促进地区发展繁荣的“棋手”,不是地缘争夺的“棋子”。?

The Asia-Pacific is a promising land for cooperation and development, not a chessboard for major-power rivalry. ASEAN countries are chess players who will help promote regional development and prosperity, not chess pieces in a geopolitical contest.?

- 太平洋岛国是国际合作的大舞台,不是哪个国家的“后院”,更不是大国博弈的竞技场。?

Pacific island countries offer a big platform for international cooperation and should not be seen as the “backyard” of some country, still less an arena for major-power rivalry.?

- 正如王毅国务委员兼外长指出的,包括中国和发展中国家在内的大多数国家都认为,处理国际地区热点问题,并不是只有战争和制裁两种选择。各国人民并没有责任为地缘冲突和大国博弈埋单。?

As pointed out by State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, most countries, including China and many fellow developing countries, share the view that war and sanction are not the only two choices when handling international and regional hotspot issues. It is not incumbent on the people to pay the price for geographic conflicts and major-power rivalry.?

- 你们有没有反思,为什么欧洲会沦为战场?会沦为大国博弈的竞技场? 为什么乌克兰会沦为大国博弈的棋子和牺牲品呢??

Did you ever think about why has Europe become a battlefield and a wrestling ground of major-country rivalry? Why has Ukraine become a pawn to be sacrificed in major-country rivalry??

  • 免疫记忆 / immunological memory?

- 中国全病毒灭活疫苗能够激发较好的细胞免疫和免疫记忆,在预防发病、重症和死亡中发挥着关键作用。?

China-made inactivated vaccines can induce strong cellular immune response and immunological memory. They play an important role in preventing illness, severe cases and death. China always puts first the safety of vaccines.??

  • 灭活疫苗 / inactivated vaccine?

Today’s quote:

- 世界卫生组织有关负责人最近表示,中国的疫苗接种率非常高,无论是灭活疫苗、病毒载体疫苗还是mRNA疫苗,对预防重症和死亡的保护力相当。?

A WHO official recently said that there are very high coverage levels of vaccination in China and that inactivated vaccines, viral vector vaccines, and mRNA vaccines have all demonstrated high performance of protection against the severe end of the disease spectrum and death.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 世界卫生组织有关负责人最近也表示,中国的疫苗接种率非常高,无论是灭活疫苗、病毒载体疫苗还是mRNA疫苗,对预防重症和死亡的保护力相当。?

A WHO official has said recently that there are very high coverage levels of vaccination in China and that inactivated vaccines, viral vector vaccines, and mRNA vaccines have all demonstrated high performance of protection against the severe end of the disease spectrum and death.?

- 按照灭活疫苗、重组蛋白疫苗、减毒流感病毒载体疫苗、腺病毒载体疫苗、核酸疫苗等5条技术路线开展疫苗研发。目前,已有4种灭活疫苗和1种腺病毒载体疫苗获批开展临床试验,总体研发进度与国外持平,部分技术路线进展处于国际领先。?

Vaccines are being developed in five categories – inactivated vaccines, recombinant protein vaccines, live attenuated influenza vaccines, adenovirus vaccines, and nucleic acid-based vaccines. To date, four inactivated vaccines and one adenovirus vaccine have been approved for clinical trials. While scientists in China and abroad have kept up with mutual developments, China leads the world in the development of certain types of vaccines.?

  • mRNA疫苗 / mRNA vaccine?

Today’s quote:

- 世界卫生组织有关负责人最近表示,中国的疫苗接种率非常高,无论是灭活疫苗、病毒载体疫苗还是mRNA疫苗,对预防重症和死亡的保护力相当。?A

WHO official recently said that there are very high coverage levels of vaccination in China and that inactivated vaccines, viral vector vaccines, and mRNA vaccines have all demonstrated high performance of protection against the severe end of the disease spectrum and death.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 世界卫生组织有关负责人最近也表示,中国的疫苗接种率非常高,无论是灭活疫苗、病毒载体疫苗还是mRNA疫苗,对预防重症和死亡的保护力相当。?

A WHO official has said recently that there are very high coverage levels of vaccination in China and that inactivated vaccines, viral vector vaccines, and mRNA vaccines have all demonstrated high performance of protection against the severe end of the disease spectrum and death.?

  • 世界经济论坛 / World Economic Forum, WEF?

Today’s quote:

- 应世界经济论坛创始人兼执行主席施瓦布和瑞士联邦政府邀请,国务院副总理刘鹤将于1月15日至19日出席世界经济论坛2023年年会并访问瑞士。?

At the invitation of Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and the government of the Swiss Confederation, Vice Premier of the State Council Liu He will attend the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023 and visit Switzerland from January 15 to 19 [2023].?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 世界经济论坛将于7月19日举办全球企业家视频特别对话会,邀请李克强总理同50多个国家数百名国际工商界人士对话交流,论坛主席施瓦布将主持对话会。李克强总理将在对话会上发表致辞并就全球企业界关心的问题进行交流相信此次对话会将有助于国际社会进一步全面、准确了解中国经济形势和发展方向,有助于推动各方凝心聚力,共同应对风险挑战,有助于推动世界经济稳定复苏和可持续发展。?

The World Economic Forum (WEF) will hold the Special Virtual Dialogue with Global Business Leaders on July 19 [2022], where Premier Li Keqiang will be invited to hold dialogue and exchanges with hundreds of business leaders from over 50 countries. The dialogue will be chaired by Executive Chairman of the WEF Klaus Schwab. At the session, Premier Li Keqiang will deliver remarks and have exchanges on issues of interest to the business community. We believe the special dialogue will help the international community get a comprehensive and accurate understanding of China's economic situation and where it’s headed, and help all parties to act in solidarity and concert to jointly address risks and challenges and promote steady economic recovery and sustainable development of the world.?

- 报道,伊朗外长阿卜杜拉希扬在达沃斯世界经济论坛年会上称,美国和北约挑衅行为导致俄发动对乌战争。?

According to reports, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said at the World Economic Forum annual conference that the US and NATO were involved in actions that provoked Moscow to wage war on Ukraine.?

- 前不久,世界经济论坛举办了达沃斯议程对话会,习近平主席作了特别致辞,他在致辞中讲到,我们要建设开放型世界经济,坚定维护多边贸易体制;要推进WTO改革,保障发展中国家发展权益和空间。?

Before long, the World Economic Forum held an virtual event of the Davos Agenda , in which President Xi Jinping delivered a special address. In his speech, he stressed that we should build an open world economy, uphold the multilateral trading regime, advance reform of the WTO, and protect the development rights, interests and opportunities of developing countries.?

- 世界经济论坛将于11月16日举办全球企业家视频特别对话会,邀请李克强总理同40多个国家数百名国际工商界人士对话交流,论坛主席施瓦布将主持对话会。?

The World Economic Forum (WEF) will hold a special virtual dialogue for global business leaders on November 16 [2021], where Premier Li Keqiang will be invited to hold dialogue and exchanges with hundreds of business leaders from over 40 countries. The dialogue will be chaired by Executive Chairman of the WEF Klaus Schwab.?

  • 维吾尔文化灭绝 / Uyghur cultural genocide?

- 1月8日至11日,世界穆斯林社区理事会主席阿里率世界知名伊斯兰宗教人士和学者代表团应邀赴新疆维吾尔自治区访问,来自阿联酋、埃及、沙特、印尼、巴林、波黑、塞尔维亚等14个国家的30多名宗教人士和学者参团。... 代表团成员表示,新疆近10年来取得的发展和稳定成就令人震撼,新疆各地安全、繁荣、稳定;新疆穆斯林自由行使自己的民族宗教权利,各民族平等和谐地生活在一起;中国政府为保护新疆多民族文化作出了巨大努力;中国反恐和去极端化政策十分成功,给各族人民带来了福祉;他们看到的新疆与一些媒体描绘的根本不同,那些攻击新疆人权状况的言论以及“维吾尔文化灭绝”的指责完全是歪曲事实、颠倒黑白;伊斯兰文明和中华文明一直保持友好交往传统,愿努力推动伊斯兰世界和中国深化合作,在涉疆问题上坚定支持中方立场。?

From January 8 to 11 [2023], a delegation of world-renowned Islamic figures and scholars, led by Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi, chairman of the World Muslim Communities Council, paid a visit to the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region upon invitation. The delegation consists of more than 30 members from 14 countries, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. ... Members of the delegation said they were deeply impressed by Xinjiang’s achievement in development and stability over the past decade. They saw a safe, prosperous and stable Xinjiang where Muslims can freely exercise their ethnic and religious rights, and people from all ethnic backgrounds live in harmony as equals. The Chinese government has made enormous efforts to protect Xinjiang’s multi-ethnic culture. China’s counter-terrorism and de-radicalization policies have been very successful and delivered benefits to people of all ethnic groups. Members of the delegation said that what they saw in Xinjiang is entirely different from what has been painted by some media, and the accusations against Xinjiang’s human rights situation and so-called Uyghur cultural genocide are nothing but distortion of facts. The Islamic civilization and the Chinese civilization have interacted with each other amicably throughout the ages. They expressed readiness to deepen cooperation between the Islamic world and China and firmly support China’s position on Xinjiang-related issues.?Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 13, 2023

  • 细胞免疫 / cellular immunity?

- 中国全病毒灭活疫苗能够激发较好的细胞免疫和免疫记忆,在预防发病、重症和死亡中发挥着关键作用。?

China-made inactivated vaccines can induce strong cellular immune response and immunological memory. They play an important role in preventing illness, severe cases and death. China always puts first the safety of vaccines.?

  • 香港问题半年报告 / Six-monthly Report on Hong Kong?

Today’s quote:

- 香港特区政府已发布新闻公告,批驳英国所谓《香港问题半年报告》。我们要再次强调,英方无视香港早已回归祖国的事实,一再发表所谓《香港问题半年报告》,粗暴干涉香港事务和中国内政,严重违反国际法和国际关系基本准则,中方对此坚决反对。?

The Hong Kong SAR government has released a press statement to refute the so-called six-monthly report on Hong Kong published by the UK. We stress again that the UK has been ignoring the fact that Hong Kong has long returned to its motherland. It keeps publishing the so-called six-monthly reports on Hong Kong. This grossly interferes in Hong Kong affairs, which are China’s internal affairs, and seriously violates international law and basic norms governing international relations. China firmly rejects it.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 据报道,3月31日,英国发布第50份《香港问题半年报告》,批评中方治港政策,特别是香港国安法。?

The UK released a Six-monthly Report on Hong Kong, the 50th of its kind, on March 31 [2022] and criticized China’s Hong Kong policy, especially the Law of the PRC on Safeguarding National Security in the HKSAR.?

- 英方不顾中方严正立场,再次发表所谓的《香港问题半年报告》,一如既往歪曲事实、混淆视听,粗暴干涉香港事务和中国内政,严重违反国际法和国际关系基本准则。中方对此强烈谴责、坚决反对。?

In disregard of China’s solemn position, the British side once again released the so-called Six-monthly Report on Hong Kong, which distorts facts and confounds right with wrong as always, grossly interferes in Hong Kong’s affairs and China’s internal affairs, and gravely violates international law and basic norms governing international relations. China strongly condemns and firmly opposes this.?

- 英国政府发布《香港问题半年报告》称,香港国安法出台一年多来,中国内地和香港当局借此打压香港反对力量,并要求中方遵守《中英联合声明》规定的法律义务。?

The UK released the latest six-monthly report on Hong Kong that said Beijing and Hong Kong have used the national security law that was published over one year ago against all opposition in Hong Kong and asked China to fulfill legal obligations under the Sino-British Joint Declaration.?

  • 应接尽接 / all people eligible for (COVID vaccines) have access to it?

Today’s quote:

- 我们想指出的是,中国是全球唯一一个同时拥有多种技术路线新冠疫苗产品的国家,为民众的基础免疫和加强免疫提供了多种选择。目前,中国有13款新冠疫苗批准使用,涵盖4条技术路线,疫苗和医疗物资总体供应充足,能够满足“应接尽接”的需要。?

We would like to underscore that China is the only country with COVID vaccines developed via multiple technical routes. This provides the public with several choices for getting primary and enhanced immunity. To date, 13 vaccines covering four technical routes have been approved for use in China. Vaccines and medical material are in overall adequate supply, allowing all people eligible for vaccination the access to COVID vaccines.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 目前,中国的疫苗和医疗物资总体供应充足,能够满足“应接尽接”的需要。?

In China, vaccines and medical material are in overall adequate supply, allowing all people eligible for vaccination the access to COVID vaccines.?

- 中国建成了全球最大规模的新冠疫苗生产线,年产能超过70亿剂,产量已经超过55亿剂,能够满足“应接尽接”需要。?

China has established the world’s largest production lines of COVID vaccines with an annual production capacity of over 7 billion doses and an annual output of over 5.5 billion doses, which meet the needs of ensuring that all people eligible for vaccination have access to COVID vaccines.?

  • 战略石油储备 / strategic petroleum reserve?

Today’s quote:

- 第二个问题,美国国会众院通过法案,禁止向中国出售美战略石油储备,外交部对此有何评论??

And the second is that US lawmakers voted to pass legislation to ban sales from the nation’s strategic petroleum reserve to China. And we’re also seeking comments on that.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 随着乌克兰危机的爆发,石油价格正在上涨,中方是否会同意与美方协同释放战略石油储备平抑油价??

A question on oil prices. Given the oil prices are rising amid the Ukraine crisis, will China be on board with releasing strategic oil reserves in sync with the United States to quell the gains??

  • 阵营对抗 / bloc confrontation?

Today’s quote:

- 非洲需要的是团结合作,而不是阵营对抗,任何国家、任何人都没有权力强迫非洲国家选边站队。?

What Africa needs is solidarity and cooperation, not bloc confrontation. No country or individual has the right to force African countries to pick sides.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 有关方面应当停止针对中国的无端指责和造谣抹黑,停止鼓吹对抗、制造“假想敌”,停止将北约作为维护霸权、搞乱世界的工具,放弃冷战思维和阵营对抗,多做有利于世界和平稳定的事。?

Relevant parties need to stop making groundless accusations and smearing China, stop whipping up confrontation and creating imaginary enemies, stop making NATO a tool to perpetuate hegemony and destabilize the world, discard the Cold War mentality and bloc confrontation, and do more that are conducive to world peace and stability.?

- ?历史昭示我们,阵营对抗解决不了问题,偏见只会带来灾难。?

History tells us that bloc confrontation cannot solve any problem and that bias will only lead to disaster.?

- 我们要遵循联合国宪章的宗旨和原则,树立共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全观,共同反对冷战思维和阵营对抗,搭建亚太安全架构,为亚太经济发展和长治久安创造条件。?

We should abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, pursue the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and jointly reject the Cold War mentality and bloc confrontation. We need to build an Asia-Pacific security architecture to create conditions for ensuring economic development and durable peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific.?

- 以意识形态划线,搞集团政治和阵营对抗,只会割裂世界,阻碍全球发展和人类进步。?

Drawing ideological lines or promoting group politics and bloc confrontation will only divide the world, and hinder global development and human progress.?

  • 殖民旧梦 / colonial dream (of the UK’s control of Hong Kong)?

Today’s quote:

- 我们敦促英方认清历史大势,放弃殖民旧梦,尊重中国主权,停止插手香港事务,停止干涉中国内政,否则只会搬起石头砸自己的脚。?

We urge the UK to grasp the historical trend, wake up from its colonial dream, respect China’s sovereignty, and stop meddling in Hong Kong affairs, which are China’s internal affairs, otherwise it will only end up shooting itself in the foot.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 英方抱持殖民旧梦,出尔反尔,粗暴干涉中国内政,严重违反国际法和国际关系基本准则,我们表示强烈不满和坚决反对。

?The UK side, clinging onto its nostalgic colonial dream and breaking its promise, grossly interfered in China’s internal affairs and gravely violated international law and basic norms governing international relations. We express our strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to this.?

- 香港回归前,英方曾明确承诺不给予BNO旅行证件持有者在英居留权。而在香港回归祖国20多年后,英国却有一些人抱持殖民旧梦,执意炮制出台所谓BNO护照新政策,并一再扩大BNO签证适用范围,试图把大批港人变成二等英国“公民”。?

Prior to Hong Kong’s return, the British side explicitly committed not to grant BNO travel document holders the right of residence in the UK. However, over two decades after Hong Kong’s return, some in the UK, clinging to their nostalgic colonial dream, persistently concocted and rolled out the so-called new BNO passport scheme, and kept expanding the eligibility for application for BNO visa, trying to turn a large number of Hong Kong citizens into second class British citizens.?

Read in parallel: https://tinyurl.com/yfth9a98


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