22 Causes for the Next Crash of ‘29. 16 Graphs Detail the Facts. Protect Yourself.
We’re being Gaslighted. Everything is NOT wonderful with the US economy and securities markets. We tell it like it is in this video and in the following 11 specific problems that describe the mess? in detail. These are 11 of the 22 problems we face. There’s more.
But don’t despair. Prepare.?
Problem #1: The US spent more than all other countries on COVID : $5 Trillion, which is 25% of GDP. And the spending continues
Problem #2: This increased the money supply, especially the “helicopter money” sent to most taxpayers. There is currently $3.5 trillion ”too much” money in circulation that will cause “cost-push” inflation on top of our? current “demand-pull” inflation
?Problem #3: Inflation is NOT over. There’s another – bigger – wave on the horizon.
?Problem #4: Money printing has pumped the Federal Reserve Balance Sheet up to $8 trillion:? 8 times the historical average. Money is “printed” when the Treasury issues bonds that the Fed buys. The Fed is an arsonist charged with fighting the inflation fire.
?Problem #5: Fighting inflation by Quantitative Tightening is bankrupting the Fed with huge operating losses of $244 billion per year. It’s ugly. The Fed “pays” for these losses with a bookkeeping entry for “deferred assets” which is basically an IOU to itself.
?Problem #6: There’s no way out for the Fed. It should NOT pivot despite pressures to do so.
Problem #7: More banks are going to fail. Another consequence of COVID is the abandonment of office buildings and brick-and-mortar stores. Consequently, owners are going out of business and defaulting on their loans. Compounding these banking problems, depositors are withdrawing their savings because they earn higher interest on CDs and money market funds. This is called disintermediation.
Problem #8: When interest rates rise, the US will be forced to monetize the debt, fueling inflation.
Problem #9: The US stock market is overpriced and long overdue for a correction.
Problem #10: The all-in debt is more than $100 trillion – multiples of the “official” $34 trillion debt. Social Security and Medicare are going broke, and Congress is not acting.
.Problem #11: We’ve forgotten 2008. Many current investors believe the US stock market only goes up. We're in the "Roaring 20s" again folks, 100 years later.
?Bonus Problem: The recent stock market has gone berserk, oblivious to the problems
Stocks and bonds won’t do, so move out of them and hedge.
Totally agreed Ron!