Join the One Home Journey 2023 to 2030: 7 Years for 7 Generations!
On Mother Earth Day, 22 April 2023, the visionary ‘ONE HOME JOURNEY’ was launched by the Home for Humanity planetary movement, together with engaged changemakers and luminary leaders of transformative movements, organizations and Homes for Humanity from all parts of Mother Earth.
As Home for Humanity’s Co-Chair Jean Houston put it, “The One Home Journey is as epic as the times we live in, and as imperative, as these complex times on Earth demand.
It will encompass:
SEVEN YEARS to voyage to every country on Earth, our One Home, connecting Earth Citizens, home-to-home, across continents.
SEVEN DAYS for a Learning and Co-Creation Journey in each society,
to build a regenerative and inclusive future, personally, locally and globally
for the next SEVEN GENERATIONS!”
Contributing to the scintillating multicultural “vision-presentation” of the “One Home Journey” and expressing their support were long-standing collaborators and new allies. They included, among many others: Duane Elgin, Founder of Earth Voice and author of Choosing Earth; Ozioma Egwuonwu, Founder of World Dream Day; P.V. Rajagopal, India’s preeminent Gandhian leader and Founder of Ekta Parishad; Jill Carr-Harris, Co-Founder of the global movement Jai Jagat (Victory to the World); Emanuel Kuntzelman and Laura Rose, initiators of the newly-launched planetary ‘Holomovement’; Brazil’s XamAm Alba Maria Nunes, founder of Terra Mirim Foundation and Ecovillage; Jacob Johns, Hopi wisdom keeper and artist-activist; Four Arrows aka Prof. Don Trent Jacobs, world-renowned author and scholar of the Indigenous world view.
Responding to the Vision and Plan of the One Home Journey, P.V. Rajagopal, laureate of the prestigious Nivano Peace Prize 2023, and Founder of India’s largest movement of indigenous and landless peasants, stated,
“As one Earth family working together on this One Home Journey, we will be able to reach the millions who are suffering from the current economic and political systems. We in India are very inspired by this movement, and would like to play a very active role in taking it forward.”
Duane Elgin, visionary futurist, and also a laureate of the Niwano Peace Prize, expressed: “With the love and beauty of this invitation you are offering the Earth Family, we are going to find our Earth Home. It is a journey into aliveness, into wholeness. We are on this journey together. You are bringing us home together.”
Co-Founder of the Holomovement, Emmanuel Kuntzelman offered a poignant prayer to Mother Earth, on behalf of all voyagers on this Day 1 of the One Home Journey:
“Mother Earth: You are the one home, you are the cradle of everything we are. We ask for your forgiveness. And we dedicate ourselves to be in service to your health and regeneration and the future of seven generations to come. We honour you, as we come home to the one and only home we have.”
XamAM Alba Maria, the eminent Brazilian teacher of shamanism and Earth wisdom, showered the blessings of Mother Earth on the One Home Journey and on all gathered, affirming: “We have now a new opportunity to come together to trace a new route for humanity.”
Youssef Mahmoud from Tunisia, Home for Humanity’s Co-Chair and former UN Under-Secretary General summarised:
“The One Home Journey may seem idealistic or impossible. Certainly, seven years ago I myself would have thought so.?But over the past three years, I have been directly engaged in witnessing and supporting the build-up of the Homes for Humanity movement across all continents. Especially over this past year, I have been awed at how our movement has both grown deeper roots and expanded far and wide with new collaborators and partners.?And this, friends, has been possible due to the spirit of collaboration, co-creation and due to the dedication and determination that has forged ‘Our Common Story’ of co-creating Home on Earth.?Together, we have laid solid foundations, and we are now ready to undertake this big step: our shared seven year journey for the next seven generations.”?
This One Home Journey requires the participation and co-creation of all Earth Citizens -every single one of you. As Jean Houston put it, “You are ALL already fellow voyagers and future builders of the One Home Journey!”
Tatiana Speed’s spectacular Anthem for the One Home Journey, which graced the entire session, eloquently invokes us all to be the future builders:
“Lets’ put the seeds in the ground, until life springs up all around.
We can walk through this garden, this home that we made.
Together we can change humanity’s fate!”
So join us for A Seven Years Journey – Seven Days in all Countries – Together, for the next Seven Generations!
-With warm wishes from the entire Home for Humanity Family
Dr. Rama Mani and Prof. Alexander Schieffer,
Co-Founders of Home for Humanity and Co-Initiators of One Home Journey
We shall share regular updates about the build-up of this momentous journey, including a full brochure of the One Home Journey (coming up soon) sharing all the ways you, your communities, organisations and movements, can participate and collaborate in the journey. And soon to come: a planetary music video of Tatiana’s Anthem!
Meanwhile do send us your ideas, insights, feedback on how this One Home Journey resonates with you, and what impact or contribution it could have on your own purpose, life and work, and on actualising our collective vision for our shared future!
Do write to us at [email protected]. We can also share with you the full recording of the launch, outlining how the One Home Journey will unfold over the 7 years from 2023 to 2030, and the envisioned 7 day collective process of regeneration and renewal, custom-made locally within each country. For more on the pioneering Homes for humanity worldwide see: www.HomeforHumanity.Earth