Taiwo Idris
Visionary | I help you simplify healthcare, education & drive SDGs impact via animated visual storytelling | empowering visionary leaders by telling stories of my visionary and faith journey | Pharmacist | Kingdompreneur
This word is for you, ensure you read till the end.
On a specific week day in April, I went down to the market to grind some plant material for my project work. I am working with a plant for my final year project so part of the procedure required turning the plant material into powder by grinding before macerating it.
To macerate means to soak it.
While I was sitting in that shop in the market waiting for them to finish grinding corn for some of their customers, the holy spirit directed me to the book of 1st kings 10 and I opened up my Bible app.
On opening the chapter, it was the story of how the Queen of Sheba came to visit Solomon, let's not call it a visit...lol.
She literally came to check him out and see if what she heard was true.
Look at this:
1Kgs.10.1 - When the queen of Sheba heard of Solomon's reputation, which brought honor to the name of the LORD, she came to test him with hard questions.
Immediately, I read those words the holy spirit said to me -this is the very first lesson I want to unveil to you "what you are remembered for or known for ( Reputation & Legacy) brings honor to the name of God". Building a personal brand is not just for you alone but there's the concept of God placing his brand on your brand (it's called ordination) such that when men encounter your brand, their hearts are set on fire for Jesus.
The second lesson he pointed out to me was this "For kings and nations to come to your light like Isiah prophesied, they have to hear about you, which is why building a social media presence, craftsmanship, skills, expertise and growing your genius is important. Kings won't hear about you if you are hiding".
Show up with the solution that God has placed inside of you, the truth is that you don't need to know it all but you just have to be willing to share what you know to help the people that God has sent you to. The little that some individuals know, they don't even share. At every stage, there are people you know something more than that are looking forward to having access to the solution you can share.
There's something you may miss in verse 1 if you aren't paying enough attention, look at what is written there.
"Queen of Sheba came to test him with questions".. lol.
When I read this, the third lesson that Holy Spirit laid in my heart is this
"your skills, craftsmanship, reputation, legacy, what you carry on your inside will be put to test by challenges ...in fact people are going to question what you carry and you have to know who you are and what God has told you".
If you are Individual wanting to engage culture and infiltrate systems and structures, you need to carry a deep sense of your identity because your generation will ask you questions when you show up in their presence.
In fact, there are those that will have opinions about what God has told you in the secret place. You need to be anchored on who you are as revealed by God and be willing to stick to the blueprint God has given to you regardless of human's opinions.
In verse 9
1 Kgs.10.9 - "The LORD your God is great indeed! He delights in you and has placed you on the throne of Israel. Because the LORD loves Israel with an eternal love, he has made you king so you can rule with justice and righteousness".
This statement was made by the queen of Sheba after encountering Solomon and this verse brings us to lesson 4 which is this:
"the results you generate in the market place should make people say if Jesus can produce this amount of results through your life, then I want to get to know him". To be honest, this should be the end goal of all we do or try to achieve in the market-place.
If God gives you influence in the market place, it's because there is a level of result you will generate in the market-place that will make men listen to you as his vessel no matter what you say...lol. Solomon had that kind of influence( You can ask God for it only with proper intentions that when you get it, it will be used to advance the kingdom).
You and I are instruments in the hands of the most high God to advance his Kingdom.
There's an army arising, been enlisted to take mountains of influence for the kingdom, to engage culture and infiltrate systems.
Listen to this clarion call in the spirit.
It is time for the kingdom of the world to become the kingdom of our God.
Till Jesus is unveiled to the entire world.
Till I write again to you next time.
With Love,
Taiwo Idris.