In the 21st century Entrepreneurship and Success is accessible to all
Lashan Athauda
~ Always looking to Add Value to others and create a Sustainable future. Experienced in Aviation & Entrepreneurship.
I once read an article that the French word entrepreneur first appeared in the French dictionary in 1723 to describe a person who organizes and operates a business by taking a financial risk.
Yet today I find that risk no longer applies, as the internet provides the low cost platform to grow an international business, reaching markets beyond borders. And availability of partnerships with major brands supporting with world-class products & services eliminates the need to invest in production facilities.
Combining that with the availability of an entrepreneur training program with real-world business knowledge and skills prepare us for the amazing world of entrepreneurship. But our success is not possible without failures, challenges and resistance.
I find the secret sauce to Success is the combination of above factors and availability of mentors or coaches, who have already gone the journey to success, that support us to get back up, learn from the experience and encourage to try again with their guidance. They show by example how success is inevitable to all who follow the proven success principles, to bring out the best in all of us.
Experience shows this to be the best way to guarantee Success in business of 21st century and develop ourselves to be entrepreneur leaders while achieving a vision and adding value to society.
I enjoy supporting individuals who seek access to proven business model they can adopt, unparalleled training from highly successful business founders, mentors and coaches so that they can achieve their dreams while serving society.
-together for a better tomorrow