21 year old does $16,000...

21 year old does $16,000...

Watch this case study interview of a recent rockstar client of ours, her name is Vanessa Simpson... a 21 year old who decided to invest in our programs instead of investing in college and boy did it ever pay off!!!

Watch how she talks about following her purpose, investing in herself, overcoming fear and how she earned more money in the first quarter of this year than she did all of last year!!

If a 21-year-old can learn how to do this what are you waiting for?

You can take course after course you can fill yourself up with all kinds of certifications but unless you know how to market and sell your services your business is dead in the water before it even starts.

Stop taking chances on your future and the financial health of your business.

What you do today impacts your tomorrow and the next day and the next 30 days and the next 60 days from now.

Imagine what your life what your summer what you could do for your family if in the next 60 days from today your coaching business could generate $10,000 a month and your recurring clients sales confidence and cash flow?

Let me be really frank with you ... you will have to work at this you will have to show up and implement the strategies that we teach you.

You might have a very big learning curve you might not.

I guarantee you’ll get there faster with a good solid system and a blueprint to follow as well as the support and accountability that’s required for learning and growth to happen.

Apply today to connect with a member of our team and create your growth strategy plan for more confidence and cash flow in your coaching business www.takeyourpowerbacknow.com/10kready


Vanessa Simpkins

Ps: If a 21-year-old can do it what are you waiting for?

Have the courage to find out what can happens when you throw away all of your limiting beliefs, excuses and hallucinations about why you can’t.

Apply today: www.takeyourpowerbacknow.com/10kready


