(21) Simple Habits to Improve Your Environment
“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.”
~Alexander Den Heijer
I believe that our environment plays a major role in our happiness and success. I also believe that simple daily actions can create a better environment. It has been said that it takes three weeks to form a habit. I have listed (21) simple daily habits that you can instill into your life to create an environment that will help you find joy and prosperity.
1. Gratitude
People want to know that what they are doing is appreciated. Be over thankful and be Sincere. Don’t wait until Thanksgiving to tell people how much you appreciate them; do it each day.
2. ‘Hate’ Nothing
Challenge: try to never use the word ‘Hate’. Treat it like profanity (See #7). Replace with “I don’t care for” or “I do not prefer”. The ‘H-word’ builds walls around you, leaving opportunities for growth and new adventures on the outside.
3. Let People Finish Their Thoughts
Bite your tongue. When you allow someone to finish their thoughts two things can happen; you will earn their respect and you may learn something. Once you cut them off, you lose both. (5 out of 5 stars on the “Respect Meter”)
4. Eliminate Harmful Gossip
When talking about someone behind their back, try saying only nice things. There are few things so pleasing then to hear that someone was talking nicely about you to someone else.
5. Smile
This is the simplest and easiest way to make others feel good about themselves. A smile is a gift that gives twice; the person receiving it and the person giving it. (The smile also represents Humble Confidence and Self-Control)
6. Organize & Clean Your Personal and Work Space
A clean environment sets the stage for high quality service and productivity. Organization gives off the feeling of being in Control.
7. Eliminate Profanity
Some people are okay with profanity; some are not. Don’t take any chances. Profanity represents a lack of control and professionalism. Pretend a child was in the room with you – would you talk like that?
8. Forgive Everyone
Hatred and Grudges effect only one person – the person holding them. Forgiving someone does not mean that you are okay with what they did; it just means that you are not going to allow someone else’s actions to continuously impact your future.
9. Filter Your Entertainment
The music you listen to, the TV that you watch and the Online Content that you view should all have a positive impact on your life. If you do not feel inspired or motivated to grow by the entertainment you choose, maybe you should try something different. An Added bonus; you can motivate people in your life as well by opening their mind to your new inspirational entertainment.
10. Do not Judge
Everyone has a story. Assume that every person you meet is facing a difficult challenge in their life and you will never be wrong.
11. Invest – Don’t Spend
Believe that every gift you give, whether it is time, money, or a random act of kindness, just made someone’s life a little better. To ‘Spend’ is to think in terms of loss with no return or scarcity. To ‘Invest’ is to think that your efforts will create future abundance.
12. Don’t use ‘But’ After an Apology
People will not remember anything before your ‘But’. Apologize and move on.
13. Listen More – Talk Less
God gave us two ears and one mouth. Therefore, we should do twice as much listening as we do talking. You will learn so much more from listening.
14. Eliminate Excuses
When you give excuses, you lose an opportunity to learn from the situation. Take every circumstance in life as a learning experience.
15. Be Punctual
Show up on time – or at least call and notify. Let people know that their time is incredibly valuable (5 out of 5 stars on the “Respect Meter”)
16. Take Notes and Follow up
The best book I own, besides The Bible, is an empty notebook. I have blank notebooks all throughout my house, office, and car. By writing down your promises, you are much more likely to follow through. You will become known for your integrity and reliability.
Also, you never want to miss a great idea or thought. You never know when one will show up.
17. Complain Less; Praise More
Complaining overrides Gratitude. Gratitude is one of the most Valuable assets you can own. When you complain, you decrease your assets.
18. People are Good
I believe that all people are good, by nature. When you really believe this, you will be surprised how many ‘good’ people surround your daily life. Like attracts like.
19. Compliment Sincerely
The ultimate goal in life: Everyone is a little better for having known you. A sincere compliment, no matter what the subject, has a huge positive impact on people. Give them out as if they were free – because they are.
20. Act Like Everyone is Watching
With cameras everywhere, this is probably true. However, my point is that you should be the same person, whether you are alone or surrounded by people. As a Spouse, Parent and Leader, people are watching you. They will learn from your every move. Make sure it is a lesson worth learning.
21. Finally, and Most Importantly, Love Everyone.
Love is being Kind. Love is being Gentle. Love is being Compassionate. When you love, you bring out the best in yourself and in others.
Before every action, take a moment to reflect on the outcome. Ask yourself, will this action contribute or detract from my environment? Does it bring value or diminish worth? Everything we do should have a positive impact on our lives and the lives of the people we share it with. Self-Awareness is the ability to recognize how you make people feel in your presence and even long after. Refine your self-awareness and you will become a blessing to everyone.
At the end of your life, you will not be remembered for your strategic decision making or your ability to answer tough technical questions. You will be remembered for how you made people feel and the joy they felt in your presence.
Create the environment that you wish to inhabit.
Natural Gas Industry Professional
8 年Very Nice. I agree - love is the most important word in the English language.
Senior Technology Engineer at Osborn Engineering
8 年Thanks Chris, Great article! I only wish I could live up to all of them... all of the time
Owner of ML Electrical Contracting LLC
8 年Very well said. Thanks
Retired Executive
8 年Enjoyed article, thanks for sharing.
Guiding Vision, Mission & Strategy for Fabrication & Modularization
8 年Well Said!