21 Reasons to Celebrate
In July we reported that our clients had more than 100 interviews for executive jobs (see 100 Job Interviews in One Month). And we are at 107 in August month to date. We knew these numbers would lead to a surge in landings and offers. But never expected 21 clients to land or receive offers in one week! But that’s what happened last week. 21 clients! We will provide more details in our weekly Hiring Line summary of all market activity later this week. But here’s where a few of last week’s clients landed from an industry point of view:
These 21 clients landed or received offers from companies you have heard of. These companies are such as Oracle, Saatchi & Saatchi, Unilever, Trinity Health Care, EY, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Colorado State University. And many that you have not yet heard about… but you probably will.
These happy clients landed many roles. They ranged from CTO to Global Head of Media, Vice President, Director of Operations, Communications Director, Project Manager, Senior Manager. Also, Strategist, Engineering Manager, Associate, and Terminal Director to name just a few.
We were also able to help every one of the 21 to add to their total compensation either through equity, bonus, benefits, or salary as part of our negotiation support.
Sometimes prospective clients ask us where we specialize. Well, honestly, we don’t. Our methodology and talented teams operate in virtually every industry vertical. (See Client Landings by Industry graphic, below, for a current overview.)
Geographically, our main focus is on North America and Europe, Middle East, Africa. But we have also helped executive clients repeatedly all over the world for the last 30 years.
Here is how one recent client put it after landing a coveted government job in the Middle East:
“If you take the TBG Program very seriously, you acquire the know-how to do a job hunt very effectively on your own later. I tell people it’s a little like college – but for C-level jobs!” [Alhassan, Director, Government Sector]
And that is perfectly true. Most senior executives have no idea how to seriously tackle a career change. They have been promoted into their current roles or simply been lucky up until that point. So much so that when the opportunity suddenly evaporates or the company abruptly decides to restructure, they are caught short without a plan or any notion of what the next steps should be. This has been a particular issue during the current pandemic with its wide-ranging impacts on so many industries and regions.
Of course, other executives are motivated by a sense of “doing the work but not having the title.” Or in some cases, they are simply bored or burned out and want a change of industry, role, or geography.
The Barrett Group employs a unique targeting step as the very first stage in our five-step career change program. We want to really understand our clients. We come to an agreement with them on who they are, where they are in their lives, and where they really want to go professionally and holistically. This step is called the Clarity Program? for a good reason. Here is how another successfully landed client explained it:
“The Clarity Program was a real eyeopener for me, especially the DISC profile exercise […] It was the scariest experience in my life to answer 24 questions and have it yield a 20-page analytical report about my skills and personality that was spot on! The report included what other people say about me. It wasn’t all positive, but it also made me better understand why my last job failed.” [Peter Witke, Chief Commercial Officer]
Ultimately, the Clarity Program? assures coherent, enduring targets for each client’s career change program. Thus, saving them time and aggravation when it comes to their actual search.
Why not save yourself some time and aggravation, too? Hire proven professionals in career management to help you with your executive job search. We make it our job to help you find yours. Give us a call!
Peter Irish, CEO