#21 Local CANDU for Global Emission Reduction
This issue is about challenging myself intellectually to slow my dementia-MCI, however the basic idea of this issue is about using Made In Canada CANDU energy to reduce global CO2 emissions.
However, the first truth that can help reduce global CO2 emissions is the acknowledgement that nuclear energy like CANDU does not need renewables to reduce global emissions.
This has been proven in Canada through the use of CANDU reactors to provide 0 emission electricity for the city of Toronto for 50+ years! Long before climate change was an existential threat to the world, CANDU tech provided a way to provide inexpensive baseload reliable cleaner than coal energy in Ontario. This use has proven the use of CANDU technology and also how nuclear energy can substantially decrease emissions globally, if only it was embraced as a strategic effective way of reducing global CO2 emissions! So really this post and concept are formulated with global emission reduction as the primary goal. Use CANDU/nuclear energy locally to reduce CO2 emissions globally!
The second fundamental truth is that climate change is a global issue to be solved not a national political opportunity to be taken advantage of for power. Unfortunately democracies and free market economies have been taken advantage of by a strange combination of global climate NGOs that push national climate change political agendas that include the push to wind/solar/EVs/heatpumps that have been co-opted by two communist non-democratic nations China and Russia.The west has been asleep at the climate change wheel as it has given China a monopoly on the key components used in the construction of 'renewable' gear for wind/solar/EVs/heatpumps that are built with coal, children in Africa and Russian oil and gas and that really just transfers emissions to China and cash to both Russia and China and does not reduce global emissions.
It is so strange for western democracies to give up the fate of the planet and their free market economies to two communist regimes-China and Russia.
However western democracies are not restricted to this fate and one of the most strategic is the use of clean nuclear energy, particularly CANDU technology as it can be sourced completely from a free democracy-Canada, CANDU from ON and unenriched uranium from SK!
Instead of limiting our thinking to only serving domestic needs which has been done in Canada for 50+ years, what if we considered the use of made in Canada CANDU to reduce global CO2 emissions by considering the following supporting ideas for example purposes, hopefully people or organizations like:
Co-Chaired by a former PM and former Premier:
or the "CANDU Owners Group"
CANDU Owners Group Taps The Best Vendors in the World for Zero Emission Energy To Help Reduce Global Emissions:
will build on this idea that I propose starts in Toronto, ON, CDN:
1.NAFTA-CANDU to reduce CO2 emissions from north America, export clean CANDU electricity to the nearest large cities in north America to reduce emissions.
2. CANDU Powered AI/Data Centers in Canada: While Toronto is the immediate startup hub for this concept, it could be cloned to any city in Canada. Since we have a 50+ year history of the use of CANDU reactors in Canada why not use this technology to support the location of clean CANDU powered AI/Data Centers in Canada by the world's largest corporations like Nvidia/Microsoft/Google/X/Meta/Apple/IBM etc. It is inevitable that they will build these centers, but why not make them 0 emission using existing CANDU technology that has been perfected/tested for decades in Canada.
3. Clean CANDU Cities: My country has spent $57.7 billion dollars to attract the construction of EV battery plants in Canada. What if Canada instead provided CANDU Clean Cities grants to heaviest polluting poorest cities in the world to install CANDU reactors burning unenriched SK uranium, what would the global emission reduction of that $57.7 billion dollars be? In addition it would generate good paying jobs in Canada while supporting effective ways of reducing global emissions.
It's global emission reduction stupid, not national politics. Climate change is a global issue to be solved, not a national political opportunity.
Global Cloning of the Above CANDU Powered Concepts. Since CANDU uses unenriched uranium from SK the above technology exists now and is independent of enriched uranium from Russia, so any NATO country could use the above concepts to help reduce global CO2 emissions. And it is also independent of made in China components for wind/solar/EVs/heatpumps built with coal, children in Africa and Russian oil and gas!
OK, not like my other posts, but food for thought.
Peace be with you.
Ted Ritzer