#21 January 22nd, 2022
Blake Carroll, CPA
PwC People Team - Manager | Helping Aspiring CPAs Navigate the CPA Exam with Confidence
Thought of the newsletter: With very rare exceptions, every person you see who has reached the top 1% of their industry and/or is seen as wildly successful had to put in a MASSIVE amount of time and effort to get there. Elite results do not come without an elite work ethic over a long, long, long period of time. What interests and excites you enough that you're willing to put in that much time toward it?
This is a solid foundational list with applicable and easy tactics for reducing stress. The tactics deal with a wide variety of life areas which I think makes it easier to implement them since it gives you a lot of options.?
Perhaps the two most common philosophical questions, and ones that I certainly think about a lot, are you what is the meaning of life and what is my purpose? Those are tough questions since there is not a concrete answer, and the answer will be different from person to person and even throughout the course of a personms life. So what are we to do? Our meaning and purpose are not given to us, we have to create them by who we are and what we do.??We have to believe that our lives have meaning and it matters that we exist. Personally, I think your purpose and meaning will be much more powerful and peaceful if it is connected to helping others. It’s also a paradox that meaning and purpose may elude us if we look for them too much. The key is to be present with how they are already a part of your life, and to see if you can lean into what you do that already creates them. Fill your days with the people and tasks that make you feel alive.?
Most of the things that we are afraid of are because of a belief or story we tell ourselves about what the object of our fear means. Very few of our fears are related to actual physical danger that might harm us. We’re afraid of failure, being rejected by our community, or being alone for example. But often if we face our fears and write down the stories behind them we can start to get over them by saying that the outcome is not even likely. It really is true you must face your fear. Doing so will probably make you realize there really isn’t that much to be afraid of.?
Unfortunately pain can manifest itself in our lives in a number of ways, be that physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. But there are steps we can take to dealing with all types of it. Pain is a natural part of life but if we label it as a negative and try to shove it down or avoid it that will only make it worse. We create more pain by thinking we shouldn’t be in pain. Often the more we try to resist at the longer it hangs around. A solution can be to become present into how the pain is actually manifesting itself in our bodies, thinking back to all of the pains we have overcome before, and admiring our ability to overcome and adapt to it. Pain is temporary, and better days will come.?
What comes first: finding work that you already love and align with, or creating passionate work by pouring yourself into it? We will naturally think more of and have higher opinions of the things we dedicate ourselves to. Your brain is programmed to think “if I’m putting this much time and effort into this I must really care about it.” That can apply to jobs, hobbies, or relationships. Therefore it’s not about finding what you love, it’s about choosing what you want to love. Using love and passion to get good at something is what can help you be successful at that thing. It is going to take work; sustained success will not come easily or for free. Passion is something you have to create, not something that just exists on its own.?