21 Great Marketing Ideas for Coaches
Snehal R. Singh
TedX Speaker???Writer's Coach, ?Done for Your Publishing, ?? Self Publishing Expert, Publisher, 13X Best Selling Author, Best-Selling Expert, Abundance Strategist, Speaker, Podcaster
If you are reading the business series blog, you are on your way to greatness, climbing the mountain called a career. It is known that your business growth is many times linked to how well you market yourself, more so for life coaches.
I am giving you a list of these ideas and you are free to choose which one's suite you. These ideas helped me in a new place where I knew no one and had no way to use my previous contacts. If they helped me, I am sure it would help you too.
Before I start with the ideas, I need to say that it is very important that you have a great coach for your life coaching journey or path. No climber would attempt to climb a mountain alone, and neither should you attempt to attain mountain like heights alone.
You are a coach, and you should understand that you also need a coach for a more beautiful success.
So the marketing ideas –
1.Create Your Unique Marketing Message
Have a short introduction, about thirty seconds long, telling what you do, about whom you are, and why they should work with you.
This message should be unique, telling why people should choose you and no one else, and should show that you understand the potential client’s problem and the solution to the problem. It should speak to their minds and their emotions so they know that you are on their side and you understand what they are going through.
It is about showing that you can help them and that you are worthy of their trust.
2. Do Speaking Arrangements at Local Clubs
Clubs like the Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, or the Lions Club, are usually looking for speakers to fill in their regular meetings. You can offer your service, gain credibility and visibility. Ensure that you share a message based on your speciality and which you are passionate about, so you speak with authority.
Also do not forget to give out handouts with details about you; your phone number and other contact details so that your audience can contact you later. Remember that the first impression is the most important and use it well.
Contact the chairpersons of these clubs and make your services available, then make sure you ace.
3. Create a List of Referees; a List of Advocates
This list should contain people who know what you do and believe in you. They are people whom you know have got your back, these people believe in you and would give you business just because of that.
These people may be your friends, your clients, or even your associates, but these are your promoters. Recognize them and don’t allow them be far away.
The reason this list is important is so you have people who help spread your word and create more opportunities for you. Stay in touch with these ones; give a call, send a message, and maybe once in a while have meetings with them.
By keeping in touch, you refresh their memories and as opportunities arise, you come to mind too.
Create and preserve an advocate list.
4. Write
It is no news that those who read are those who lead, so be among those who create leaders with their written works. Write blogs or articles and share them in every way possible; on Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, or you can even email them or include them in your promotional kits.
You may not be good at writing, but that should not deter you from writing short powerful messages. It is quite important that you get your message out; say what know. When writing, you can write about subject matters relating to coaching without directly telling them to patronize you. For instance you can share the benefits of having a life coach or talk about changes a life coach can effect in the life of a client. Or you can talk about what and what not to look for in coaching sessions.
All these serve to show your expertise on the subject and make you the go-to person when a coach is needed.
Write and share your knowledge.
5. Give Free Specialty Gifts
Give away thoughtful special gifts which have your business details; name, logo, website, etc. and can serve as promotional items for your business. As people, old clients or potential clients alike, receive this, they are subconsciously learning about your business and that information is saved in their minds.
Giving gifts promote good customer relations, and spreads your name farther than you can imagine. A simple mug, pen or branded t-shirt can keep the name of your business in the mind of your clients, it serves as an advertisement.
Everyone loves gifts, as they tell of the genuine interest of the giver. As a coach, one thing you want is for your clients to see you as truly interested in them.
6. Find and Join Associations Just to Serve
Look for associations which you join with the single intent of serving as opposed to earning. These associations abound and joining one would promote you as a great leader worthy of emulation. When people see you in this light it is easier for you to be listened to.
Service is one proven way to get the attention of great influencers. Serve for the sole intent of making the world a better place, the world being the chosen association, and you will get referrals from people who have been observing.
The people who make the most money don’t usually chase it, they serve and money finds a way to chase them. As you serve in these associations, when the need for a personal coach comes up, you are most likely to be the first person they would want to patronize.
7. Hold Small Meetings and Events for Prospective Clients and Friends
These meetings, which can be done in a relaxed manner, with a small meal or snack, or some tea or coffee, should have interactive discussions on coaching related topics. This would be an opportunity for you to show your mastery in the field and this would stay with these potential clients so they know who to call when they need a coach.
But more than marketing yourself, you will gain some insight into the lives of these people, and see where they need you to perform, and so you can draw a marketing message suitable for them.
Every meeting you have as a coach gives you the opportunity to learn a thing or two about the people you interact with, and helps you know how to serve them when they need you, or helps you know how to fashion the ideal pitch for them to hire you as their coach when necessary.
8. Do Audio Interviews, Make Podcasts, Host Your Own Radio Show
Audio recordings give you the opportunity to be heard far and wide. It allows people to hear the authority in your voice when you speak about important matters, without the distraction of sight. Hosting your own radio show and paying for it is worth it, as it grows your visibility as a unique and capable coach.
With audio recordings, your voice can serve as the soothing voice a potential client needs and as you share your thoughts and give the needed inspiration, your voice can serve as the voice of reason. This helps establish a kind of relationship, and you would already be trusted even before you come in physical contact with the client when you are finally hired.
Sometimes the only way people take notice of you is when you are frequently in their radius, and not by a chance happening.
9. Have a Meet-Up Group of Your Own
There is a speaking club in every city, join them.
Every profession has its networking club or group, and these groups help the members grow as they share the information which may not be gotten by the secluded individual.
Don’t be a stranger when it comes to speaking at clubs in your area or even on your social media platforms. Opportunities abound in such places, and your name being on the list of the available coaches is in itself a mark of credibility.
Write great articles for your promotion pitch with these clubs, then get and stay in touch with contacts gotten from these places. The networking will help you in the career journey.
10. Publicise Yourself at Different Places
As I earlier said, you need to be within the radius of your clients; you need to be visible.
This means you have to be always ready with an introduction letter, business cards and posters about you and your business and also be ready to talk and share about yourself anywhere possible.
Knowing your brand makes it easier for you to share about yourself, get in tune with yourself and learn the art of talking about your business without any visible intrusion or deviation from the initial discussion.
Be always ready as a split moment decision may make a whole difference in your career as a coach.
11. Donate Your Services to Charity and Fundraisers
This is often overlooked, but at charity donations and fundraisers, you get an opportunity to give back and receive recognition.
At such events, key influencers are usually around. These people can validate you when they see your performance, and with their validation come more clients.
Apart from the validations, these fundraisers usually include the exhibition of details like your name, your business name, address, phone number and emails and even websites, when showing your donation given.
So by donating your services, you give back, increase your chance of getting validated, and you also get some recognition.
12. Send Press Releases to the Media
A person is known by his values, principles and beliefs on different matters arising, and this is even more so for a coach. As a coach, you are a model of some sort, and giving press releases on some topic is one way to show you have knowledge on the matter.
The press release also creates more followers which can easily translate to more clients for you. In this regard, silence is not always golden. The topic need not be controversial, it can be on advocacy and shows your deep reflective thinking on the subject matter. This would endear the people to you, and you present yourself as an expert in that topic.
For this idea, make sure that the press release follows the proper format; there are books and articles which show how a press release should be done. Make one and send to the media, and follow up with phone calls and stay in touch with the editors and reporters. Let them know you are also available to answer questions relating to such topics and show yourself an expert on them. Also, let them know you are a resource person when it comes to such topics related to your expertise.
13. Pay For Referrers; Work with Other Professionals
Get people who would refer you, at a cost, it is a good deal. For instance, I have a finance guy whom I work with, he is a tax consistent, while people come to him worried about not being able to meet up with their tax payment, he works with them to get the finances ironed out, I work on them to ease the stress they usually have, helping them relax and work more on abundance. This changes their way of thinking, and with the synergized efforts, we help the client.
There are different professions which you can synergize with, join them in partnerships to effect the change you want to see in the world.
You work on the mind and general wellbeing, and the other professional does his thing, and with the joint efforts, the client is healthy again.
This also makes it easy for the client to talk about your business to others, having seen how your introduction into the process made a change not initially envisioned.
So, create partnerships with other professionals and work on clients together.
14. Use Postcards
This may look too traditional, but believe me, it is amazing, beautiful and effective. You can use this to send greetings and say thank you. It leaves a lasting impression.
Postcards tend to send a message of thoughtfulness and genuine interest. Like gifts, they help in building customer relationships for long periods.
Get beautiful postcards for your greeting and the customer would smile, thinking of your unique gesture.
15. Create a Mastermind Group
Meet three to five friends or colleagues regularly and share goals or plans. What this does is that by discussing, you get more ideas from one another, ideas which might not have been discovered if not for the discussion.
The mastermind group also serves as coaches on some level, and you bounce ideas off each other, thinking out thoughts and sharing possibilities. These friends can also serve as accountability partners.
Having a mastermind group makes each member see each others’ strengths, and so when opportunities come up, they know whom to refer for what.
The group could serve as another networking platform for you, with less need for formality.
16. Join the ICF
The ICF, International Coach Foundation, is an organization which certifies coaches and also serves as a coaching network. Joining the ICF enhances your credibility and gives you a family of coaches which every coach needs.
With the ICF, you are part of a union which helps your growth, and for some clients, being part of such body is what they need to believe they can trust you, as they may believe the ICF serves to keep you accountable as a coach.
Being a part of the ICF also helps you remain relevant as a life coach, as you learn of new opportunities and knowledge to be learnt.
Education is directly proportional to growth, and as a member of ICF, you are constantly reminded of the need as you are among peers who are also growing.
17. Have Your Own Website and Your Own Platform
Having your own website is like having your own world. Your website shows your business’ essence.
On your website, everything which makes your business stand out is displayed and gives visitors a feel of what kind of coach you are. I know that traffic doesn’t automatically come through websites, rather it has to be worked on, but your website should be ready for when the traffic starts coming.
Your personal branding is all your website should be about, from the colour to the quotes, to the images, videos and messages. Everything on the website should speak to the visitors which you hope to turn into clients or retain as clients.
The website is your platform for exhibition, use it wisely and make it about the clients and what you offer to them.
18. Create a Marketing Plan
Planning is what makes many things happen, great marketing included. No businessman wakes up one morning and sees clients all over the place; he must have made plans and followed them through to get his desired end.
It is known that things don’t always go as planned, but it is also known that failure to plan is like planning to fail. Just as you create and have time for everything else during the day, create time for your marketing plan.
Set your goals, work on them and track your results. Observe and learn from the successful coaches you know. Discover what they do differently and coin your own special ingredient, focusing on what works for you.
Create a unique marketing plan suited for you, and commit to it with action and passion.
19. Model a Great Life
People tend to follow what we do more than what we say, and so anyone who wants to retain relevance and significance has to live a life worthy of emulation. You should be an example of someone living a great life, as it is really important to be a good model of what people want to achieve or attain.
Life is full of challenges, and on some days the sun refuses to share. Surrounding yourself with people who challenge you, but also give you delight, helps you through those days.
Know what aspects of your life needs to be worked on and do so, be it relationships, fitness, playtime, finances and integrity, etc.
You may also need to hire your own coach to support you. This way you walk your talk and it will help you attract more clients.
20. Give Gifts to Your Audience
I have reiterated this need in different ways; it is good to give, and it has it rewards.
This time I am talking about your audience; those who listen to you and believe what you tell them. Give them a lasting gift, which will help advance their lives and maybe businesses too.
You should give them these gifts and maybe add them to your mailing list for future mails and gifts. The giveaway might be a free report like the one you are reading right now, but whatever it is you choose to give, let it help the recipients.
Gifts serve as proof of the relevance of both the giver and the receiver and should be used to sustain relationships, customer relationship included.
21. Care about People
In this article, I have saved the best and most important for last. All other ideas are worthless if you don’t care about people.
As the saying goes, “People don’t care about what you know, until they know that you care.” All the marketing goals, free offerings, are not going to work until you care about the people you are dealing with.
You can’t genuinely help people by coaching them if you don’t care about them. So the most important idea is to care about people.
Caring about people will lead you to keep in touch with former clients to know how they are faring, it will also drive you to convince a potential client of the need to hire you.
Your passion for people will be visible, and people love to feel important. This will naturally draw them to you as clients.
The above-listed ideas are more than ideas for the Life Coach; they should be more like a lifestyle. Treat them as such and watch clients flock to you.
So which of these tips resonate with you the most? Please share in the comment section; I’d love to hear from you
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5 年Re: Websites - Business oriented? Informational? Coverage of Platform? I do have a Post Partum Angels On-Line Blog; do I still need a website?
HR & L&D Coach | Elevating People Managers into AI-Ready Leaders in 6-12 Months | 20+ Years Driving Leadership Success in Startups
5 年Absolutely implementable with a little hard push..amazing and inspirational blog for Coaches...let me tick some of them.
I help Hospice, Palliative Care, & Non-profit Leaders Cultivate Leadership Mastery and Resilient Teams | Certified Leadership Coach | Team Development | Locations - Ashville, NC, US; Valencia, Spain; Glasgow, Scotland
5 年This is a fantastic, concise list of effective marketing methods - thank you for writing this up Snehal!
Passionate Career Coach ?, Learning and Development Consultant, Professional Speaker on Branding for Students ??
5 年Thank you for sharing these Snehal ! They indeed helped me to build my business as well created a system which shows credibility and results ??????