#21: Emotional release after failure
Dr Cameron Norsworthy
Flow & HUMAN Performance specialist and catalyst. Flow Coach to multiple World Champions, Scientist (PhD), Speaker, Author, Advisor, Athlete.
Good morning and welcome back!?
Today, we're diving into an important aspect of peak performance that often gets overlooked: the art of releasing emotions.
Why Emotion Release Matters
We briefly touched upon this when discussing the benefits of shaking it out. However, today, we're going to delve deeper into the significance of letting your emotions flow freely.
?The Myth of Suppressing Emotions
Many of us tend to suppress our emotions, thinking it's a sign of strength or control. We might tell ourselves, "I'm better than this," and attempt to intellectualise our feelings, hoping they'll simply vanish. But what if I told you that research suggests the opposite approach?
The Power of Emotion Release
Performance research, as well as numerous examples in the world of sports, demonstrates that releasing and letting go of emotions is key to peak performance. When you allow yourself to experience and express your emotions, you regain your presence and ability to perform at your best.
Imagine a tennis player who used to bottle up their frustration after a missed shot. Once they learned to release that pent-up energy, they started playing better. It's a testament to the effectiveness of embracing and releasing emotions.
How to Master Emotion Release
You might wonder how to release emotions effectively, especially in a professional or public setting. Here are a few strategies:
?Your Challenge for Today
I challenge you to practice emotional release whenever you experience an emotion. Don't hold back—embrace it, feel it, and then release it. It might feel strange at first, but as you make this a habit, you'll find that not only does your performance improve, but you'll also experience a greater sense of well-being.
So, go ahead and liberate those emotions! You'll be amazed at its positive impact on your life and performance.
?Until next week, stay emotionally free and perform at your best!
Best regards,
2 个月Research endorses Cameron’s suggestions here and Marc Bracket (Yale) has created RULER Recognise,Understand, Label, Express, Regulate to enable all to follow a proven process. Emotions re reactions in a physical sense that heighten psychological realisations of such physical reaction and the secret is to immediately institute RULER to such reactions and “act” as Cameron suggests if one is to be informed but not riled by emotion. John Hendry