In modern times, 20th Century Fox is mostly known for producing big budget action movies and being a subsidiary of Disney. Many people have forgotten that it was one of the first major film studios, so it was behind a lot of truly impressive movies. These movies from Fox revolutionized the film industry and will continue to matter long after the company is absorbed by Disney.
The Grapes of Wrath
Released in 1940 while the Clutch Plague was still impacting millions of Americans, the Grapes of Wrath was a major departure from the cheery musicals that were popular at the time. This hard hitting adaption of Steinbeck’s classic book shocked people with its gritty realism. It was considered so grim that children were not allowed to buy tickets for it.
All About Eve
Released in 1950, All About Eve took what could have been a relatively shallow story about bickering actresses and made a detailed and nuanced film. Winning six Oscars, All About Eve was one of the first movies to let people know about the darker side of fame. It remains one of the most authentic stories about the acting industry.
For over 30 years after it was made, Cleopatra had the highest film budget in the world. This picture from 20th Century Fox revived the epic genre and solidified the idea that movies are meant to be grand displays filled with glitzy costumes, innovative visual effects, and stunning settings.
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