2033, The Year We Finally See Federal Marijuana Legalization in America?
Have you come across the latest?eye-opening Forbes article?that estimates it would take another 10 years to legalize cannabis at the federal level? It's disheartening but not entirely surprising, considering the current political landscape. Let me give you a glimpse of what the article reveals about the?state of cannabis legalization:
Neither President Joe Biden nor any other major declared candidate, including former President Donald Trump, has shown strong support for cannabis. In fact,?Trump's first attorney general, Jeff Sessions, reversed Obama-era protections for the industry, and Trump himself once advocated for executing drug dealers. Even former?New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who opposed cannabis legalization and referred to tax revenue from marijuana sales as "blood money," has softened his stance but still opposes full legalization. And Robert F. Kennedy Jr., although advocating for decriminalization, stops short of supporting complete legalization.
Considering this scenario, if Biden were to win the 2024 presidential election, we might not see significant reform until 2029, at the earliest. But let's be honest, Biden's track record during his first four years in office doesn't inspire confidence. He fired staffers and made hollow gestures, such as pardoning individuals for "possession only" crimes that rarely result in federal prison sentences. Despite overwhelming support for cannabis reform, there was no substantial progress from his so-called "majority held democratic government." It's truly disappointing.
Then there's Trump, who seems to have a penchant for adopting the extreme measures of countries like the Philippines, advocating for executing drug dealers. DeSantis, on the other hand, outright rejects cannabis legalization. And the rest of the politicians? Well, they hardly seem to matter. The truth is, all these candidates have their flaws and skeletons in the closet.
But we must not forget that these politicians are merely puppets, carefully chosen and groomed by mega corporations like BlackRock, Lockheed, Pfizer, and others. It's essentially a beauty pageant orchestrated by the corporate giants. And here's the crux of the matter: it's not in the interest of these mega corporations to support cannabis legalization.
Wait…Mega Corps don’t want cannabis legal?
Why would these corporate behemoths be against something as seemingly harmless as cannabis?
The answer lies in the fact that mind-expanding substances disrupt the programming of authoritarian regimes. Such substances challenge the status quo and encourage critical thinking, which in turn undermines the control they seek to maintain.
Remember the infamous?MK Ultra experiments conducted by the CIA? They claimed that cannabis had the potential to disrupt their mind control techniques.
You see, these mega corporations thrive on a population of good, obedient citizens who adhere to the narrative of "You will own nothing and be happy."
They profit from wars, environmental pollution, materialism, and the pursuit of external goals that keep people trapped in a cycle of consumption.
Psychedelics and drugs like cannabis shift the focus away from these objectives and redirect it toward more meaningful experiences: connecting with others, engaging with nature, and exploring the depths of one's consciousness.
In essence, cannabis challenges the very foundations on which these corporate giants have built their empires. It empowers individuals to question authority, to seek alternative paths, and to challenge the status quo. And that is precisely why they fear its legalization.
Now of course, this isn’t as black and white as I’m laying out here and there is no “official stance”. I think this is where most people who deal with “conspiracies” get it wrong.
What everyone gets wrong about conspiracies…
The fact of the matter is that it’s not a singular organization of likeminded elites that are plotting the destruction and enslavement of humankind. Rather, it’s a group of cartels, all competing for their own interests and at times, they make alliances when it serves their best interests.
If I were to break down the “influential” groups of the world, I would say they are divided as follows:
Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg and it isn’t that any of these industries are inherently “evil”, except maybe the Pharma Industry, which even is mentioned in the book of Revelations in the Bible:
“all nations were deceived by your sorcery,” where the Greek word for “sorcery” here is pharmakia.
Now, some of the scholars would argue that pharmakia actually means sorcery, and that sorcery is defined as;?the use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil spirits especially for divining
But here’s a summary of the pharmacological definition of “spirits”:
Spirits are alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solutions of volatile substances. They can contain a greater concentration of aromatic or volatile substances than corresponding aromatic waters. Some spirits are used as flavoring agents to impart the flavor of their solute to other pharmaceutical preparations. For medicinal purposes, spirits may be taken orally, applied externally, or used by inhalation, depending on the particular preparation. Reduction of the high alcoholic content of spirits by admixture with aqueous preparations often causes turbidity. The spirits of the British Pharmacopoeia are solutions of various substances obtained either by distilling these with, or dissolving them in, the rectified spirit of the Pharmacopoeia, which latter is pure alcohol with 16% by weight of water.4 Rectified spirit, also known as neutral spirits, rectified alcohol or ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin, is highly concentrated ethanol that has been purified by means of repeated distillation in a process called rectification.
In other words, “spirits = booze” and what is more evil than “The Devil’s Juice”.
Okay – yes, this is a stretch…but it’s fun. Nonetheless, Big Pharma, as they are often referred to might not be the Biblical incarnation of evil on this planet – however, one cannot deny that they are fundamentally evil.
Not only has?Pfizer the largest settlement for corporate corruption?on the planet, they have a rich history of putting profits over people. They themselves don’t actually create much, they simply buy out smaller pharma businesses and push drugs. They also sponsor all major media outlets and pay billions of dollars to “lobbying”.
These are people that have zero interest in legalizing drugs because – they are drug dealers and have a sweet deal.
They get to use the full force of the United States justice department to snuff out competitors, while they have the sole rights to produce and mass distribute drugs…all over the world. They lose about $10 billion dollars in every market that legalizes cannabis, and if psychedelics become a human right – and people can start taking mushrooms to treat their depression…they will surely crumble.
Cannabis legalization for them, is the first step in the inevitable decline of their hold on humanity. They may claim that they want weed as a medicine…but since everyone with dirt, water, and sun could grow it – they wouldn’t be able to milk humanity for everything it has because everyone would be able to grow their own medicine instead.
Why take years of Pharma Drugs for treating your PTSD, when 2 mushroom sessions could fix you and get you back on your feet? This is how Pharma thinks…and they own your politicians.
What about War?
Part of the reason why cannabis is illegal is because of Anti-War Protests.
The fact of the matter is that pot smokers don’t want war…they want peace. They want to enjoy life, they want to get along with their people. They are more tolerant of others, they don’t necessarily push their beliefs on others.
War and cannabis are two concepts that simply don't mix.
These two realms of human existence exist on opposite ends of the spectrum, with war representing conflict, destruction, and aggression, while cannabis symbolizes peace, harmony, and introspection. The stark contrast between the two makes it abundantly clear why they are incompatible.
War is driven by a mentality of dominance, fueled by aggression and a thirst for power. It breeds violence, suffering, and the loss of innocent lives. The very nature of war revolves around the destruction of individuals, families, communities, and entire nations. It is a force that tears apart societies and leaves a trail of devastation in its wake.
On the other hand,?cannabis promotes a sense of tranquility, empathy, and interconnectedness. Its effects are often described as soothing, relaxing, and capable of fostering a sense of unity among individuals. Cannabis has been used for centuries in various cultures as a means to facilitate introspection, promote creativity, and encourage a peaceful outlook on life.
The use of cannabis during war would be a contradiction in itself. It would be inconceivable for soldiers, armed with weapons and operating in high-stress environments, to consume a substance that induces relaxation and introspection. The heightened state of alertness and aggression required in combat situations is incompatible with the effects of cannabis, which tend to promote calmness and introspection.
Furthermore, war is fueled by ideologies that thrive on division and dehumanization, while cannabis encourages empathy, understanding, and a sense of connection with others. The use of cannabis has often been associated with a desire for peace, unity, and the dissolution of boundaries.
As your stoner buddies what they think about the War in Ukraine, and you’ll quickly realize that none of them are banging the war drums. It’s another reason why the military doesn’t want their soldiers to take part of drugs in any manner…free thinking people are incompatible with a regime that requires absolute obedience.
But the banks want it legal…
And this is where I’m pointing out that it’s not a singular organization running things. The banking cartels have been accepting money from?drug cartels for decades. They don’t care, as long as people pump money in their direction, they will do business.
he history of banks engaging in illicit financial activities with drug cartels and terrorist organizations reveals a dark underbelly of the global financial system. Institutions like HSBC and others have been embroiled in scandals, exposing their complicit role in facilitating money laundering and providing financial services to criminal entities. These cases shed light on the inherent moral ambiguity of banks, which prioritize profit over ethical considerations.
One notable example is the case of HSBC, one of the world's largest banking institutions.
In 2012, HSBC reached a settlement with the U.S. government, agreeing to pay a record-breaking $1.9 billion fine for its involvement in money laundering schemes. The bank had knowingly allowed drug cartels and other criminal organizations to launder billions of dollars through its system. This revelation not only tarnished the reputation of HSBC but also exposed the systemic flaws that allowed such illicit activities to persist within the banking industry.
It is important to recognize that banks, as profit-driven entities, are primarily concerned with their bottom line. Their primary objective is to maximize financial gains and attract lucrative clients. In the pursuit of profits, some banks have turned a blind eye to the origins of the funds they handle, enabling drug cartels and terrorist organizations to move money across borders and finance their illicit activities.
This is also evidence that there isn’t “one illuminati” but rather, many “illuminati-like organizations” that come together and plot for their own personal gain. We know that the elites of these industries come together annually to discuss our fates – but let me tell you that legalizing cannabis isn’t part of it!
The Sticky Bottom Line
Why is it going to take 10 years to legalize? Because the government doesn’t serve you!
Renowned comedian George Carlin once delivered a thought-provoking monologue that dissected the notion of a "club" existing among the elite. In his biting commentary, Carlin exposed the disconnect between those in power and the general population, highlighting how the government often fails to serve the interests of the people. This sentiment resonates strongly when we consider the sluggish progress toward cannabis legalization in the United States, despite overwhelming public support.
Carlin's monologue cleverly highlighted the existence of a privileged club, a group of individuals who hold significant influence and power.
He emphasized that this club, comprised of politicians, corporate leaders, and other elites, operates with its own set of rules and privileges. Carlin's poignant words shed light on the reality that everyday citizens, the majority, are not part of this exclusive club and, therefore, lack the benefits and considerations bestowed upon its members.
Now, let's consider the case of cannabis legalization.?Numerous surveys and polls consistently show that a significant majority, close to 80%, of the general population in the United States supports the legalization of cannabis in some form.
Yet, despite this overwhelming public sentiment, progress toward federal legalization remains frustratingly slow. The disparity between public opinion and legislative action highlights a fundamental flaw in the system—a government that claims to serve the people but often falls short of doing so.
The continued resistance to cannabis legalization, despite its widespread support, suggests that the government is more concerned with preserving the status quo and serving the interests of powerful entities than truly representing the will of the people. It becomes evident that in this scenario, the people themselves are not the ones being served but rather treated as commodities, products to be sold and manipulated for the benefit of a select few.
The only question now is – are you still going to play a game rigged against you?
(Article first appeared on Cannabis.net)