Our Director of Engagement and Communications, Adam Askew, talks about the forthcoming IAPB event
By Adam Askew
The IAPB will host 2030 IN SIGHT LIVE in Singapore.
The Vision Catalyst Fund will join others from the eye care sector (as well as colleagues beyond the sector), from the 25th to the 26th of June to help build a shared understanding of the systemic change needed to ensure 2030 is in sight for everyone.?
The event is in partnership with the Singapore Eye Research Institute bringing their local, regional and global experience to our conversations.??
2030 IN SIGHT LIVE in Singapore will mobilise and inspire action on 2030 In Sight – it will elevate the issue of eye health, fight to integrate it into wider health systems and help activate demand from the ground up.??
The objectives of the event are:?
The 2030 IN SIGHT LIVE programme will build on discussions from the IAPB event held in 2022 in Dubai and continue to use the 2030 In Sight Strategy as the road map, with workshops, lightning talks, masterclasses, and presentations that will explore concepts to address the growing challenges we face as a sector and discuss how we can make the biggest impact.??
We are looking forward to 2030 IN SIGHT LIVE, which is an opportunity to align our efforts, create new connections, share insights, develop new ideas and take action. For the Vision Catalyst Fund, it is an ideal opportunity to explore how we can scale up our own efforts to bring access to vision to millions more people. I encourage you to extend this invitation to your networks, and we look forward to being there in Singapore in June.?