2025 predictions and your 401(k)
It’s that time of year again.
Snow. Cold. And new year Wall Street stock market predictions.
The smartest people in the room. At each major firm.
Gains coming in the new year.
Because the stock market only goes up, right?
I’m in the investment advice business for over 42 years in March 2025.
Never read, seen, or heard a negative stock market year-end prediction.
For 2024, the forecast was a rise of only 3 percent.
As of Christmas Eve, the S&P 500 was up over 26 percent so far this year.
Wall Street predicts investment returns of a little over 9 percent next year.
In spite of the likelihood of higher tariffs.
Immigrant deportations.
Global economic problems.
The U.S. buying Greenland from Denmark.
Or taking control of the Panama Canal.
“Do you feel lucky, punk?” Dirty Harry, 1971 movie.
And will that luck hold out in your 401(k) next year?
A 401(k) principal preservation plan might not be a bad idea.
Interested in a 401(k) “stop loss” strategy now?
If so, comment below. Or let’s connect on LinkedIn.
P.S. A 401(k) “stop loss” strategy may sound scary at first.
Once you use it in your 401(k), you will always use it in your 401(k).
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