2025 Sierra Leone Mining and Buying Season

2025 Sierra Leone Mining and Buying Season

Upcoming Projects available in Sierra Leone this coming January 2025

Hello to all,

I was going to make this a post but it was too long and i still do not know how to insert a photo where I want it. So I am going to make several .pdfs on the work and put them here for you. I will send out a notice here when I put each one up so you can come and get it.

These areas are ;ocated in the Kono/Koidu and stilll seemed unmined even after all the years of mining in the country. Hard to believe that but seems it is true. So here is what I am making for you and I hope there are a couple of people that are miners as you will see the potential of one, as i can show the area to you and the other one is in the Koidu refion near the Kimberlite mine.

This is the area I call "the Rocks" as that is an exact description of the area. It was a fully running river at sometime in the distant past. The river shifted and went another direction and the original river disappeared from sight. In places it shows as here and in other areas it is still underground. Any diamonds and gold that was running with the river are still there under those huge boulders and we want to go and find them.

It will take some heavy equipment but not a lot. a front end loader, small Goldfields washplant. for the prospecting along the river for the best place to start and a bit larger washplant for the production work. The work here can last for several seasons or longer and since we are wanting a long term project. and this is one.I will do a .pdf dedicated to this project and get it here and let everyone know they are ready and put here for you too look over and decide if it is for you. If the land has not been mined and it does not seem that it has from Google Earth. and should it not be licensed, then we are ready to go and make a great amount of money.

This are is In the Koidu region and a company called Meya Mining found a 400 carat and another group fround the famous "Peace Diamond" of 709 carat diamond.

A couple of months later Meya Mining found a 390 carat one and then last year they found a total of 516ct I believe it was in 3 stones. The 400ct one was athe first one and then the 396 carat one.They say all three "smaller" stones were part of the 515ct original stones. That May be but no one showed the three pieces put together to prove the point.

Ok I am done for now with this area. I will write a longer PDF on it and what we will need to mine it.

Take care of your self and have a great Christmas

Gregg and Yema Lyell

Gregg's Gems and Mining

[email protected]

[email protected]


If I do not answer leave a message and reach me here or the email addresses.

c ya


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