2025 New Year's Goals - Dev Leader Weekly 77
Exclusive Article: 2025 New Year's Goals
The first newsletter entry of the year is a bit different: It's mostly in video format. Feel free to toss this on in the background and listen through what I'm hoping to accomplish in 2025 across my work, content creation, SaaS building, and personal life.
p.s. I may start sneaking in newsletter-only videos as a supplement to the articles. Not every week, but it's something I'll be considering so there's more variety of content. Not a replacement -- EXTRA!
Didn't want to watch? No worries! Here are my goals, in a nutshell:
Personal Life
What About YOU?
Those are my goals -- but what about you? What are you hoping to accomplish in 2025?
Next week we'll be back to a full-on article, but I wanted to send you this video update to start the year off. Consider checking out the videos below too for more software engineering content! I released THIRTEEN videos over the past week!
Weekly Recap
No Copilot?! Bro, DO YOU EVEN Software Engineer?!
What sorts of things am I using AI for these days in my software development? I have a few core use cases, but I would love to hear yours too!
Who Needs Developer Interns Anyway?! (YOU Might...)
Internships for software developers can be an incredible opportunity. But what about the impact that they have on the development team?
Sales, Rejection, And Founding an AI Startup - Interview With Amer Tadayon
Sometimes our original plans don't work out -- but what a masterpiece when our different paths come together for something awesome!
I was happy to sit down with Amer T. and discuss his journey leading up to the creation of Lucihub.
One of the most important parts of this story I found was that not every path we pick will be perfect -- and that's 100% okay. What matters is that we keep adjusting and moving forward.
For Amer, all roads led to Lucihub! Thanks for the awesome chat!
The Bane Of Every Developer's Existence... MEETINGS!
Let's be real here... who actually likes meetings? As developers, they suck. But what can we do about this?
Effective Software Teams: Islands and Autonomy - Principal Software Engineering Manager AMA
What makes an effective software engineering team?
It depends!
In all seriousness though, many factors go into running effective teams. In this stream, I wanted to focus on some examples of things I've seen work well and others that have not gone so well!
As with all livestreams, I'm looking forward to answering YOUR questions! So join me live and ask in the chat, or you can comment now and I can try to get it answered while I stream.
STOP MICROMANAGING ME! - Navigating Relentless Status Updates
We've probably all faced this at some point as a developer: Is it done yet? Is it done yet? Is it done yet?
How can we navigate situations like this constructively?
Why I Can't Remember ANYTHING From Meetings As A Developer?
We don't like being in meetings in the first place... but what the heck kind of value do they provide if I can't even remember anything from attending?!
Let's discuss some tips!
Beginners Guide To Semantic Kernel In C#
Want to build more interesting AI applications using C#? Let's dive right into Semantic Kernel and see all of the awesome functionality that the framework has to offer!
How To Use Semantic Kernel Plugins In C#
What's cooler than using Semantic Kernel in C#?
Mixing in my favorite set of building blocks: Plugins!
This video tutorial will get us up and running with plugins in Semantic Kernel!
DOUBLE The Pay? But Is This Engineering Role Risky?
We always see on social media people sharing their epic stories of huge salary jumps from switching jobs.
So let's switch things up. What does it look like when you're second-guessing the shiny new job offer?
What Projects For My Developer Job Application?
Everyone seems to have a different opinion on what projects are best to go on your resume or job application.
Just because they are different, it doesn't mean they are wrong. Let's discuss!
Why Are Software Engineers Online SO ARROGANT?!
Straight from Reddit: What's with all of the software engineers posting online and their level of arrogance?
Let's discuss social media, authority building, and software engineering!
It Aint For Everyone: Becoming An Engineering Manager
There are software engineers who might find themselves being promoted to an engineering manager role at some point in their career.
But is this really a great promotion? Will they be a good fit for the role? Let's discuss!
As always, thanks so much for your support! I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I'll see you next week.
Nick “Dev Leader” Cosentino
– Blog
P.S. If you enjoyed this newsletter, consider sharing it with your fellow developers!
Will definitely give it a listen, thanks Nick