2025 International Conference and Workshops on World Economic Melt-Down and Socio-Economic Challenges of Developing Countries

2025 International Conference and Workshops on World Economic Melt-Down and Socio-Economic Challenges of Developing Countries

The African Higher Education and Research Observatory UK and Association of African Scholars ????????????????????????

Invite scholars, professionals and policy makers to the above conference.

The conference will explore discipline- and policy-based solutions to key socio-economic challenges in developing countries. This includes the roles of research, integration of knowledge, applications and teaching (the RIAT Fabric in Higher Education) as well as national and continental economic development policies in understanding the root causes of the challenges, the nature of contextualized solutions within different countries, action plans and practicable interventions in achieving meaningful solutions to the challenges. The scope of the conference being exploratory and domain-specific includes cogent RIAT results from different disciplines and solutions spanning academia, public services, industry sectors, and wider society.


The Role of Academia, Public Services, Industry Sectors and Wider Society in Overcoming National and Global Economic Melt-Down and Socio-Economic Challenges in Developing Countries

Speakers and Facilitators

  • Prof. Patrick Oseloka EZEPUE, Statistics, Business Analytics, UK
  • Prof. Adegbola OJO, Sociology and Social Policy, UK
  • Prof. Nnamdi MADICHIE, Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Rwanda
  • Prof. Paul IGWE, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, UK


  • Academics, graduate students in different disciplines, and policy makers across Academia, public services, industry sectors and wider society
  • Organisations, NGOs and Civil Society Organisations
  • Research and development staff from banking and finance establishments
  • Research staff from government agencies in the policy and economic development ministries, departments and agencies

DATES AND TIME: March 26-29, 2025, 9AM-5PM UK Time


WEBSITES: https://afrihero.org.uk

ABSTRACTS/ PAPER SUBMISSIONS: All disciplines and fields of practices

Deadline: 6 January- 28 March 2025

Early Bird Rate: Before 1 February 2025

Author Guidelines

  • Abstracts of 250 words should be italicised on 11 font size in Times New Roman
  • Key words 5-6
  • Main body of papers should be in MS Word 12 font size, A4, 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman, not more than 20 pages in the body excluding references.
  • Referencing style: APA 7th Edition

Submission and enquiries to

Professor Patrick Oseloka EZEPUE, The Managing Editor, AfriWorld Journals |

Email: [email protected]? | Tel: +447772632150

Professor Chukwuemeka Okpo Oteh, Nigerian and African Representative for Association of African Scholars (AAS), Association of Intellectuals Scholars Forum (AISF), Centre for Unity Conflict and Resolution and Development (CUCRD) and AGEFADD

Emails: [email protected], [email protected] | Tel: +2348034356286 For CUCRD, AAS,AISF and AGEFADD


Visa for entry to United Kingdom: For those participants from countries requiring a visa to The United Kingdom, to obtain a visa, it is required that the participants contact The British Embassy at least 8 weeks in advance with all the necessary documents. The organizers will provide participants, upon request, with the letters of invitation letters from the African Higher Education and Research Observatory UK.

Conference Fees:

£400 (Four Hundred Pounds) per person (Non-refundable)

Included in the Fee Are: Workshop materials, welcome reception, coffee breaks, strategic tours of London, conference dinner and award of certificates of participation.

Not Included in the Fees Are: Travel expenses, accommodation, local transportation, evening meals.

Fees for the Association of African Scholars (AAS), Association of Intellectuals Scholars Forum (AISF), Centre for Unity Conflict and Resolution and Development (CUCRD), and members of AfriWorld educational platforms are as follows:

Member £350; Non-Member £375; Student Member £250

Standard Rate (before March 10): Member £325; Non-Member £350; Student Member £225.


International: OSELUX ANALYTICS | Lloyds Bank plc | Sort Code 30-98-97 | Account No. 85632262

Nigeria: Fidelity Bank plc | CUCRD. 5601332902


Papers presented at the conference will be published in Proceedings of the 2025 International Conference and Workshops on World Economic Melt-Down and Socio -Economic Challenges of Developing Countries.

The authors will be supported to use feedbacks received during the event to update the papers for publications free in online international journals with very high impact factor: Indonesia Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Technology; International Journal of Advanced Social Science and Education IJASSE; International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Review IJSSHR; AfriWorld Journals in many disciplines, a system of journals across more than forty (40) disciplines, see Journals ; and our partner journals.


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