2025 Course Correction …. Disentangling “Maladaptive Thinking” Mindset – it’s time to LISTEN
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
In my 2020 Book Jigsaw- Healing the Post Covid Mind
…..I expressed my observation of a seminal mindset change that was the result of a host of societal – technological and political developments over the previous dozen years
Topsy Turvey…..a total 180 on a long list of topics and perspectives
The Obama Age ventured us into a New Revisionist World in which these Social Engineering Agendas created a disruptive era in which the foundations of American Civilization were questioned, degraded and then completely dismissed
What replaced them is purely experimental “stuff” introduced by those In Charge who made these new fiats up on the fly
Throw it against the wall and let’s see if it sticks
I’ve had some great email exchanges with folks at WGBH on their programs
Very respectful ….. that they listened too
So much ..that they sent me a list of their producers to send comments when I observed something that did not make sense
Even the sanctimonious Ken Burns got a call down on his Holocaust Epic
…amid the Woke Madness
He ascribed the Fuhrers writing about Lebensraum in his 1925 book Mein Kampf based this concept on AH’s knowledge of American Manifest Destiny along with his extermination of the Jews also founded on the US Governments genocide against Native American ?
William Shirer in his 1960 book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich would dispute such findings
I told them …if you’re going to make this kind of nonsense up
….you got to wait another 20-30 years so that all the old smart folks are dead
What Ken said
?..was completely inaccurate and his misuse of his “documentary’ for his Social Justice ?purpose
Shameful !
It was not the idea of being correct or rubbing their haughty GBH noses in their absence of scholarship
A much large concern was on my radar
These WOKE Folks were perpetuating patterns of Maladaptive Thinking that were deeply pathological
…harmful to the younger generation and would have a lasting impact
Maladaptive Thinking-
Maladaptive behaviors are actions that prevent people from adapting, adjusting, or participating in different aspects of life. Such actions are intended to help relieve or avoid stress, but they are often disruptive and may contribute to increased distress, discomfort, and anxiety over time.
Many of us inadvertently develop dysfunctional strategies to help us cope with feelings of anxiety, stress, or panic. You may use these strategies because they relieve some discomfort in the moment
A dozen years of this trial-and-error messaging by “Wokedum” have created a pervasive unwellness in the American Psyche
Listen Up …..
This has nothing to do with The Donald – DOGE or The Administrative State getting the evisceration they deserve in 2025—Step out of the Way
It has to do with two generations of young people that for the most part struggle with everyday life
Thrust into this the new lurch to the Right by the Power Elite in Government, Wall Street and the Fortune 500
A necessary “correction” long overdue and these generations are going to hear yet again another version of what's
…. good and bad
….helpful or harmful
…..Different values
Diversity- Equity- Inclusion are no longer primary considerations as Wokedum’s emphasis of them created more harm than good
YES---Merit – Excellence- Intelligence are back as the new shiny object
So while we-- (GEN Z & Millennial) short changed your education for the pervious dozen years or ?misdirected your professional development by telling ?you that
…… Merit was Privilege
……Excellence was a vestige of Anglo Racism
……Intelligence was secondary pursuit of Inclusive Social Justice
Sorry we were all wrong…..
So just forget all that stuff
….erase all those experiences
They were not real or correct
Are you serious?
My entire Unified Personal Philosophy is the Balancing Set Points with my Inner Life Homeostasis
Bodies – Minds and their biochemistry love consistent stable operative functioning
Let me help you out….
One of the reasons so many Boomers prospered
….. that grew up Working Class Poor with terrible personal trauma, unspeakable hardships to overcome
…is the stable rhythmic patterns of their everyday life
Habits becomes Mindsets then Lifestyles and finally Operative Culture
If you understand this process …you know how difficult it is to correct a entrenched Maladaptive Behavior
Especially if its been reinforced over the course of a decade or more
Still worse the younger generation psyche exists on a diet of these daily reinforcements that perpetuate these unwell tendencies
It was nothing less that eye opening several months ago when a noted colleague expressed his opinion on the Paths of Self Improvement along with continuous Professional Development
He was assailed by one after another younger professionals
..as this was something not relevant
….from the past and did not relate to the experience of younger mindsets
What I saw was this “seize mentality”
…speaking about their daily struggles to just survive
…great inner unwellness and doubt
…absence of social trust
…apathy of their self determination and future aspirations
Like with most things
I called me uber bright children who are hybrids of American Society as they are current in the flow of how things work (which I am not)
…products of intense rigorous private academic development
….protected from toxic Mainstream Culture in their Ethnic Candy Wrappers
…Independent smart young women – not look for anyone's approval
I find their observation spot on and helpful all the time
What’s most telling – even though we are separated by almost forty years or more
..their Un-Woke thinking – parallel most of my thoughts closely
Yes—I hear there is a Silver Lining to my concerns
…as there is a younger cohort that have remained silent over the last decade that now increasingly feel the openness to voice their opposition to these Maladaptive Woke Premises
This provides me with much hope as sociologist Margaret Mead in her writing tells us that it only takes a small group to bring positive improvement
The loudest voice being replaced by the more healthier ones is what your organization should be looking for
For C-Suit Types and their sycophant HR Execs that just like the NTA are always jumping from one new curriculum to another each year
Sit Down – Shut Up – Acquire Some Deep Listening Skills
…for your leadership is critical now in redirecting two generations back to wellness
They are angry, confused, anxious and disenchanted- Trust No One
..who could blame them with so many poor leadership role models
Disentangling this mess comes by first identifying all the pieces
…how they fit in the Matrix
…engaging a process of Remediation and Healing
Unlike our Woke Masters I firmly believe in Universal Redemption, Renewal ?and Restoration
That Healing begins by first
…accepting the Wrong
…asking for Forgiveness
….Committing to Improvement
….Celebrating the Quick Wins – Big Victories
Lots of work to get done here
Let’s Get To It!