2025 American “Third Estate” Revolution – 1793 Paris – Robespierre Comité de salut public.. Sans Guillotine – similar arbitrary process in play
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
Social Revolutions' take on a life of their own
With the best of initial intentions as we wade into the weeds of the inevitable? details of government
The differences in opinion of its role in general society mixed with no shortage of personalities touting their self interest
Factions surface and what was once this pure intention somehow finds itself far off course from its first breath of noble concepts
Such was the case of Robespierre's Committee of Public Safety established in 1793
...an offshoot of the National Convention that had been a part of Legislative Assembly
Since the 1789 Revolution - years of intense discussion about every possible topic that you can imagine
No shortage of Palace Intrigue , Zealous Jacobins, Egotistical Players all vying for Popular Support
All these individuals were under the microscope
Each speech, proclamation, proposed enactment were carefully securitized and relentlessly critiqued by the Press
...far worse taken out into the streets by the Third Estate Public at the proceedings
So many Big Personalities all fighting it out to be in the Top Spot of Control
Yet an anxious Third Estate demanded immediate results on a wide swath of topics
As this process bogged down the impetus for outing those impediments - people or groups that were anti- revolutionary created a feeding frenzy
..all under the banner of Universal Suffrage and Equality- Perfect Government Efficiency
The Public was losing confidence in the slow to come improvements
People were staving, there was still wide social inequality
Not unlike today -- the public wants instant results
Which in the context of such complex things as governance is not how it works
More than face the reality of how difficult it is to get everyone on the same page
It was far easier to demonize your philosophical opponents, rising political stars as a Threat to Public Safety
At first the process was somewhat haphazard but in time with experience individuals accused were tired in the morning and sent to the guillotine that afternoon
Facts, details did not matter as there was an expediency to demonstrate to the Third Estate Public that the Revolution was on track
Tens of thousands ...40,000 in less than a year went to guillotine
The process of being denounced without basis became the norm
Robespierre himself the Architect of this Reign of Terror - accused - no trial -executed the next morning
The Blood Lust of the Public did nothing to alleviate their hunger or need but psychologically provided comfort
Many innocent souls perished during these years that like most things as it strayed so far out on a limb its lost all credibility was curtail
New Leadership emerged in 1795 to declare the First French Republic
During the Bonapartist's Years these actions faced recrimination
Yes.... they were a necessary evil to achieve the ends of the Revolution but never should such out of control zealousness be enacted again against the French Nation
They were not ...even in the upheavals of 1828, 1848, 1870's a much more moderate tone
..even in the face of the 1870 Communes of Paris
Sans the guillotine ...this is the reckless moment we find ourselves entering into
No guard rails here or boundaries
Just like the Jacobins a compelling desire to satisfy the Demands of the Third Estate
Who in 2025 are equally as restless as those in 1790's France
Eggs are Eight Buck at my store
Trump plays out the mid 1790's version of Napoleon that was distant from the messy part of the revolution but was the heavy hand behind the scene pushing it
Musk is Robespierre.....complete with his zealous tee shirt wearing teenage age novitiates who are akin to Maximillian's young revolutionaries
Musk like Robespierre hunts down all threats to the revolution
In the trenches ..with lots of pressure from the Bonapartist Elites in the West Wing
..... Elon is like a monkey with the organ grinder ...he got to preform!!
This need for Quick Wins by the New Regime
..... to be the red meat for the angry mob is what troubles me the most
Many innocent people and programs will face the guillotine of being MEI Canceled
The Democrats are intrepid but cautious as they still have not completely figured out the parameter and rules of this 2025 Third Estate Revolution
In the 1790's Sense the Dems are the "ancien regime" just like the Royalists that spent out their social and political capital
....widely despised by the majority of the public who were injured by their efforts
Deep visceral emotional animist exists with the Progressive whom counter revolutionary reactions only further justify Musk reckless behavior
What I'm waiting for is when the Mob- Public- Third Estate Flips
That tipping point is coming
Wise Napoleonic Trump heeds Socrates advice
The Mob is Fickle
So too does Speaker Johnson
This 2025 Social Revolution MUST have discernable results by JUNE 2025
These Continuous Wins will ensconce the longevity of the Revolution, further weaken all enemies of Trumpian Bonapartist
Just like Napoleon that had a twenty year - generational run
The New American Golden Age will find its sure footing
Musk will find himself more than elevated to the role as Great Public Reformer
...to the scapegoat of the necessary evils and excesses that all Social Revolutions must produce
Trump will wash his hands complaining like Napoleon of the Jacobin (Musk) lack of restrain and mindful deliberation
We live in a fascinating moment that mirrors so closely that of two hundred twenty years ago
It tells the tale that players change but the same story is retold over and over again
Sadly we appear to learn nothing from our past experiences
Such is the wrinkle in the fabric of humanity