The 2025-2050 Agenda & Understanding Of How to Utilize Cyber AI To Defeat Information Corruption & Circulation of Fake News Via Deep State AI Malware|

The Agenda & Understanding To Utilize AI To Defeat? Fake News

?& Deep State AI Malware |

5G Technologies are Connecting The World More So with Greater Online Access, Increasing Marketplace & Retail Activity Contributing to an Abundance of Quality of Life while also Reducing Inflation due to Vendors & Retailers have The Online Platform such as Amazon & Walmart & Walgreens to Sell Items & Products Globally.?

5G Technologies Such as Starlink are Connecting Emergency Response Networks advancing Safety & Security of The Populace as well as Working as The Way to Mitigate Human Trafficking with Accountability & Metropolis Surveillance which Don’t Intrude on Privacy But Rather Increases Peace Of Mind due to How The Surveillance Apparatus Maintains Accountability.?

Furthermore, The Marketplace for Aerospace & Defense Technologies is also Growing due to Nation-States Hiring Contractors with Specialties en Various Sectors to Procure The Strongest Equipment for The Soldiers & Airmen & Shipman of The World’s Nation-States.?

This Rapid Development of The War Fighting Apparatus is Developing Each National Security, The Apparatus also Generates Hysteria & Panic due to Fear of Invasion.?

The Comprehensive Understanding of how an Attack against one is an attack against All. Meaning That The World Works to Produce Peace via Displining Rogue Hostile Aggressors with Sanctions & or Embargoes. However if a Nation-State Hasn’t Attacked tho is Developing Their Own Defense Industry & National Security Strategy Doesn’t Merit Sainctions & or Embargo.?

However Nations Who Also Increase Their National Security with Advancement of War Fighting Technologies That Also Participate en Blacklisting of Nations for Increasing Their National Security with Defense Crafts, Equipments, Machines & Devices, is a Double Standard. i.e. Autonomous Double Standards.?

Furthermore The World is Becoming Multi-Polar with Nations Advancing Their Space & Satellite Program encluding Developing Ground & Aero-Space & Water-Craft Defense Weapons, This Proliferation of Weapons encluding Radical attempts to Weaponize Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Weapons is Escalating The Multipolar Network of Nuclear Nation-State Risk for War & or Nation-State Enternal Conflict as Enemies from Within such Events such as Civil Separatists & or Homegrown Terrorism & or International Terrorism, of Which is a danger to The World Order whether a Multi-Polar World & or a Hegemonic World Order either Thru Imperialism & or Independent Competition Where Nations Rival Each other among Regional & or Domestic Nation-State Affairs.?

Therefore as Fake New Becomes a Prominent Issue as There being a Significant Rise en Cyber Conflicts That Support Artificial Intelligence as AI & it’s Ability to Per Direction of Terrorist can Corrupt How The Truth is Perceived Thru AI Bot Generated Articles & Notes.?

Furthermore, AI & Cyber Terrorism is a Challenge that The Public, Journalists, Press, & Private Enterprises & Educators are Experiencing.

Fore if The World is Swamped with Fake News & Cyber Intruders are Stealing Private & Confidential Information, Then The People of Each Region & or Nation-State are Vulnerable to Cyber Terrorests. & Therefore The Innocent Persons of The Public are Unable to Feel Safe nor Understand Current Events.

Therefore Due to Fake News, Effective Stewardship is a Primary Function to an Informed World Community; Which is Why Press Freedom Must Be Compartmentalized with National Information Leaders Where Information is Extrapolated en Online Media Sections Like X Spaces & or Linked Groups with Options for National Notifications & Community Highlights to Develop a Competent & Knowledgeable Populace.?

Fundamentally, This Mixed-Area on Press Freedom Which is Causing False Information to Be en Abundance due To Advances en Artificial Intelligence (AI) which Means That Fake News AI Bots are Causing Fictitious Stories to Be Perceived as Fact & therefore is Muddling The Information Nexus of The World, & Therefore AI Fake News Bots must Be Outlawed & Removed from Online Media for Both The Youth & The Adult Populations Awareness.?

Furthermore Anybody Initiating a Cyber Assault with Respect to Utilizing AI Coding to Produce Fake News to Inflict Damage on The Information Public Discourse of Politics & Current Events & International Affairs Thru Weaponizing Social Media; is a Considered as a Cyber Tress-pass & Must Be Swiftly Identified with Defensive Nation-State AI Measures to Thwart Proliferation of Autonomous Cyber-Terrorism, & any Deep State AI Malware of Which as a Whole must be Removed from Online Repositories of Knowledge Encluding The Internet of Things (IoT).

Forthwith AI Can Be Utilize to Provide Information Security to The World via Teaching AI to Detect & Fight Cyber Attacks.?

Therefore only Thru Competent Stewardship of AI & The IoT will We Deter a Dark Age of Information Corruption. Therefore to Secure The IoT Proper Controls of AI is The Greatest Task of The Modern Era. Furthermore Online & Physical Cyber Infrastructure encluding Teaching & Regulating Artificial Intelligence is The Highest Responsibility of All Time, fore Machine Learning is a Constant.

?Therefore it is The Chief Priority of The United Nations to Set via a UN General Assembly Vote to Regulate The Use of AI with Swift Punishment for Anyone Utilizing Homo-Saipen Developed Artificial Intelligence to Generate Fake News & False Information Circulation. Tho To Note Editorial Opinion is Divergent from Spreading False Information with The Intent to Propagate The Fictitious Information as Facts.?

As an Understanding To Defeat Fake News; The Cyber & Physical Telecommunication Infrastructure Must Be Maintained & Protected to Assure Effective Stewardship of Truth & Identification of Facts en Contrast to Opinions.

Forthwith The Electronic Communication Infrastructure is a Critical Neccessity for Stable & Secure International Relations.?

To Extrapolate Underground Fiber Optic Cables & Underwater Fiber Optic Cables are The Greatest Critical Component to The Information & Electronic Communication Infrastructure.?

Maintenance of Cyber Infrastructure Serves as a Vital Function & is an Essential Service to Safe & Sustainable Regional & Nation-State Cyber Telecommunications Infrastructure.

As An Example, Communications Networks That Affect Cyber Infrastructure during a Hurricane & Or Typhoon & or Monsoon & or Tornado & How Offline Cyber Communications Exacerbates Catastrophes & also How Disasters En Enland & or En Coastal Communities Impact Nation-State Populations en relation to Climatology On The Topic of Human Suffrage during Environmental Calamities & People to People Pandemics.

Thus Maintenance & Back Up Cyber & Telecomm Infrastructure Such as 5G Starlink & or Underground Fiber Optic Cables are Ultimately Vital to The WellBeing of National & Local Populations encluding Contributes to How National & Local Leaders Responde to Disasters & Emeregencies.

Therefore The Internet of Things IoT & Artificial Intelligence Provides a Sustainable Means to The Populations Information Access During Disasters & or Pandemics.?

However to Note 5G Sat-Link Communications is Key During Calm Weather, However The Point of Cyber Communication is That The Maintenance of Cyber infrastructure for Dissemination of Essential Communications & The National & Local Peoples Access to Online Media & Knowledge is Pinnacle for Effective Awareness of Current Events & For Leadership Distribution of Critical Knowledge to The Populations of Each Nation-State.?

Therefore, Each Locality Should Procure a 5G Mega Starlink Platform & Establish within En Each Subdivision a Micro Starlink Satellite That Relays a Sustainable Communications Network to Automobiles, Televisions, Personal Electronics & Wifi Routers to Deliver Stable & Sustainable 5G Online Internet Service to all The Nations of The World.?


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