2024 Year in Review
Holmes Donnelly & Co. Solicitors
A premier Australian family law firm in Sydney's CBD.
As 2024 comes to a close, we would like to take a moment to reflect on the last 12 months.
On 6 May 2024 we saw the implementation Family Law Amendment Act 2023 and the Family Law Amendment (Information Sharing) Act 2023. The former, a series of child focused, best interests’ changes, paving the way the ensure the protection of our most vulnerable people who are, in most instances innocent passengers in the journey their parents/carers are travelling. The latter, providing a framework for the sharing of information sharing between the Courts and relevant agencies, again offering additional protection to vulnerable parties.
In July we saw the introduction of Coercive Control Laws in NSW. This is another progressive step to protect vulnerable parties by criminalising behaviours that are not just physical, but psychological and financial.
We celebrated the promotion of Luke Meehan and Lauren Sanderson to Directors, Brigit Zafirakis to Senior Associate, birthdays and work anniversaries. We have welcomed new staff and celebrated our entire team who contribute tirelessly to help our clients through their family law journey, whether it is at the beginning of a relationship or following breakdown. Without the support of the team, we would not be able to do what we do.
Additionally, we have again been recognised by our peers in Doyle's Guide . Our thanks to those who voted for us, your support is appreciated.
Some of our team had the opportunity to finetune their presentation skills (including the use of PowerPoint) and present at CLE events, and we have hosted one or two as well – always an exciting challenge! We hope those who attended enjoyed the topics and company of your colleagues. The Perth conference was another highlight in the professional calendar, with some of our team attending not only to gain new knowledge but make new professional connections and re-establish existing ones.
We have continued our support of some charities, including The Man Walk Australia Incorporated and Movember , raising funds and awareness of men’s mental and physical health. This support involved not only donations, but active participation by members of the team – special mentions to Luke Meehan , Samuel Hall and Duncan Holmes. And of course, a big “thank you” to those who have supported their efforts by making donations.
While not something that was actively publicised, we take this moment to recognise the work Duncan Holmes performs, in addition to his day-to-day practice. In the latter part of this year Duncan pursued his humanitarian work as part of the campaign to abolish the Death Penalty in the USA, by volunteering for 3 months with a Pro Bono Law Firm in Louisiana which represents indigent people facing the death penalty in Capital Crime cases. The Death Penalty remains legal in 28 states and is regarded by many as being arbitrary and capricious in its application,? in that it is imposed disproportionally upon black, poor people, and often involves situations of coerced pleas, fabricated evidence, faulty scientific evidence, or prosecutorial misconduct. ?
Recently, the Family Law Amendment Bill 2024 was introduced with a number of key elements to amend the Family Law Act 1975. Including, greater control by the court in property and other proceedings, ensuring family and domestic violence can be taken into consideration in property settlements for separating families, stricter controls around disclosure, the provision of a regulatory framework for Children’s Contact Services to name a few. We look forward to seeing how the changes develop.
We take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed this year.
We advise the office will be closed from 5.00pm on Friday 20 December 2024 and will reopen at 9.00am on Monday 6 January 2025, providing a much-deserved period of down time for our team.
We extend to you the compliments of the season and look forward welcoming 2025, refreshed and ready to get to it.