2024: The Year in Review

2024: The Year in Review

Author: Patrick Schultz

For Cameron-Cole, an ADEC Innovation, 2024 was a testament to our dedication to tackling complex issues with innovative and resilient solutions at the highest levels of performance for our clients. Before turning our attention to an exciting year ahead, join us as we look back on our growth and impact accomplished in 2024.?

A Final Glace at 2024

From close-to-home projects to wide-reaching initiatives, 2024 was a year of progress and impact for Cameron-Cole. We are proud of the work accomplished by our colleagues, consultants, and clients, and we look forward to building on our successes in a fruitful 2025. Here’s what we’ve been up to!

Cameron-Cole Approved as GHG Verification Body in Washington State

In January 2024, Cameron-Cole announced its approval as a greenhouse gas (GHG) verification body under Washington State’s broadened quality assurance mechanism of third-party emissions verification.

Businesses emitting more than 10,000 metric tons of CO2-equivalent per year are tasked with reporting their emissions to Washington State’s GHG Reporting Program. In 2024, businesses emitting greater than 25,000 metric tons of CO2-equivalent per year are required to undergo third party verification for emissions year 2023 data.

As a full-service environmental and regulatory compliance firm, Cameron-Cole was among the first 14 firms to become an approved verification body for the State of Washington Department of Ecology’s new requirements. Verification bodies must meet various requirements to be recognized in the state, including active accreditation in California and acute knowledge of Washington State regulations.

As a firm with more than 500 GHG verifications and more than 40 years of verification experience, we look forward to partnering with stakeholders in Washington State for years to come.

Read more about GHG verification updates in Washington.

GHG Verification Webinar

Cameron-Cole hosted a live GHG verification readiness webinar with top GHG emissions experts. As one of the most experienced verification bodies in the nation, we guided stakeholders through the process and answered live questions.

The webinar, titled, “Are You Ready for GHG Verification,” covered topics such as new and upcoming verification regulations, understanding GHG reporting requirements, how to prepare for verification, developing a clear audit trail, and what to include in an inventory management plan. While the live webinar offered valuable insights and progress toward a sustainable future, your organization can still benefit from all the relevant information.

Fill out this form to access a recording of the live event.

Key Initiatives and Regulatory Support in 2024

In 2024, Cameron-Cole focused on several critical initiatives that align with our commitment to sustainable solutions and regulatory compliance. We continued our work with the Brownfield Re-Power Initiative, launched in 2008 by the EPA to help stakeholders identify brownfield sites suitable for renewable energy development. This initiative not only investigates the potential of these sites and helps developers access valuable resources, but also provides a mapping tool, recently updated in June 2022, featuring over 190,000 brownfield sites across more than 43 million acres, all preliminarily screened for renewable energy projects. Since the program’s inception, hundreds of renewable energy installations have been established on contaminated lands, landfills, and mine sites. Cameron-Cole has served as a third-party environmental consultant in many of these project developments, using their team’s expertise to assist in navigating the remediation journey. Due to our long-standing relationships with federal and state agencies, including the EPA, our brownfield experts can help navigate the Re-Power Initiative and ensure all EPA and state regulations are followed.

Another significant area of focus for Cameron-Cole in 2024, was working diligently to stay ahead of evolving regulations. This included the updated Quad O standards, released in March of 2024, which set stringent requirements for emissions and operational practices to reduce hazardous air pollutants (HAPS) from oil and gas operations within the United States. Dedicated to ensuring our clients can clearly understand and prepare for these regulatory changes, we took a hands-on approach by breaking down the complex regulations into more manageable sections, highlighting critical elements related to emissions monitoring, reporting, documentation, and compliance timelines.

In tandem with this, Cameron-Cole placed a strong emphasis on helping businesses navigate and adapt to the upcoming requirements of California’s Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act (SB 253), set to be implemented in early 2026. This legislation, aimed at improving environmental transparency and accountability, will require companies operating in California with annual revenues over $1 billion to publicly disclose their Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data. By integrating these regulatory updates into our services, Cameron-Cole supported clients in calculating, reporting, and verifying their emissions across Scope 1, 2, and 3, while providing not only the technical expertise needed for compliance but also strategic guidance to help businesses adapt to the evolving regulatory landscape and prepare for the shifts ahead.

Learn more about how Cameron-Cole is helping businesses adapt to evolving regulations.

Launch of Sustainable Development Goals Resource

Following months of research, Cameron-Cole launched an informative, thorough guide to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The United Nations (UN) adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015 as a shared blueprint for the planet’s peace and prosperity. The 17 SGDs are a focal point of this agenda, serving as guideposts for attaining a sustainable future.

Cameron-Cole’s services advance seven of these SDGs, helping clients advance sustainability practices in their operations, integrate sustainability and resiliency in actualizing their vision, and monitor progress for evidence-based decisions. Our sustainability guide highlights our work in building more resilient organizations and in offering innovative compliance and assurance solutions.

Project stakeholders can use the resource to learn more about Cameron-Cole’s projects that touch on these seven SDGs, as well as connect with our highly qualified professionals who can help balance development with environmental compliance.

Learn how Cameron-Cole can support your sustainability journey.

Looking Ahead

Throughout the year, Cameron-Cole consultants and clients found success in not only advancing projects, but also in advancing long-term sustainability goals. We look forward to continuing this important work in 2025 — and beyond.

Follow us on LinkedIn to keep up with the latest Cameron-Cole updates and to find out more about how we transform risk into positive impact and value.



