2024 Wrap-up/Welcoming 2025
As we close out 2024, I urge my dear readers to think about the world they want to live in. This year has been marked with strife and conflict, though there have been many positive contributions to our society—namely technological ones, such as new turbines designed and optimized by AI for minimal wind in urban environments, or new biodegradable plastic.
However, not all of us are scientists able to innovate, create, and/or run tests... How, instead, can we, the "regular people," make a difference in the new year? Don't worry, Clean Stormwater has a solution: below, I have compiled a list of common New Year's resolutions, but with ecological twists and explanations added. What challenge(s) will you accept for 2025?
To save more money!
This was one of the top resolutions for 2025, though is easier said than done. Obviously, the best way to save money is to not spend it, but that starts with moving away from a consumer mindset. I would advise you to look into the circular economy: try mending or upcycling clothes instead of throwing them away, for example, or buying sustainable items over disposable ones.
Starting a new hobby!
Hobbies are great for breaking out of our comfort zone and improving mental health resilience. Try starting a creative hobby to make artwork, be it experimenting with leftovers or tending to a garden. Even starting new sports can supplement your body’s craving for creativity—rock climbing is a fun and healthy pastime that can deepen your connection to nature while also strengthening problem-solving skills and kinesthetic responses.
Improving mental health.
We can choose to be kinder to ourselves and adjust our mental rhetoric. Instead of beating yourself up for making choices that aren't the best, take a deep breath and realize that it is human to make mistakes. Give yourself a mental hug, forgive yourself, and try to do better next time.
Cultivating a community of compassion and forgiveness will create a chain reaction: if others recognize it is okay to fail and try again, then we as a society will seek areas of improvement and perpetuate hope rather than ruminating on weaknesses. Being kinder to each other and ourselves will also help remediate environmental injustices and allow for collaboration.
Take time off to rest and relax, instead of focusing 24/7 on the grind. Not only is it impractical, but hustle culture also furthers harmful attitudes and damages the environment. Try to also focus on improving your sleep schedule or incorporate naps into your routine. If you are rested, you have more energy and are inclined to make better choices.
Exercising more!
Exercising more is a common resolution for a variety of reasons, but remember, working out isn't just weightlifting. Instead, you can increase your physical activity level while also actively making an environmental difference by choosing to take walks in nature, planting trees, participating in beach/environmental cleanups, or by opting to walk/bike to work one day a week instead of using a car, to name a few!
Eating better.
It can be difficult getting the doctor-recommended servings of fruit and veggies every day-- try to supplement your diet with smoothies! Reducing your meat intake may also help you feel energized. Maybe think about visiting farmer's markets in 2025-- not only will you be supporting local farmers and reducing the cost of the supply chain, but you may even discover new recipes from talking to vendors!
Conserving water.
There are many different ways to achieve this resolution! By rejecting fast fashion or avoiding alcohol, your choices are helping to conserve water. You can make an even more visible impact by planting a garden with native plants, installing rain barrels, or even by simply taking shorter showers!
Drink/smoke less.
It is hard breaking habits, especially those that rewire your brain! However, substances require a lot of water to be produced and divert resources away from other crops, not to mention the waste generated by disposable vapes or empty beer cans. If you choose to break or decrease this habit, you are helping yourself and the environment.
Try to recognize the feelings that are pushing you towards substances in the first place; resolving the root problem will prevent you from feeling like you need external support. If, say, you feel overwhelmed at work and rely on smoke breaks to calm down, perhaps start using medication techniques and focus on your breathing. Determine the negative habits you want to decrease and replace them with healthier ones through habit stacking. Remember, habit formation can take a few weeks or months, so do not get discouraged!
Spending time with friends!
At the end of a long day or week of work, it can be hard to find the energy to go out and see loved ones. Try to start a hobby or routine with a friend: they can hold you accountable and encourage you when your spirits are low. Try doing activities you might not do on your own, such as beekeeping classes or volunteering.
Coordinate and communicate the effect you all want to achieve, and brainstorm ways to fulfill these ideas! Say you want to regularly have game nights. Instead of having everyone commute to one place, carpool and/or determine an area equidistant to everyone to reduce fuel consumption. You might even be able to go virtual depending on the activity!
If you don't have friends and/or want to meet new people, try to join organizations in your area! Figure out activities that speak to you and investigate events in your community.
You do not need to make a resolution to have a good 2025, but having goals is helpful to measure personal growth. Maybe set yourself monthly challenges (alcohol-free April, Inktober, NaNoWriMo November), instead of an overarching annual aim. Find what inspires you and give it a try! Refer to the hyperlinked articles for further reading and ideas!