2024: What's Your North Star Question?

2024: What's Your North Star Question?

Happy February! If you find yourself overwhelmed by the goals you set last month, that is totally normal. It happens to all of us, in today's world, now more than ever.

In January I had the blessing of spending time with Natalie Ellis, angel investor and CEO/Co-Founder of Boss Babe, at a live event. Her segment was called "Get Organized in 2024" ----- let's take a step back, take a deep breath and see if the following raw insights and questions from that time spent with her can be useful to you as you find clarity once again towards your North Star in 2024.

  • It's not about the money - it's about the time.
  • The highest form of wealth is freedom of time and health.
  • Freedom of time helps you create wealth and create health.
  • You can have it all if you don't do it all.
  • Us being in our power is not wearing all the hats - it's putting a few donw, delegating or passing to others.
  • How do I organize my life?
  • How do I control the controllable's?
  • Putting systems in place take time in the beginning however you will save time in the long run.

HAVE A DAILY DASHBOARD This Week's Priorities: Top 3 priorities that connect to your big goals.
Intention Setting: This week will be________, because_________.
Your Daily...Gratitude: Goodness: Get it Done:
Quick Links: Week ahead, Vision + Goals
Tracker (for high performance daily non negotiables) examples: exercise, reading, supplements, phone off by 8am

  • Create systems to run your most purposeful life.
  • Core values. Reeview them. Know them. Stick to them.
  • Create a Best Self Playbook.
  • What does the best version of me look like?
  • Buy back your time - high performers are detailed.
  • Context switching is a huge waste of time.
  • Have "Brain Tabs" vs to do's she referenced David Allen's GTD - with a twist of her own. examples: deep work, ,calls, mtgs, computer, phone, camera ready, someday maybe
  • Chronic ideas? Have a place to collate them and don't take your people offtrack.
  • Agendas - they work. Categories: decide, agenda(s), waiting for.
  • You can wield and be intentional with your energy.
  • Morning routine, habit stacking, control the contrrollable's
  • Physical and Digital clean up every three months. (unroll.me)
  • Has my calendar been serving me? Permission to take things off your calendar.
  • When you pair mindset with systems you become unstoppable.

And the North Star Question.The North Star question is a lens you run your decisions through. Natalie shared hers as an example: "Is this going to create more freedom in my life?" And if it does not to unapologetically say now {smile}.

Now your turn. Imagine your biggest dream goal for 2024 coming true. Create your North Star question Now that will support that:

"Is this going to _____________________________________?"

Share your North Star question below or other ways you are staying on track to your biggest goals and living your best life in 2024.

Meanwhile, thank you Natalie and thank you to YOU, for going for it this year and being a valued member of our Inspired Science Coaching community!



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