2024 Retrospective and 2025 Outlook: A Year of Growth, Mentorship, and Ambitious Goals
Level 7 Investors
Commercial Multifamily Investors investing and giving back to the communities we invest in
Introduction: Reflecting on 2024’s Milestones
2024 was a year of seismic change for me personally. The year started by finalizing the renovations of our small residential duplex in Daytona Beach. This led us to trying to rent it via Airbnb until we learned that the zoning of our duplex did not allow for that. We then decided that it was best to flip this property, we had had it since October of 2022 and spent nearly 200k to renovate it. We purchased it from a wholesaler on a Facebook Group (kid you not) for $225,000. Our plan was to fix it up and lease it via Airbnb which is what we were doing with another property we own in Jensen Beach Florida. After the zoning issues my wife and I decided we did not want to be landlords since the property was over 1.5 hours from out home and put it up for sale in June.
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The Seismic Change in my Real Estate Philosophy:
2024 has been a transformative year, both in terms of professional growth and personal development. After listening to Carlos Salguero who is a Multifamily investor and mentor I decided to invest as an LP (passive investor) in one of his deals. This was a 30 Unit Luxury town home complex in Manchester Tennessee. I did a self-directed IRA rollover and took my retirement money from Fidelity and invested 25K into the Luxury townhomes. This officially got me in the Multifamily game.
I then decided to meet the people that I was investing with personally and joined them at a mastermind the CS3 Investment team was hosting in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Here is where the multifamily game was revealed to me 100%, and I really saw the benefits of commercial multifamily over the small multifamily space. I already knew I wanted to do multifamily, but I did not think I could do the commercial game because of the high cost it took to acquire properties. Until this point, I was doing everything on my own with my wife, but after this mastermind I decided learned how to build a team and that you can syndicate deals and have investors join in your deals just like I had invested in Carlos Salguero’s deal earlier in the year. After the mastermind I said to myself I need to provide something of value to the people I just met and I being a numbers guy put together a napkin underwriting spreadsheet that I distributed to everyone in the Mastermind. I always say find a way to add value to others. I also decided to bet on myself and joined the Academy. The Academy is a mentorship program led by Carlos Salguero and his CS3 Team.
How The Academy Led to Level 7 Investors
Its May of 2024 and I am an action taker. I am in the Academy (a mentoring program that helped expand my network and knowledge), and I am learning to underwrite multifamily deals. Being the numbers persons that I am I naturally gravitate to the underwriting side, but I start learning more and more and took what I was learning in the Academy and elaborated on it with my own Underwriting process consisting of 3 steps. Level 0 Basic Napkin Underwriting, Level 1 based on the Academy teachings, and Level 2 based on the MFA Analyzer tool and some additional insights I learned from the Academy. I submitted my first LOI (letter of intent) to by a 67-unit property in New Smyrna Beach Florida. My first LOI was done for 5.8 million dollars. I did not end up winning this deal, and it’s still on market for way over the 5.8 million I was offering, but that fact that is on market still makes me feel that I did the right thing offering the right amount that would give me the returns that I feel my investors should have. This is a principle I will never sacrifice for the sake of doing a deal.
I have blasted this news on the internal academy messaging app and was congratulated by a lot of people. I guess some people were impressed that someone within a month of being in the academy submitted an LOI so quickly. One person that reached out to me was Shirley Solis, a fellow investor out of South Florida. Shirley and I had a conversation, and we talked about what are the things that are important to us, what are we trying to do with multifamily, and we had a commonality that the things that matter to us were family, honesty, making surer we honor our commitments to our investors and that it has to be more than just about the money. Shirley was looking for a numbers guy to join her team and asked if I would be interested and I said sure.
Level 7 Investors is Formed
Shirley and her team have been in the Academy for about a year now and they had underwritten hundreds of deals and submitted a couple of LOI as well, but they were looking for someone that has a process and can help take they underwriting to the next level.
I met the other members of the team:
Through this journey, I built an incredible team of 4 dedicated partners, each bringing their unique strengths to the table. Together, we analyzed thousands of deals, submitted various offers, and successfully invested in multiple deals as Limited Partners (LPs), as well as in a minor equity position as General Partners (GPs).
As I look back, I’m proud of the strides we’ve made, and the lessons learned. The combination of education, hands-on experience, and collaboration has set a strong foundation for the next phase of our growth.
2024 Key Achievements
As we reflect on 2024, we are setting our sights even higher for 2025. With the knowledge gained and the relationships built, our goal for next year is to continue to invest as Limited Partners (LP) but purchase at least 100 units as General Partners (GPs) and manage $10 million in assets. Our focus will be on acquiring properties in the 20 to 70-unit range, primarily in the high-growth markets of Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
Key Focus Areas for 2025:
Steps to Achieve Our 2025 Goals
Conclusion: 2024 Was Just the Beginning
The journey so far has been nothing short of inspiring, and I’m more excited than ever for what lies ahead. While 2024 was a foundational year to lay the groundwork of what is to come, 2025 will be about executing on the lessons learned 2024 and pushing our business to new heights.
We are grateful for the opportunity to be part of this incredible industry and for the chance to grow alongside so many talented individuals. Here’s to another successful year of multifamily investing—let’s make 2025 our best one yet!
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue this exciting journey.
Thank you for your continued support!
Call to Action:
If you’re interested in learning more about our journey or would like to discuss opportunities in multifamily investing, feel free to reach out. We’d love to connect!