2024 Reboot – Episode 2
Here’s to a New You! - The Wheel of Life
We are ready for new challenges and fresh conquests. We are determined to win and to beat off competition. And then….. Life happens!
Setting goals at the start of a New Year is admirable and necessary. It’s like blowing oxygen-rich air onto dying embers. We are often though confronted with issues and events that end up taking the literal wind out of our lungs.
Moving forward positively is an aspiration that most of us wish to experience but we may find that as we prioritise one area needing attention something we now let slip ambushes our attempts at self-correction and we are left picking up the pieces of missed and failed opportunity.
We must remember that we are complex and multi-faceted beings. Success at work can keep our social and family bonds positive but an over-emphasis on too much time at work can be dramatically detrimental as well.
The ultimate goal is to achieve some semblance of balance in those areas of our lives that require daily tendering to ensure that we maintain positive momentum.
Failure to keep everything “ok” leads to imbalance which will lead to disruption in all the other aspects as well.
A simple Wheel of Life looks something like this…
Work hard to understand where you have been over and under-emphasizing priorities.
You may use this analysis to re-plot some actions in your strategic plan discussed in Episode 1.
Most importantly, work on those areas whose “kinks” may cause you to lose something of great value.
Here’s to a New You!
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