2024 PROJECT World Citizen Child X International Family 
Part VI - Finalization of observations and project map

2024 PROJECT World Citizen Child X International Family Part VI - Finalization of observations and project map


Dear friends

The divisions of narrative about this project have a finality, purpose, direction and voluntary social recipient:

Each one of thhese narrative is for those who want to understand and not just obey; integrate and not to be subject to the domine of the world movement of establishmenbt a common order of state, government, culture, security and planetary peace - for who want to integrate the planetary era

And, for this reason, it brings part of history in this direction and the requirement of reading, observation and interpretation of texts...With focus not only on the emotional interpretation of words, but especially on the directives of actions that the words require? A more avanced focus than the focus of? the ambition, fascination and economic, technological, scientific, military and political or religious interest of constant growth. Because it requires your evaluation and not the purchase or consumption of a product, knowledge, idea, authority and teaching.? It is an honor to have the evaluation of anyone who may be interested in the process.

In the previous article I explained to everyone:

1. My experience with IBAMA in Brazil with the establishment and testing of an action plan for the well-being of the natural and human environment in the Amazon called Project Conviver

2. My experience of observing the UN with children in establishing and testing the creation of a collective cultural heritage of children for children and adults with the CCBM – Conferencia Crian?a Brasil no Milênio.

Where I basically reported this:

a) That the UN has performed the cultural establishment of the direction of peace, justice and global security for all existing and emerging nations since its birth. Exactly in its Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Convention on the Rights of Children related to their freedoms, and in treaties and conventions? associated with this constitutional tripod...

b) That the UN has a visible insufficiency in the approach and action of the organization's operational team in relation to the operation of the cultural legitimization of the Convention on the Rights of the Child with regard to caring for their freedoms as their greatest interests..

In this article we will continue with my observations, now about Chikyu Kids and City Montessori School (CMS) and the final exhibition of 2024 PROJECT World Citizen Child X International Family? for free appropriation by people, families, religions, states and governments.

Initial argument

I begin by paraphrasing an excerpt from the Declaration of the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment

“We have reached a point in history where we must shape our actions around the world”, with greater attention to the human order of people, their families and children, states and nations on peace, security and well-being of all in global scale.

Because this is the main guideline for solving human, natural and artificial environmental problems defined since 1945 in the creation of the UN by the winning powers of the Second World War – and for the establishment of world citizenship projected and promoted in the UN Charter with the reference “ We, citizens of the world”, therefore supranational.

“Through ignorance or indifference in relation to this order” people, states and nations, economies, services and governments are causing more costs and debts for all generations than benefits. The “massive and irreversible damage to the environment, to which our lives and well-being are integral”. And placed us on the edge of an abyss. The Abyss of the Third World War.

And the Doomsday Clock created in 1947 by Robert Oppenheimer and the scientists who developed the atomic bomb is at its limit. It presents the world with a 100% negative scenario for life on planet Earth and other nearby, interplanetary environments. With weapons feeders, testing and racing for massive weapons force development and nuclear warheads on Earth, Air, Moon and atmosphere and profit in eliminating old arsenals, sick for power and power plays of force and economy.

At this moment in history, governments do not present anything in terms of alliance and human ordering of people, their families and children, states and nations regarding peace, security and well-being on a global scale. This is not the focus of the US, UK and NATO or Russia, China and OCX.

The focus they continue to present is command and struggle for hegemony or security of Eastern and Western nations over a possible, desired and propagated state of global governance of a parliamentary nature.

State of parliamentary world governance that the majority parts of Western and Eastern power want to have under the command of their powers, based on international laws defined by them with their allies and military forces within the UN.

It is within this context that the pressure on the UN, hitherto balanced by the exercise of the veto power of the permanent members of the Security Council, takes place.

And, the survival of the UN itself or a State of Parliamentary World Governance clearly depends on the ordering of people, states and nations on peace, security and cultural well-being of all in sustainable development in each part of the planet.

The ordering between justice, law and personal, family, community, national, international and multinational strength is the master key to this action.

So below are my observations about Chikyu Kids and CMS and the final exhibition of the 2024 PROJETO Crian?a Cidad? Mundial X Família Internacional, based on this context. Let's go to the observations.

Me, Chikyu Kids and Children's Communication in the World

The first decade of the year 2000 was special for my observations of the reactions of people, families, communities, schools, religions, NGOs, states of government and the rule of justice and law to the CCBM – including my observations of the UN. You saw the story I related.

The focus of my observations at that time and since then, in the second and third decades, is summed up in this action:

Address scenarios of how the world and the UN would welcome, legitimate and recruit children as citizens of the world – in addition to family, community, religious, municipal, state and national citizens – and integrate international relations into their new unit of citizenship, the world citizenship, delegated to everyone by the winning powers in the war.

Because speaking of “we citizens of the world” or calling ourselves “citizens of the world” is a dream, desire, project and self-declaration of a homeland identity yet to be realized. It does not mean being endowed with world citizenship. It just means aspiring to be seen, heard, welcomed and developed with the body and spirit of global citizenship by all people, families, communities, municipalities, states and nations on the planet. A world national identity legally emerging in the creation of the UN (the World State of Justice and Law), endowed with equal rights in its different units, diversities and similarities of being since its birth and social identification. Where children now have equal rights with adults in relation to the freedoms and commitments of the adult universe and the special right to care from authorities in respecting their freedoms. within the principles of unity, peace and world security.

And, my first official meeting with the UN, hading to?? view to observing the communication approach of state authorities with children as citizens to be included in the development of environmental issues was in the city of Nishinomiya, Japan, with UNEP and LEAF.

For this meeting, a global environmental exchange project for children was designated based on adult ecological visions and objectives.

Which seemed to me to be a first step by the UN towards good development of relationships with children.

The second step would be to listen to the children. Did not happen. And I haven't had any contact with LEAF since. So I continued forward with CCBM.

But I continued to observe the process of UN-Children relations based on speeches, declarations and resolutions on environmental and educational issues from the 1960s to the 2000s.

The observed scenario

So far, 2024, I have observed the vision of various adult approaches to children following in the footsteps of the UN, its Security Council, General Assembly and ICJ - plus the footsteps of non-governmental organizations its communicating with children since LEAF and its predecessor, the Earth Watching Club (EWC) of Japan.

And with this I was able to identify the path adopted by government authorities regarding their relations with children as citizens of justice and law:

Exactly the path of curricular education to serve the industry and global market competition.

Evidence of adoption

Proof of the adoption of this path by governments, states and nations in their relations with children is the following fact:

The fact that all approaches of relationship of the UN, NGOs, Member States and Governments on the planet with children have been fixed on a standard objective:

The objective of including environmental awareness in the global education system under the interpretation of the world economic order, market and competition.

You can all see this truth in the following devices, among others:

1. The roots of the environmental movement and the book “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson, as well as the Science, Technology and Society (CTS) movement and the UK Council for Environmental Education that resulted in the United Nations Conference on the Environment Human of 1972

2. The initiative of French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing to bring together the heads of state or government of Germany, the United States, Japan, Italy and the United Kingdom, in Rambouillet, in the Paris region, which resulted in the creation the former G6 (1975), then G7 with Canada (1976), then G8 with Russia (1997) and today fixed as G7 after Russia's expulsion from the group (2014) which began the return of the competition (Cold War ) Russia versus the USA for world hegemony and the Rise of China.

3. The Recommendation 96 of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, which names the development of Environmental Education as one of the most critical elements to quickly combat the world's environmental crisis, but limited its action to the basic principles outlined in the Declaration of United Nations on the New World Economic Order in 1974

?4. The Belgrade Charter (1975) and its Environmental Education Objectives: awareness, knowledge, attitudes, skills and capacity for evaluation on the principles of industrial ecology. .

5. The World Declaration on Education for All (1990)

6. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) launched by the UN in 2015, the Incheon Declaration (South Korea) for Education 2030 (year 2015) involving the issue of gender (clearly the joint issue of equal rights and free discretion) and the proposals for “education for sustainable development” and “education for global citizenship” associated with the “Education First Global Initiative” of the United Nations Secretary-General in 2012.

An education scenario increasingly distanced from the socialization and integration of children's cultural identity, linguistic and family diversity on the UN's national principles of unity, peace, justice and global security and its equality of rights and freedom on a global scale, as highlighted in the organization's constitutional tripod.

Education based on the dominant global economic guideline of human formation for relations with the environment as a market of distinct and fragmented responsibilities and forms of exploration and territorial domination.

Political education appropriate to the industrial environmental market, territorial, animal, plant, aquatic and atmospheric occupation and industrial domain, today augmented by the carbon market. Where we have the creation of Ecological Industrial Parks (PIEs), the fragmentation of planting in areas of cities or urban houses, .

A scenario in which the entire political-economic educational system of nations is being directed and recruited to meet industrial needs in their expansion process on the following argument:

The argument of establisment the preparation of its students for the challenges of the 21st century, triggered by the process of globalization (in practice by the emergence of the UN itself, supranational institutions, regional economic blocs and the development of information, communication and warfare technologies in the environment of competition, consumption and profit), from the perspective of capital and the relationship between men and permanent production of wealth and of control (elimination) of poverty.

I, City Montessori Scholl and International Conference of World Chief Justices in India

Within the context mentioned above, in 2004 I received an invitation from CMS and Mr Jagdish Gandhi in the person of Dr Shishir Srisvastava, on behalf of more than 55,000 students of the school and its management team - Dr Bharti Gandhi, Prof. Geeta Gandhi Kingdom and Dr Sunita Gandhi. – for attend its side events organized within the framework of an annual meeting of the highest-ranking judicial officials from around the world in Lucknow, India, the International Conference of the World's Chief Justices, involving its children and young people. A set of events with discussion topics in the field of justice, global cultural ordering and the circulation of rights in the global judicial system. Its central theme in 2023 was this:

Unite the world for children through enforceable global law and effective global governance.

Where in my view the only applicable common law would be the Convention on the Rights of the Child and effective global governance would be the de facto establishment of the planetary State of Justice, Law and Governance based on the promotion of cultural unity and of law and security defined in the Charter and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights associated with that convention. The UN constitutional tripod

And this conference caught my attention and encouraged my progressive participation in the event, with honor and dedication, because it complements the CCBM and can incorporate, with the CCBM and between authorities, a fair relationship between states and children..

The CMS places children and young people face to face with diverse legal and sociocultural authorities in the position of observation, questioning and integration of global issues of justice, power and order in the scenario of narratives from the UN, supranational institutions, NGOs, police-economic blocs regional development of government and information, communication and war technologies, under this cultural parameter in the environment of competition, consumption and profit:

The perspective of the unity, values and guideline of Gandhi, the Hindu, Bahai cultural community and all religious or non-religious cultural communities, whether scientific or not, in accordance with the provision of law contained in article 51 of the Constitution of India and of the scenary of a World Parliamentary Governance Interpretation Theater for the purposes of training and disciplining human conduct in childhood on division, correlation and integration of powers. .

I identified this action as a concrete act - until this unique moment - of directing global curricular education towards the legitimization of children's freedom of thought and conscience in relation to the planetary (worldwide) rule of law, industry and global market competition and its interests, in addition to the right to curricular learning. And concludes that the 2024 Global Citizen Child PROJECT, based on children's experience with the CCBM, placed authorities face to face with children, and young people in a similar, opposite position:

The position of observation, questioning and integration of the thoughts and consciousness of children and young people on global issues of justice, power and order in the scenario of UN narratives, supranational institutions, NGOs, regional police-economic blocks of government development and technologies of information, communication and war – involving toys and weapons games, police and military conflicts and wars based on characters and learning about the killing power or of the good and evil and of the emotions of salvation and destruction. The action that paves the way for the legitimization of children's other freedom rights and the construction of their collective cultural heritage as subjects of justice, rights and global citizenship with the capacity to build fairer, peaceful, tolerant, inclusive and sustainable societies

Having made these observations, I must clarify a crucial point of the situation.

Gentlemen, ladies, children... I also identified the fact that the UN is not, in itself, the proponent or the instrumentalist of this direction. The UN project is in its constitutional tripod presented to everyone, for which it awaits a response. And your role so far has been to listen to the responses and reactions to this project. The organization has played the role of prosecutor, defense lawyer and judge of the reactions of member nations, up to this point giving voice to the responses of the dominant powers in the process, raised by its creation and the emerging post-World War II challenges. And the responses of the dominant powers of the nations to their project have been attempts to dominate and exclude them from their responsibilities elaborated in the universal treaties linked to the UN organizational tripod – the scenario that justifies and maintains the permanent violations (of all nations) the unity, security and peace of the world's cultural diversity related to human rights and the war laws. Which reminds me of Christ's words: HE WHO HAS NO SIN LET'S THROW THE FIRST STONE

We are witnessing propositions such as of education for world citizenship, of world parliamentarism and now of the international launch of an “Alliance for Earth Governance”. But, all proposals empty of the family condition and homeland of Cultural States of Citizenship, Justice, Security, Peace and common direction for the orientation on World Governance – whose military axis would be universal, supranational planetary and human security.

Proposal for global citizenship and industrial education of learning under market interests, competition and development of its dominance over narratives linked to the UN, with complete discarding of the necessary cultural integration of nations and the affirmation of this specific objective linked to the organization called MEGA:

The objective of “promoting communication and cooperation between organizations and other interested parties in the domain (of what? The planet?) without any reference to the integration of cultural unity and military powers and the cultural order by/for the identification and development of global citizenship.

I believe it is time for the UN Security Council to change its position:

Listen to the supracomic civilizational authorities and establish a point of integration and an assessment of these political-economic proposals and the proposals of the cultural power of the planet under the constitutional tripod of the UN.

?As the LEAF International Network Conference says, "this is the true purpose of global citizenship." – and I would add: the true purpose of World Security. The full exposition of the 2024 PROJECT World Citizen Child X International Family follows in the next article of part VI. Thank you all for your attention.

With love, peace and light

Divine Roberto Veríssimo


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