2024 PROJECT World Citizen Child X International Family Part VII – Final Description of the Project

2024 PROJECT World Citizen Child X International Family Part VII – Final Description of the Project


Dear friends

I ended the previous article by declaring to you that I believe it is time for the UN Security Council to change its position as auditor of nations acting under the organization's constitutional tripod and as independent guardian of the economy and finances of the cities of its members:

Listen to the supracomic civilizational authorities and establish a point of integration and evaluation of these political-economic proposals and the proposals for the cultural power of the planet under the constitutional tripod of the UN.

In other words:

1. Move from the hearings of public government conferences on political, economic and military positions and forms of global governance on the market, competition and war in line with the construction of more just, sustainable and peaceful societies

2. Move towards with the same objectives public audiences with autocephalous and hierarchical civilizing cultural authorities in special conferences having in view of the global security and the Sustainable Development Goal 4.7 which says:

“By 2030, ensure that all students acquire (and this is not just teaching) knowledge and skills (experience and practice) necessary to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through (socialization in addition to) education for development sustainability and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promoting a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and valuing cultural diversity and the contribution of culture to sustainable development.” I am refering to the autorities such as the Pope and other patriarchal or non-patriarchal religious authorities, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, etc. -

In this article I give you the final description of the project. Good reading for everyone. I hope that they can extract good results from the project for their current and future generations. I believe it is a project that meets this objective. Here the Basic Guidelines of the 2024 PROJECT World Citizen Child X International Family


The promotion and establishment of global social action between organized civil society, religions, governments and the child population with a view to achieving the union, organization and strengthening of children in each country and on the planet within their freedom rights contained in the Convention on Children's Rights.

The legal devices for global cultural legitimization of action

The Convention on the Rights of the Child with respect to the freedoms of children and directives? audited in current and modern statements or documents, arising from individuals, families, states and nations on guidelines of international relations

As for example:

The 1988 Riyadh Guidelines on socialization, family and education, in particular items 10 to 21, art. 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, understood as the first international legal instrument to recognize children's rights, the 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the Child or Article 227 of the Brazilian Constitution and art. 53, II, of the ECA, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1969 and the Vienna Convention on the law of treaties between States and international organizations or between International organizations, 1986


The Project Engineering of the Free-social Organization of Childhood with the Children and the common assistance of families, schools, institutions, NGOs, teachers and individuals from communities and governments interested in the process.

Structuring the action

Carry out action plans with adults without the right to command, teach or correct children's expressions and with sustainable support from the UN. Governments and societies in each territory, with the least possible use of financial resources and the greatest possible use of space mobilization and voluntary social actions for work, transport and child care

Instruments, programs and means of support to achieve this objective.

The creation of local children's Agendas 21 - national, state and municipal - based on the Global Children's Agenda 21 pilot plan established in Brazil by children aged 6 to 14 from around the world.

a) What does it mean to raise, organize and affirm the relationships of children's collective direction on the environmental and heritage values of each country and the world in relation to the global social direction of UN Agenda 21, Earth Charter, Habitat Agenda according the 'planetary state of gaovernance by the justice and world? rule? law

b) Promote and assist in the creation and development of children's clubs, associations or groups (children's clubs) and networks linking the communication of these clubs in the space of their local lives and in the cyber sphere.

Action project for this construction

The mapping of visions, proposals and commitments? of the children's population on the environment and sustainable development consolidated in children's discussion forums (national, state and municipal with free access to participation or not by children from other countries) on the thematic axes of Agenda 21, Earth Charter, Planetary Rule of Law and the life systems of children in each territory

Facilitating the self-creation of clubs through the joint will of three or more children from each territory, whether or not using existing examples in the world. such as the? Club? of the turtle of the RAN/Ibama in Brazil and others

2. The role of the Executive team in the process

a) Promote in its areas of activity - national, state, municipal and international - meetings, seminars and debates for children aimed at the construction of its Children's Agenda 21 and install the movement and dissemination of the process and proposal for the establishment of the unit and strengthening of children on their own social networks and sharing their views. Children's events, festivals and conferences where adults have no right to voice or the right to teach or correct children's expression. Adults only have the right to observation, advice, security assistance and guarantee of democratic and peaceful relations. food care and scheduling of children's presentations involving discipline of conduct between the parties under the provisions of the CDC, arrangement of exchange trips and articulation of support for the process and publication of its results.

b) Ensure approval of children's participation in the process by parents, schools and teachers who may be interested in the organization and development of the process.

c) Seek the creation and development of direct dialogue between children and local authorities to present the visions and collective responsibilities assumed by them in their collective agendas and declarations and to respond to questions that these authorities may raise about their visions.

d) Ensure in programming that the UN, international and national organizations of actions linked to children, including their schools and teachers, fathers and mothers are specifically involved. Their right to voice is only open to questions in parallel meetings where children present the visions, proposals and commitments made by them. There cannot be artistic presentations by adults.

e) Form teams of facilitators and reporters of discussions of the child population, in accordance with the structure of freedom of expression, linguistics and deliberation carried out by children.

Guideline for this action

a) Carry out the articulation of the process according to each condition and possibility of social mobilization by interested parties

b) Use as a model the CCBM for the expression of children's declarations and commitments defined collectively among themselves and addressed to adults and the world and the CMS for their observations and questioning of adults' declarations and commitments addressed to children and the world. Remembering that CCBM created and approved the first treaties and collective declarations for children in the world.

c) Seek the integration of ministries, secretariats and commissions for the environment and education in the process as observers (without the right to voice if they are not called upon by the children to issue questions or opinions) of the organization and implementation of children's Agendas 21 as a basis for a national policy for organizing children based on freedom guidelines compiled by the UN in direct alliance with family and labor, economic, social, political, military and religious civil society.

d) Encourage the establishment of a mission (and pact) of a social relationship between education and children, directly related to the child population as a subject of individual and collective social consciousness - therefore, a non-scientific, non-technical relationship and not of the teaching, based in the transmitting, perception and exchange of? know-how. So, basicaly promoting the human and planetary unity and security in the midst of and around any and all conflicts and wars..

e) Reduce as much as possible in their areas of care the purchases or consumption and promotion of games, films and war products with the promotion of gaming and competition disciplines for peace, security and defense of people (men and women) and the planet against violence and accident risks. The training of children based in the principles of unity of human cultural diversity of a military, police, economic and social or civic nature on the UN constitutional tripod

3. The role of the members of the 2024 PROJECT World Citizen Child X Family International in relation to children in an irregular situation.

Seek to create partnerships between companies, NGOs and government institutions focused on the basic principles of shared responsibility for generations in conditions of care, creation and development and not just protection of states for children in relation to the crimenality.

Demand the establishment and improvement of an effective relationship between the state and children as subjects of free expression, reproduction and development of the social order between them and the state itself – the children of God and Earth under insufficient family paternal/maternal in in absence or presence of conflicts, war, poverty, wealth. or natural catastrophes, discrimination or persecution.

Suggest the use of the network of State and Municipal Guardianship Councils by the government and civil society, linked not only to protection and policing. But take care of your freedom rights.

It means: promoting networks and divisions of councils and guardianship bodies in their states, policies and religions, focused on socio-community organization activities for the population of children in an irregular situation.

Guaranteeing them freedom to participate in the creation and development of conferences, clubs, associations or children's groups for children in regular living situations and in cooperative gaming events.

?Guideline for this action

To forwards suggestions in this direction to the Ministries of Education and Justice authorities in each territory or region. In order to strengthen council and guardianship networks to assist public policy plans at deactivate the device of marginality in infance and adolescence of children in situations of abandonment, vulnerability or removed from their biological families and subject to the markets. With an emphasis on social organization engineering? of children based on Children's Agenda 21, socio-environmental and human values of unity, dignity and achievement of world citizenship

4. The role of government and civil society in the process of organizing children.

Normally the role of governments is the usual role of fathers and mothers:

Establish good reception, care and trust for children in their areas of service to people, families, communities, states. Nations and planet – in this case the present, emerging or future world population in their homes, cities and territories.

Strategic suggestions in this direction

Support children's movements and clubs in their disposition? and ability to manage and influence environmental and social solidarity policies.

Continue encouraging children's participation as observers in issues involving environmental, the cultural ordering management? and govermental. And you can adopted as exemole? the actions of City Montessori School in the Conference of Chief Justices of the World.

Give visibility to children's actions and campaigns on the implementation of Children's Agenda 21 and associated social direction.

5. What can Governments do?

a) Seek the inclusion of the theme, “Children’s Agenda 21” in all schools and councils, regardless of their curriculum or extracurricular teaching programs. .

b) Ensure that every School and Council provides a physical space and time that encompasses the objective of creating and meeting discussion groups or children's clubs - making this space and time available in their agendas for all students or children aged 6 to 14 , with the guarantee of assistance from its teachers and agents. At least once a week or every 15 days.

c) Encourage companies to sponsor exchange of know-how? for children to be carried out by volunteers and professionals who work in NGOs and/or Therapeutic Communities and environmental.

?d) Issue messages from Children's Agenda 21 or clubs on their communication networks and guarantee at least 30 minutes a day on their states' television networks for children's communications.


Here is the general map of the project for use by anyone interested. I hope that in the light of these coordinates everyone can move towards preparing and strengthening the current and next generations of children, societies, governments, the security system, justice and law on the planet for the planetary era and interplanetary relations.

With love, peace and light.

Divine Roberto Veríssimo


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