2024 Primary Election – Dems Grassroot Debate Events…..Preview Formidable Opposition to GOP

2024 Primary Election – Dems Grassroot Debate Events…..Preview Formidable Opposition to GOP

Each week is packed with so much activity not to mention a plethora of news events that hit the atmosphere in each twenty-four hour cycle.

The Old Yankee would say….

…make hay while the sun shines

?Driving past John Paul’s Flat outside of town-- nothing has changed

..as this summer of hot days and ample rains have produced a bumper crop that are all now tightly bailed –for their final drying in the August Sunshine


The local county Blue & Red Team committees have been also out in the field

…each with their own specific methodology

Like everything in America today it is a Tale of Two Cities

…distinctly different cultures that have so little in common

…except one thing --- everyone wants to get elected in November


I’ve enjoyed my retirement with the freedom to be like a research scientist on some psycho-social study.

My activities are highly unusual for we have become segmented into these Siloed Mindsets

…Extremism promoted by our State Media and the MAGA Media

…for us to believe-- ?that those people are very different than us ?

The question that I’m asking

Are we actually that different?


My attendance of Democratic events has resulted in two brutal angry call downs by NHGOP party execs

…of which I listen with patience

There are questions about your activities ..but mostly about your loyalty.


One of the wonderful things about having spent your entire life serving others is how your body of work proceeds you all the time

—for its greater than you personally ?

My simple response is to state a snippet of my GOP CV which of course these folks do not know –for they never do their homework

I’ll admit I’m dismissive of their poor behavior as it is symptomatic of a much deeper pathology in the current GOP


Over the last five years it seems that my constant attention in my research/writing is the pervasive mental illness crisis that the Pandemic did not induce but only exasperated to surface.


My call downs have been angry, finger pointing, hand waving crazy encounters that border on the definition of assault – ugly


This mindset is where so much of the energy is directed which comes from the Top of the GOP Ticket

…..that calls people names, questions their ethnic background

…while engaging in a non-substantive “discussion” – absent of detailed specifics

– where’s the beef?

Without such intellectual wrappings the entire effort possesses a highly emotionally infused Fight or Flight reciprocal reaction.

More troubling the non-existence of open debate here in New Hampshire as our gubernatorial candidates do not have any type of county-to-county debate event road show like their opposition but instead in light within that collective passive aggressive repressed emotionalism – short on intellectual details

…..Red Team Candidates send out derisive post cards

There is little to no attempt to inform the voter on the point-by-point specifics, of Housing, School funding, Economics, Individual rights --ect

The positions of most of these GOP candidates are a matter of conjecture. ??

The Red Team Culture can best be described as defused, defocused and disunited….with lots of concerns about funding that is also not well coordinated.


The Blue Team Culture is a world apart …truly another universe

Huge Grassroot Movement under way for the Election Primary that is motivated by well defined issues that are articulated at local meetings, re-enforced by Candidate Guest Speakers, Debate Forums at Election Office openings with national surrogates.

Blue Team voters are better informed of the specifics and the difference I observe in this election cycle are not as angry at their Red Team neighbors

…..but absolutely perplexed at their mindset and behavior.


Therein lies one of the enormous differences is this non-visceral response which even for Trump has softened in the Blue Team's level of vitriol


Both Reds and Blues view the election from an existential basis

Reds --- the Wokesters want to destroy American Civilization

In their defense the “extremism” exerted by the Biden Administration has targeted conservative elements/aspects of American Society while introducing experimental/questionable practices that are not congruent with what most citizens want.

The results of this have been a steady decline in the quality of life within an economy that now has produced a 36T USD National Debt …but more significantly 4T USD in personal credit card debt

As much ..as I pride myself as being an Independent Critical Thinker

…on this matter there is a fast pivot to the Center by the Left who now has some type of amnesia of all the harm they’ve created

…some will call it a corrective improvement, but their absence of ownership is what justifies the upset of Red Team Voters


Blue Team Voters feel the stifling constriction of Red Team Culture

…limiting rights – freedom

…most especially a Women’s Right to choose,

..rights on voting, gender..ect—long list

Voucher War on Public Education—the bedrock of their vision of Democracy

These constrictive inconsistencies of Red Team “freedom” rhetoric to their legislative and SCOTUS actions are a true and present threat


Blue Team are master craftmen/women of animating a compelling narrative


I listen to the soft-skills presentation of Cinde/ Joyce that are warm, empathetic, specifically informative with stories to convey the realities that many of us live with

..they are convincing for they testify to the truths that the Red Team chooses to gloss over or far worse never breach the subject to talk about at all

The Red Team will accuse the Cinde/ Joyces of radically attempting to transform American Society

..if that is the case than my well educated set of ears did not hear this


To a working class boy of immigrant stock marginalized my entire life in this Anglo-American Culture

..I heard repeatedly ----one word over and over again from these speakers


…an Inclusive Opportunity which lifts all the boats up

This has been the collective story of my tribe who traversed the entire spectrum starting at ground zero


Yes ..there have been lots of mistakes by the Blue Team but the message I’m experiencing here is this strong belief that you just must keep on trying.

What would strengthen their hand considerable is owning some to the egregious thinking inflicted on American Society over the last four years by the Biden Administration.


As of this writing – The Blue Team’s presentation, call to action, defense of the those that cannot speak and willingness to compromise and work across the aisle is a far more compelling message than I am hearing from the Red Team


In NH the Country Club GOP coronation of their candidate who speaks with none of these specificities or dares to debate the merits with her more populous opponent

….. in no less a Debate Forum Event

..or an open Q & A format from the debate audience

..reveals the huge Leadership Gap between

Cinde/ Joyce ....and her


While this Rose Garden approach may work well for the Primary


..what awaits her starting Sept 11th is a formidable opposition that just like the Yankee Farmer

…doing the spade work, tending the field, cultivating the crop


The impressive Blue Team grassroots roll out has been so organic that it has just blended into the summer season


Success is ninety percent preparation and ten percent determination?

With that as a measure

The Blue Team is a country mile ahead of their competitors


Only time will tell how the tea leaves divulge the future unfolding events


Once again to the Sullivan County Dems my thanks for the hospitality extended to your Red Team neighbor.

Good Luck








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