2024 will be more interesting than normal.
Paul O'Neill
Sales & Golf Operations Manager at Westport Golf Club. Golf columnist with the Connaught Telegraph, Tik Tok & Twitter contributor. Airbnb host.
Well lads, it all kicks off again next Thursday with the opening event on the 2024 PGA Tour taking place in Hawaii. A who’s who will come under starters orders and golf fans will be able to discuss some actual golf as opposed to the multitude of topics that although may be of some relevance to the top players in the world doesn’t affect the normal club golfer. In summary it will be nice to see some actual action with the majority of both Italian Ryder Cup teams participating. From a domestic point of view there will be huge interest in the fortunes of Ludvig ?berg and Viktor Hovland who as of yet have not been approached by dark side or at least have advised Mr. Norman and Co. that tradition is more important to them, rather than turning up to play a pro-celebrity version of their beautiful game.
The prediction matrix is a classic for golf fans in January and with no form to go on one should participate for amusement value only and not fall into the trap of putting hard cash where your mouth is. If 2023 told us anything about the Majors, it was that each of the 4 events is a lottery and there is seldom a clear favourite. The only new caveat to the most common question in golf is that those who play the 54-hole version don’t seem to be at a disadvantage when the Majors are up for grabs. On a personal level as usual I’ll be monitoring Rory’s play from behind the couch at each of the events but don’t anticipate him adding to the four Majors he already has. My view of the season will be blinkered by the European’s overall performance, and I hope to see at least 2 Majors fall under the European flag of 12 golden stars.
For those of you who don’t understand the concept of been a member of club and just want to stick to playing with you normal fourball, not supporting club competitions, complaining about the most minor of inconveniences, avoiding the club bar and restaurant and generally not adding to the club vibe, allow me to encourage you to at least participate in one club activity this year. Please pay your annual subscription as quickly as possible by either signing up to the direct debit facility or dropping into the club office this week. Even more importantly for those of you in bigger clubs that may have a waiting list; if you don’t intend rejoining just let somebody know so that the person on the waiting list can be in receipt of a late Christmas gift.
Another underutilised habit that is very common is most golf clubs is an unwillingness to take a pre-season golf lesson with your local club professional. Don’t wait till talk of the Masters and no relief for club competitions. Contact your local professional and get them to have a look at the weakest part of your game. Happy New Year.