Thanks to Mark Barker of Interlake


I love saying that to people. Every now and again, someone will get it.

For those that are not familiar - that was said by Eddie Murphy in his role as Billy Ray Valentine in the movie Trading Places. It is a really great move that is not only funny, but is a great study in nature (Eddie Murphy's character) vs nurture (Dan Ackroyd's character). The climax of the movie centers around market manipulation with orange juice futures. Part of Dodd-Frank tries to counter this exact type of insider trading.

Bit of a warning - the movie was made in the early 80's and some of the language/content is not for everyone.

2023 was a great year for the podcast. We had a wide range of guests and really got to focus on a few significant topics for the podcast, including the first one which was new.

So what are will the podcast bring for next year?

  • Finance and Fundraising: Given the importance of having, getting and maintaining finance for the maritime tech space, I will be featuring more voices from this space.
  • Cybersecurity: This year we featured Youri Hart, who talked about the importance of cybersecurity. We will be expanding that topic even more.
  • Charterers: We have spoken to owners, vendors, financiers, USCG Admirals, CEO's, Founders and beyond. We have yet to get a charterer on. If you or someone you know is a chartering person and want to come on the podcast let me know.

Of course the podcast relies on your support. Here are some ways to help

  • Follow the podcast: Click on the plus button in your favorite podcast provider
  • Subscribe to this newsletter, if you are not already
  • Tell a friend and pass the word on
  • Leave a 5 star review. That helps my algorithm.
  • Donate at Buy Me A Coffee.
  • Sponsor I am always looking support this way as well. FYI - the podcast is now part of the KVH Crew Wellness Platform.

Thank you all who have listened and provided support over this year and beyond.

I am looking forward to building out the podcast, its content and reach.

Wishing you fair winds and following seas


PS if you were a guest this year and I did not put you in one of these categories - let me know - Ill make sure to add it!

Soon close fro



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